
⚜️Medbed Q&A by Skye Prince②⚜️-Med Beds Won't Help You Ascend!?-

Skye Prince, she is the one who provides Med bed information from the Alliance etc.

🟢Additional information about NDA from Ms. Skye.
Until the beds in the centers are released to the public, I'll be getting them to sign an NDA as well. So that they can't say that I'm working at a Medvedev facility or we're building a Med bed facility. Because that then, invite unwanted guests, some of those unwanted guests may be violent. They may want your money. They may want the technology. You don't know what desperate people do, OK? So the less you announce it , the better. OK, the less you announce it, the better. So if you don't have to say anything to someone, then don't. It's the best way to be if they don't need to know, they absolutely do not need to know, then say nothing.

Q29:I've been paraplegic for the past 30 years. I know I'll be cured with the Med beds. My question is, after the procedure, will I be able to walk right away?

So the technical answer is yes, you will be able to walk right away. The reality answer is you will also need a bit of rehab to reconnect your brain with your legs and your body. Because it's been such a long time, so you will need retraining on how to walk again. So you'll have the strength and all in your legs, but your brain will not really recognize that you'll feel like you've been swimming for 20 days straight. So you will need some rehab, how much rehab or how long or totally depend on the amount of rehab you need, there might be a week, might be a month.

Q30:Does everyone get a magic wand at the end for their home?

No, not for quite some time. This technology is more for the centers eventually or will I need to go to physical rehab first.

Q31:Are you talking about the Terahertz Wand?

No, I'm not. No, this is a totally new thing. This is ET technology as well. ET or Secret space program, I don't know when it's new tech coming out, not the Terahertz Wand.

Q32:How long do you stay after you have the Med beds?

That depends on what you've had done. If you've just had a tooth, you literally come out of the bed, get out of your post procedure bed, go to the bathroom if you need to and walk out the door. If you've had age regression or you're now or you were a quadriplegic or paraplegic or very, very sick, then you may be transported after your bed to a healing Center for a couple of days, a couple of weeks, even a couple of months. It just depends. Again, remember, it's mental state as well, so the mental rehab is just as important. It's more important actually than the physical rehab.

Q33:Can we tell others about the forthcoming Med beds?

Yes, please do. Please do remember the non disclosure agreement is about funding. It's funding. It's not about the projects, it's not about the beds. It's about funding. But if you're working or you have a Med bed project or you're working in a Med bed project, helping it to develop, helping to build it, etc...I would not be sharing that you are about to get Med beds and people do not want to be told. The technology is sitting there, is ready to go. But hang on a second, I have to wait three months because of my appointment. When you can heal me right now, people are not gonna wanna hear that. Really, really important. Don't be blabbing off that you've got Med beds. Otherwise you're going to be in a whole world of trouble.

Q34:If you're being healed, what will happen to rods, plates, screws and hardware that were put in during surgeries?

They will be dissolved and discarded by the bed so you don't need any pre procedures or surgeries to remove them. The best that will do it, before healing, regrowing whatever the issue is OK, so don't worry.

Q35:Can the Med beds heal you from medically induced diabetes and keep you from needing the insulin I can't do anything physically to get off the insulin? I didn't get it the normal way.

Again. It's physical, guys. What you must understand is if your condition, your illness, your injury your whatever it is stems from a physical issue doesn't matter if it was done to you or if you tripped over and got a splinter. It's physical. OK. It can be cured, healed, or dramatically improved. We don't need to ask about our individual issues. If it's physical, the answer is yes. That's something that everybody needs to understand if you're issue is you, if your issue is physical, regardless of how you received it doesn't matter what it is.

Q36:Will you set up an incorporation or nonprofit organization for the center?

Me, I've no idea. I haven't got that far. All I know is exactly what I want to do. And I know the alliance is there to give guidance on all our legal stuff. So those questions I believe at the redemption appointment you'll also get a contact number for somebody who they call them your alliance contact who will be able to help you with building plans. To help you get around the corrupt system, those sorts of things. That's my understanding. So not only would you get details on how to apply to have Med beds in your project or how to use a Med bed yourself and for your dependence and managers, but also a contact to help with stuff.

