⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward's Insider Video⚜️-People hold in front of the Nuremberg style trials which are being held already⁉-👀
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward's Insider Video⚜️
This time, Dr. Charlie was told [not to take video], so he only spoke for about 10 minutes at the end, and Simon Parks came as a guest to talk about things instead. 🙏
They realize the one that everybody wanted, which is option five, option five is the one that's happened and they've got. But of course, at this stage most people haven't realized. Everybody wanted to sweep the Senate and they wanted to sweep the lower house.
That is not a quick option. This option is option 5 which is basically big red wave reduced to a red, red ripple and all of the 16 cyber teams were never in the states they were advertised. The 16 cyber teams were placed where nobody expected, and one of them was Maricopa County in Arizona, and the White Hats were after a very special piece of information, which they've got.
In the American system, if you do something wrong, you don't correct it. And then you compound a felony by doing again, it makes it treason.
These guys fiddled the 2020 election. They didn't put it right, and they've gone and done it again in the 2022 election they've compounded the felony, which is now treason.
This is a sting operation and they fallen into it head first. So that is why I'm not downbeat. This is option five. It is exactly what I wanted. There was happening all over the place this Maricopa County was a particularly badly affected one. There were 5 Dominion machines connected to the Internet in Maricopa County.
If Biden is still there, Biden has to be removed, and the best. The quickest way to remove Biden is to prove massive forward on a scale unprecedented. This is the way to do it now.
They're attacking Trump. Republicans who would never have shown up until this moment and there's even one woman who was the assistant secretary assistant to Trump when he was in office who are now feeling emboldened coming out saying, but Ron DeSantis should be the Republican nominee for the president and not Trump. So even at this late stage, people who we thought were our friends are finally being flushed out.
We've got CC members in Brazil who've been connecting with us through signal, so we know 24/7 what's occurring. We know hundreds of thousands of people have been around the marine barracks. We've got videos that have been sent to us on signal of the military officers coming up discussions.
They, the American people had all this happened to them in 2020, and it was new to them and it knocked the stuffing out of them and for many of them didn't believe it anyway. So here we go again. It's replicated. So people think, OK, this is the second time it's happened. I'm not caught on the back foot this time. The people behind the fraudulent election in Brazil are the same people behind the fortunate election in America.
I think Trump has got a plan A and a Plan B. I think that if everything's gone right, you'll do plan A, which is military intervention. He may talk about NESARA GESARA. Plan B might well be if there's a delay. And he's got to soften it a bit using maybe the EBS system.
Who make that announcement, though? So, for example, Trump's not publicly acknowledged as the real presence come from the military, it could possibly come from SCOTUS. But under the military, laws that Trump brought into office, go just doesn't actually have a role to military law running. It would have to be from the military. It's the only independent body that anyone would listen to.
Just wanted to let your insiders know that Charlie did a very good service for the White Hats and to the general population of America he put out. He discussed it with me first and I have to say that they put it out.
Later that same day, that he had a psychic connect with him and the psychic had said there was gonna be a false flag, etc...And he ran with that. The reason he did was he was asked to do that on a month to your insiders, to be very clear on this that the Deep State was indeed planning a very serious false flag. What Charlie did was by putting that out, because, remember, he's the official voice of the content team.
By putting that out, the Deep State realized that they had been second guessed, that the White Hats were aware they were planning looks like and they pulled it. Charlie has had a congratulations from some very high up people and I just want your insiders to know that that he did it deliberately, he did it to to draw the enemies fire and they did not go ahead with their false flag.
The point is that what's happening is and it's really important player. It's drawing out a lot of people who we thought were very close to us and they are actually saying they want Ros DeSantis to be the next president for the Republican Party.
So what's happening is that some Deep States who are deeply embedded and who hadn't been detected and now surfacing, trashing Trump saying that Trump got it wrong. Trump probably the party, and they're throwing their weight behind onto DeSantis.
We've had a lot of great, great meetings with him. You know, lots of CC coordinators, members have been to the Governors residence. They've met him, he's been very kind and very honorable to see C members. But all I can tell you is that a couple of quite influential people, just perhaps two to three hours ago of come out attacked Trump and throwing their weight behind DeSantis.
We have to be very careful. I think, I mean, I will always support Trump because I know what's behind him. And I don't know whether this is a game between Trump and DeSantis deliberately playing it to draw out the bad guys would be the first time that's happened. Or whether or whether this is a real split between the two. Just don't know.
Trump turned up in 2016. When asked what are you bringing to the table, he said 2000 generals. I don't think DeSantis can fall out a sheet of paper with the names of 2000 generals on it. So it's no contest. It is the military supporting Trump.
And remember that about two weeks ago that the military pulled in all of the governors across all the states depending on whether they were good governors, they got the full briefing. If they were a bit dodgy, then they only got some of the briefing. And of course DeSantis would have got some briefing. Remember, he was one of the few governors who was allowed to form a National Guard within the National Guard, so DeSantis was allowed to form a separate group. So he does command a lot of respect and we'll just see how it plays out.
Q : We also know that Dominion voting machines were used in the Brazilian presidential election. Are American DS and Biden involved in what happened in Brazil?
