⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️-There's already over 4 billion people, already operating on a gold back currency, starting off with Russia, China and India, Brazil, South Africa-🤩
※Since this is a summary of the last two sessions, it is a bit long 🙏
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️
To the end of October between now and the end of October are gonna blow people's minds.
The next couple of weeks are going to be fascinating.
You'll see so much happening.
Nothin can stop what is coming.
Because God has won❣🥰
It's started with Mara-A-Lago.
What they did there was totally against the law and totally wrong.
But what it did allow was this was a trap that was set by Trump.
And the stuff that they've got from Mar-A-Lago will become public.
Because he declassified it and that was the easiest way to get it into the public domain.
So you'll find exactly the same will happen with Mike Lindell and all of those other ones, Sidney Powell, that have all been attacked by the FBI.
※They were also raided by the FBI, and their cell phones and other items were seized.
Quite clearly the FBI are not what they're supposed to be.
Because if they were at the Federal Bureau for investigations.
They have investigated the Clinton emails, Hunter Biden's laptop.
But it's you can we can now see very, very clearly they are 100% controlled by the Democratic Party.
There is a rogue element within the FBI is completely anti Trump and then they had to do with.
There are also good FBI agents, and quite a few of them who want to come clean, and expose Obama.
And they are at the moment in current negotiations with the right people.
There will be a Black Swan event and I would think that will happen before the 1st of November.
What what will happen between now and November is we'll see many, many things happen that destroy the deep state and the cabal.
We'll see the collapse.
They called the Vatican, have called in all their assets to be drawn back to the Vatican by October 1st.
It's not just all their assets.
They're now referring to all of their bank notes and all of their coins.
This is being done.
They're no longer in control.
Doesn't matter at all, if all the bank notes and all the coins go back, so the Vatican doesn't matter at all.
Because they're just paper.
They have no backing, they have no value.
As we move forward into the quantum financial system, you're moving into a system that has value.
There's already over 4 billion people, already operating on a gold back currency, starting off with Russia, China and India, Brazil, South Africa. ✨✨😍
It's already started. But for the you know because that because media is not telling you.
The fact that in the protocol of the Queen's death for the for the last 40 years, it's been laid out that it will be 10 days of morning.
Suddenly the 17 days, which tells you there's a bit more to do than they thought there was, so there's an awful lot to do.
Germany will fall first in Europe and will be the first to leave the EU.
Whether Maxwell, whether it's Epstein, whether it's Podesta, they all could not shut up about dropping names, because the minute that these people, they have no honor, they have no code. 😂
They're not like the old mafia that they had a code.
They all...even Hillary Clinton couldn't shut up. 🤣
She was blaming everybody except her.
That's made the job a lot easier.
As to why they haven't released the names of the people that were involved in the in her trial in New York and nothing has happened about Hunter Biden's laptop.
Nothing has happened about all the Intel who came for the last six months.
And you just see that they're gathering, gathering, gathering so that when they drop it, it drops like a bomb and everything falls apart. 💣💥😆
Every everything is in very, very good shape, Trump is on top form and the whole team are there, they're very, very positive.
General Flynn is a military man and his job is to manage what's going on.
So I can assure you of Trump is good (because I can contact Gen. Flynn directly).
We're very very close to China going into Taiwan.
And it will be a short sharp shock in there as well and it won't be prolonged.
I don't think Prince Charles will survive and he'll abdicate.
We already know with the royal family (what they are evil).
They're not honourable people when it comes to the Queen had affair with Lord Porchester.
It's Prince Andrew was bought Prince and Princess Anne was unfaithful.
Prince Charles was unfaithful.
There is also the issue of his first born son in Australia, which will come out.
He never stopped seeing Camilla throughout the whole thing.
And then it's the biggest, the biggest question is he's super close relationship to world famous pedophile Jimmy Savile.
And then he's brothers been on charge of New York for underage.
Which the woman (Maxwell) involved is now being convicted of sex trafficking.
So Charles involved in child trafficking and sex trafficking.
Yet the media have promoted this family has been the people to look up to.😂
Why will Israel be the last to go?
The same as mainstream media and the mainstream media is all run from his role.
All of the owners are Israel, Israeli passport holders.
That was a very important thing that General Flynn said. 【Donald Trump is not gonna save you.】
People go what you mean what you mean?
What it means is you gotta save yourself.
And we've all had, I've often thought about that, saying that I used to say two years ago.
It's not what's surrounds you, it's what's within you.
And it's and each individual person's gotta get off their backsides and save themselves.
God is the creator and made us.
God made us in his image.
As creators, brother, we are all creators.
Don't moan about your what's surrounding.
It's down to you to create your future.
Nobody else. Leave it to somebody else.
And you won't land up where you wanna be.
Get off your backside and create your own future.
Create heaven on Earth if that's what you want.
If you don't, you'll end up with chaos in there.
But nobody's coming to save me.
You gotta do it yourself.
And if you look at most of the millionaires in the world, most of them. without a shirt, hand early on in life?
And they had to get off their backside and do something.
They learn that nobody was going to save them.
So I learned at the age of 23, when my father shut the door in my face, I no longer had a safety net.
I had to survive and it was probably the best thing, the most painful thing, and the best thing that ever happened to me has a man.
It snapped me out from being a boy very, very quickly because I had no safety net, right?
And then when you, you go through life and you learn.
That you control your own destiny and there is no safety Nets you.
Can you make a mistake?
It down to you can't blame anybody else. Down to you.
I wonder what the upcoming second half of September and October will bring to the public⁉😁
Let's keep the vibes up and enjoy the excitement❣🥰