Q37:If I'm hiring and I'm under an NDA, how will I hire?

Again, the NDA is for your funds. You can hire people, you just can't tell them how much you got and what happened in the redemption appointment. Remember, they're on a need to know basis. So it's only the NDA is only for funding.

Q38:Can the beds replace lost teeth?

One thing that is my understanding, what I have been told in quite great detail many times from the alliance is that in a general healing, so just a general basic healing, everybody will receive an entire new set of teeth. That's in a general basic healing. You don't even need to ask for new teeth or to fix a tooth, that will just be done. If you don't want a new set of teeth, you tell them and they cross that off in case, so they take that off the the general healing. But my understanding every single person will receive a new set of teeth without you asking about your teeth. You go in and they just replace that tooth.

For general healing, first up, everyone will receive new teeth. Complete new teeth.

Q39:What they would do if you have hearing issues going into the bed and they're telling me now, I haven't heard this before, what you would do, what they would do is?

When you come out of the bed instead of going into the post procedure forward you would go into a quiet room. Because once you wake up and you can hear, everything is going to be super, super loud. So they'll give you a quiet room so that you can acclimatize to the noise. Easier rather than everything coming at you at once.

Q40:I wanna use the Med beds for various things, such as repairing my eyesight, repairing my teeth would it be multiple sessions?

No. All in the same session, just the one session. Now, people that will have more than one session, they'll have multiple, are people with very complex medical issues that cannot be done all at once because it would be too much. For the person to cope with. It's very complex medical issues. We'll have more than one procedure, everyone else will just have one.

Q41:Can beds regrow hair for males?


Q42:In your opinion, would you go to redemption alone or with private security?

That's a good question. My family and I are tossing that up at the moment. Do we go alone or do we hire someone? I wish my guy was here in Australia, because I would take him. But unfortunately he's on the other side of the world, so, yeah, that's a personal decision. If you are gonna go redemption alone or with security. If you need to take your phone, and you can't get a burner phone, take your battery and SIM card out of your phone so your phone cannot be traced. Yeah, that's a personal decision. It's totally up to you. I know many people are taking security with them and many people who are not, so it's up to you.

Q43:In case of C-section for animals, they will give a birth naturally in the Med bed chamber and don't have to do surgery anymore, right?

Not in the Med bed? No, they will not go in the Med bed. They will have other technologies. What we have to remember that the Med beds are not the one thing, the one go to thing. There will be so many other things that can be used instead of the Med beds. You want most people say under 40 won't need a Med bed at all because they'll be other technologies that they can use, which is just as effective, which is perfect.

Your animals will be triaged according to their need. So 28 year old would take priority, 28 healthy 28 year old would take priority. Over a 19 year old that has a tooth issue simply because the age. simply because of the age. So the 19 year old is healthy, he just has a missing tooth. But the 28 year old being 28 an old, very old for a horse, quite old would be more of a priority Simply because death can come at any second for the 19 year old with a missing tooth is still pretty good. So yes, you will be able to tell them about pets, or they'll give you a number to call for your pets.

Q44:If people need an excuse as to how they suddenly received a ton of money.…how should I do?

I've got a job setting up a humanitarian project and this is part of it. So don't go round splashing your money. Don't go round splashing your money. Don't give people a reason to ask questions. Alright, don't give them a reason to ask. I know some people who are going on holidays for three months for the duration of their NDA. I know people who, after their Med bed procedure are planning on disappearing and changing their name and their whole, their whole friends and family unit, they're just disappearing. So don't give people an excuse to ask questions. Some people are going to be using they receive their inheritance. So just come up with an excuse. But don't put yourself in a position where you need to use it. No, just to see documents on bonds, they do ask to see them.

Q45:If you're granted the special corrections and wishes, does your family and friends need friends need to know about this upcoming change ahead?