Brazil is a BRICS country. They would love to do is to derail BRICS, which is to attack Russia by taking over. Brazil, which is a BRICS country and try to derail the RV. So that's why they did it. Not for any other reason. They wanted to have a go at Russia to undo the BRICS operation and to try to stop the RV.
Iraq have said we're not going to settle any accounts in dollars anymore. People don't want them. And they're really panicking because the deep state have been playing these tricks, invading countries with the for the vast resources, the minerals, the oil, the petroleum, they're they're, they're iron ore and whatever. All of these other natural resources that they need. But they stop the Petro dollar.
So you see one of the reasons the RV is not gone, it's because Trump specifically said to the generals that he didn't want the RV because there was a real danger that millions would fall into the hands of political parties. And when you are involved with RV money, one of the key rules is it cannot be used for political operations at all. And there is a 55 age online booklet that contains the names of every individual and every company that you are not allowed to trade with you. And this is an online booklet which anyone who's you know gets the RV will be given and it's regularly updated once or twice a day.
And one of those rules is that you cannot use any RV money that you've given to support a political parties who Trump was very, very strong and the generals, he didn't want the RV. This side of it. Now he's still saying he wants to hold back on it because there are going to be legal challenges to these elections, and he doesn't want RV money going to one side or the other to pay lawyers bills. It's the humanitarian funds must not be used for politics. Just wanted to let people know that the RV can't go at the moment.
It makes sense as well. I don't think we're ready for it. Michelle Fielding said that there is an indictment for Trump but she doesn't feel he might be questioned but When people say Trump's getting arrested, people always think about the word arrested being convicted. I've been arrested 300 times. Never been convicted of anything. An arrest has nothing. It's just sit there while we ask you a few questions.
They take the other thing is that it's not a court that's indicting him into the house. Committee, it's completely different. What they're pulling in for is to come before the Chamber and answer questions about January 6, which he knows very little about.
One of the reasons that Charlie is not here. It's because he's having special meetings. And I can assure you that that the people he's having meetings with don't have handcuffs on and have no intention of having them on. But if it plays to a certain audience, then that's what happens.
When Truthers or Intel experts give Intel. A lot of people make the mistake of thinking that Intel is for them. Your insiders is infected with with black hats just as my CC organization has black hats and they're in it to try to gain information to second guess what is going on. 46:17
The reason they're in my organization and and Charlie's organization, it's because they know that we both have access to very credible Intel.
So remember, a lot of the information or Intel that comes out is designed to lead the bad boys up the model path.
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️
It was actually 76, not 74% that Kari Lake was winning by when they close. Over 75% and that's absolutely massive. That's absolutely massive. I heard Simon tell you that the information that I received with regard to, a false flag event prevented them doing it.
I did catch Simon, he was bang on right. About this being the second election that's been visually take stolen, or they're trying to steal.
Now the evidence of all the machines breaking down, but only in Republican States.
We're already seeing people hold in front of the Nuremberg style trials which are being held already in Malaysia. And they will be having happening in Europe and they will only be there. They'll be the first doctor, won't it? It gets hung in public in Holland. I mean it's very interesting.
I watched Piers Morgan earlier having another conversation with Andrew Tate and they're like that you can see the desperation that they're. Ignorance is no defense. These people are professional journalists. But we're doing a better job than they are.
Appears Morgan will have to stand in front of a Nuremberg trial. And face the consequences of going out there and promoting a vaccine just on a narrative, not on facts and then threatening people.
The parallel universe for those people who are gonna be stuck in the old paradigm. And those people that are coming with us are gonna live in a world of abundance, of world of freedom, a world of joy, a world of happiness, a world without war. The good thing is, is those that stuff on the old paradigm, they're gonna be fighting each other and destroying each other. That's absolute karma is that.
I've been asked not to talk about, but you can rest assured that there there's an awful lot of good things that are happening. We're in a good place.
The man that runs, Mar-A-Lago, the main man. I'm not gonna mention his name publicly. The main man I spoke to the other day and he said my dad's been following you for two years.
I asked the audience to four and a half thousand people there, one question or two questions actually when I was in Branson, MO. I said, how many of you, how many of you people believe in God? Of course, they all put their hands up. Then I asked how many of you people trust God implicitly, and they all put their hands up. Then I asked, so why are you worried? What happens on Tuesday? And you could hear this sort of groan goes to the audience. That this is very much a test for all of us as to our belief in God, our trust in God. And this is a war between God and Satan, between good and evil, and this is a spiritual journey.
What happened yesterday (11th)? Flash out a lot, but a lot of people that don't have the stamina for this journey. And somebody showed me something beautiful the other day of a man digging a hole trying to find gold and he missed it by half an inch. It was right above his head.
That's very much what we showed through now. A lot of people have been digging, digging, digging some for 20 years. And we're so close to it. And yet they've just given up and turned around and gone out the door. They've lost faith. God is testing every one of us right now beyond belief. And this is why Simon and I were put on this journey, and Mahoney and Drew...We're all put on this journey for a reason to keep those that are following us, keep their spirits up.
I can assure you what we're coming into and they told me not to do any videos, but I said I'm gonna try and help out if I can and just to keep everybody positive because we're in a super, super exciting time right now. And we're just, I'm just grateful to be alive, being given this opportunity, which is unbelievable. It's unbelievable. Every single person in this opportunity is unbelievable.
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