
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️-Prince William is the son of Princess Diana and former King Juan Carlos of Spain-

⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️

※The attached photos are attached at my sole discretion 🙏

Most people in the United Kingdom, whether you're a Royalist or not, understand that Queen Elizabeth was German descent Saxe-Coburg and most people know the Prince Philip was Greek.
As Dave and I know from Greg Hallett day, they assumed the role, but they one thing that money. I both had worked out early on was that they took the people with them.
So it was a bit like a mafia move, but the people liked them, the people loved them and that's one of the critical things on this thing, that they took the people with them.

Something that was brought to my attention by a whistleblower who works for the royal family and a Secret Service agent who works for the royal family. It was very interesting that the actual royal bloodline in the British royal family, only came to be when Princess Diana Spencer joined the royal household. Now Diana being a Spencer from the Spencer household, which goes back to Winston Churchill is officially the royal bloodline. That's why she was ushered in to be the royal bloodline.

【The Royal descent of the prince of Wales and Lady Diana Spencer from Henry Ⅶ 】

I don't know how cynical the royal family are, but it's very interesting that Prince Charles was not the father of Prince William, King Juan Carlos of Spain was.

He is from the European royal bloodline. Which then makes Prince William not 1/2 Royal bloodline, but a full royal bloodline between King Juan Carlos and Princess Diana.

【Princess Diana & King Carlos & William】

【Princess Diana & King Carlos families】

It also makes Prince Charles illegitimate as a king and that may well be why in the Houses of Parliament. Every single Member of Parliament did not take an oath to King Charles the third because they would know this exactly.

※That video has been released where they took all the footage of them not saying the word third, just King Charles.

When they all sworn out to King Charles, not King Charles the third, that was a huge wake up call hang on a second, what's going on here? They will probably remove Charles. He'll probably die of something very, very soon because the public are waking up to the truth. The easiest thing to do is to die over blood clot or of an old age, because he's old anyway and he's passed his sell by date, so we'll have to wait and see what actually happens there.

Prince William technically is a royal bloodline. Because of his mother and because of her relationship with King Juan Carlos of Spain. That's one piece of Intel, which is very interesting.

Donald Trump right now is actually baiting the Democrat party. He's basically saying come on then boys, if you think that you can, arresting me, is gonna help you win the mid.

Eugene Carroll, I mean she's come up with this story about Trump raped me all these years ago. I've watched her interview I read psychology. I studied body language for five years. Even I could tell instantaneously as I watched her interview that she was lying. There was no truth in there at all. There are very, very simple telltale signs for people who understand body language and I always like this simple one of when you're driving this is the way that it's so easy to catch people in a car. The body language if you've done something wrong, your first reaction is to scratch your head. That's basic, simple body language training.

But there are many, many complex issues. So when I saw her come out with her testimony or her interview or what have you. Very interesting that there's no accurate detail. She can't remember where it was. She can't remember what day it was and all this can't remember this.
Everything that's happening now in in the public domain happened two years ago.

When you start investigating what happened in the World Trade Center (911). You will find out and about a year before it collapsed. A change the cleaning company, they changed the management company. They changed everybody to their own people. So that they could actually put all the detonation in place under the cover of darkness at night when nobody was around but they had all the right people in place. So that nobody could interfere, nobody could blow the whistle. These people were very well paid. So they managed to get in to put the detonation in, they managed to get in to do remove everything that needs to be removed in time.

We're gonna see the FBI collapse, the CIA collapse. The all of the security agencies collapse.

The Bank of England, the European Central Bank, the British Gov, the American Gov. are in collapse right now. France, Germany, Poland, Australia, Canada, New Zealand and South Africa the government in collapsed.
The Bank of England made it very clear that they were no longer going to be buying gilts and they are in a lose, there is no win. When the Bank of England collapses with immediate effect, the European Union will collapse because the European Central Bank will collapse, because they all depend on good old Bank of England.
So we are seeing the complete dismantling and the collapse from everything that's been done for the last two years that was put in place to collapse it. It's a controlled demolition.

I did get CNN following me the other day, which I thought was entertaining. I never thought I'd see the day that CNN would be following me.

The reason that they won't be able to have election, they've got about four or five reasons they're gonna try and stop it. One, they're trying to create riots, which we knew they would try and do. Any rioting will be done by Antifa or by Black Lives Matter.

Sharon Osborne who was on Britain's Got Talent, she's donated 900,000 to Black Lives Matter. Now she's found out it never, ever went to a black person at all. She wants her money back. She's super angry that it's all gone to the Biden campaign. And not a penny of it went to black people at all. It was a scam.

I'm trying to establish the level of doctors who got paid at the top the $4.5 billion that was spent by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers to pay the top doctors to tell the doctors down the chain to stick to the narrative.
Because it's the ones that got paid that I want and they're very well protected at the top. I said a high ranking one that have you taken any money. And he said, well, they didn't sanctify us to give the jab. For each jab we got, we got a bonus.

I said I'm not gonna judge you. But God will judge you. And you will be in front of a military tribunal. And I hope you've got a very strong case. Because you will be held 100% response.

Letitia James., she's basically a Hore, a prostitute. She does anything they say because they pay her. But who's paying her? Who are the puppet masters well. Barack Obama, the Clintons these were the puppet masters, but they were just baby puppets because the people behind them were pulling the strings. There's a hierarchy there. There's a hierarchy and they all went back to the Phoenician families, what we're seeing at the moment.

There is a lot of people who bought Dinar and Dong. I didn't buy a lot of them. Because I didn't know what I was doing. I was told that they were a great thing to buy because if there was a revaluation then we'd be in a good place. That was three years ago. And so I didn't spend money I couldn't afford to lose. To me it was a gamble because I didn't know anything about them and I bought them. And I've been told that the Zim, the Dinar and the Dong could if they exchange, if the RV comes into play, they could be worth their face value.

I had some inside information today which blew my mind. I said very clearly two years ago that the collapse of the world's economy, we bring house prices back to what the 1950s were so that you could buy a house for two years salary.
There are houses being sold today in Spain from BBVA (Banco Bilbao Vizcaya) for under 3000 euros. The question is why? I don't know why. I only found out today that somebody has bought a property somewhere in Spain for 3000 euros. I need to do some research and find out exactly what's going on there.

This winter could be horrible. Because of the fact that there's no fuel in front already. They're running out of fuel. And this is why I've told people to prepare. In fact, not just me all of MarkZ and all the rest of them, many, many people have told to prepare for a long, dark winter. It's going to be tough.

So make sure that you've got your stuff in order. But if it doesn't happen, brilliant. But be prepared for the worst. Make sure you've got blankets. Make sure you've got some form of war. I bought a generator nine months ago. Because I knew there was no point leaving it until then. When we run out of electric, just that generator would cost me double. We bought rice and all the stuff that we needed if it goes the way that we've been told. So let's wait and see.

I expected there was something between Princess Diana and King Carlos since I had seen the attached photos before, but I never thought that King Carlos was Prince William's father since Prince William also looks like Charles when he was younger❣😲

BTW, it is said that William and Harry, who are currently out in the open, will be replaced with clones around 2019, as they do not work according to the Queen Elizabeth's instructions, and the real ones are living elsewhere...but I'm not sure if this is true or not.

※👆I can't find any definite information on this and evidences, so please use your own judgment 🙏

I am looking forward to the emergency broadcast more and more❣🥰


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