This is where it gets complicated. Alright. If you have a big family and friend network, alright now you'll close family that you live with. Obviously will need to know if you've got cousins, aunties, uncles, nieces and nephews, I would suggest going on holidays or buying a house, a property where you're going to your project and moving onto it for a month, two months, three months, whatever. Get away from society a little bit and limit your contact. Just tell people you're going on holidays and go to your Med bed procedure and then go wherever you need to go. I have my mother, my brother and someone else here in Sydney, which I don't see very often, but we talk all the time on social media.

Q46:My body is quite androgynous. That's a big word for me. For a female. Is the Med bed able to make one's waste smaller?

Yes. Again, you will have to meet the minimum vibrational frequency for that. So everyone can get general healing, but if you want to change anything on your body, anything at all, you will need to be of higher vibrational frequency, and the more dramatic the train the change, the higher the frequency you will need. So for example age regression and you need to be a minimum. Absolute 5D minimum. Nothing, nothing less.

You wanna change your hair, you know that they put the minimal frequencies on it so people don't get dependent on it. OK to change their appearance. So you know how a lot of people that have plastic surgery, they all have body image issues. This is something that made beds are not going to be used for to correct your perception about yourself. So we can absolutely change the way we look, but it's because we are artists. We are already comfortable within our skin. So if you're not comfortable in your skin, then you need to get comfortable with it and you need to accept and understand and love every part of you before changing any part of you.

So if for example, I would love to drop the three kilos that I put on from when I stopped horse riding. But I can do that by going back to horse. Exercise to sculpt your body is the best way. But if there's something that you really don't like, then you need to like it to be able to change it. It's kind of the backwards thing. It's all about consciousness. It's not about making you the perfect person. It's about assisting in doing what you can't do. So some things that you can't do yourself, and you may need a bit of help with that, but you need to be perfectly fine with what you already have. If that makes sense. I didn't explain that very well.

Q47:Are you after the Med bed easier to ascend to 5D or 6D?

That depends on your level of consciousness. It literally depends on your own level of consciousness. So the Med bed won't help you ascend. That's totally up to you. And you can be doing that now. You don't need a Med bed to do that. Everything you can start now.

Q48:Can Med beds help improve effective speaking skills?

Yes, but again, it depends on the reason why you're speaking. Skills are not up to standard, I guess you could.

Q49:If you go through a regression after 30 years and you wanna change something on your face and darken your skin, do you show them a picture or how does that work?

So, with changing your body, not just regression, but changing your body. So you have an idea in your head of what you wanna look like.
If you want, which I have done and my family's done, and I recommend everybody does. Get on to Google or whatever and look up the different types of bodies for myself.

Because I wanna go back riding and competitive writing. You need to wear tight white pants. I look up bikini models. It's such a stupid thing, but it's I found the body that I really, really would like myself to look like. Picturing myself in white tight writing, pens bouncing around on a horse. With lots of flab is not the most appealing thing, not to me anyway. It's not being judgmental, it's just for esthetic and function reasons.

Having those extra kilos is very uncomfortable when you're bouncing up and down on a horse. So I went on Google and I looked at bikini model bodies and I found one so I've screenshot it. So I will take that photo in with me and I will show it to them and we will compare from the photo to the image on the screen. And then they will Photoshop the image on the on the computer screen to match or be very similar to the screenshot that I've taken off the bikini model. So you can take an image and you can do your best to match it. Or you might find that after the what the healing after having your healing would look would make you look like. You might prefer that. So just, have an image before you go in of what you would like to look like.

Q50:Why would we need age regression when the Med beds will make your body perfect?

Because some people want to extend their life. Age regression is to extend life, alright. It's not to make you just younger or better. It's literally to extend your life.

Q51:I want to know how all this can be secret if we have received funds, money for the project.

If he is selected all the money on a bank account some people can see it, no. The money won't be in your bank account, it'll be in your QFS account, which only you will have access to nobody else, so nobody else will see it. Except you. So keep it to yourself. Now people will be asking where you got the new car, where you got the new house I received my inheritance. Simple. And then the perfect one, none of your business. What is it? None of your business, NOYB. People are inquisitive. They wanna know simply because they wanna know and simply because you tell them because you feel pressured.

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