
⚜️From Simon Parkes⚜️-I think you'll find that the Pope's death will b announced.-🤩

This time, Dr. Charlie was unable to appear in the insider video, so Simon Parkes answered the questions instead🙏😊

David :
Shall we kick it off with what your interpretation of all this indictment from Trump is where you're going without. What's your thoughts on that was on the tip?

Simon : The whole point is to have this weekend everybody talking about that while they're not looking at where things are really happening. And I personally don't believe that Trump will go anywhere near. They can't afford to let him anywhere near anything Deep State. So it'll either be a body double or actually he won't, it'll be done in the studio. You couldn't allow somebody's bought this truck to walk into Manhattan courthouse or anywhere. Just couldn't do it. You just wouldn't do it. Why would you do that? So I think just as the bad guys showed a shift dogs shush, just as the bad guy showed a real technical feat with 911, I'm hoping the good guys can show an absolute technical feat.

So basically what I'm hoping is that will be a some sort of presentation that appears to show that but isn't when he goes in there won't be handcuffed. I don't think they're gonna handcuff him. Surely not staying there for 5 minutes, see what he's got to say, and then he's gonna, you know, but as Charlie would tell him.

Once that's happened, the president has been set and then Biden. He's also potentially arrestable Biden's arrestable bar more simply because as a senator, when Biden was a senator and when he was vice president he took documents home. Now only the President has allowed to declass documents and then take them out. Even the vice president can't do that. So this whole thing will allow if they wish to remove Biden simply on that.

And then what we're looking for is Kamala Harris to say no, thank you, I don't want the job, Kevin McCarthy to say as a leader of the House, no thank God's job. And then the Supreme Court has literally got forwarded a new election. So that's just one option, whether that happens immediately, will depend on whether the focus groups reporting back to the Pentagon say that enough American people are awake. If there are not enough American people, then they're just drag it on.

I think that's gonna be not unless they want a million people armed with a gun on their way to shoot it all out. I mean, that's the point. This is why they can't allow. Because it will not. It'll be like another civil war. And I can assure you neither the bad guys nor the good guys want another civil war they don't want.

David : I was looking at the the background history Bragg, who's going to be the guy that's gonna on the other side of the bench from i don't know what his official title is but he's being funded by Soros funded and Soros has withdrawn $ a half million from his account he's also got implications that haven't been investigated about sexual misconduct as well. So I have a suspicion that they're setting the other guy up to be the fall guy as well as a part of the White House operation, the prosecuting one. What's his official title?

Simon : What Trump said was he was first of all going to get rid of Bragg and then when he's got rid of like it was going to get rid of Biden. That's exactly what Trump has said.

David :
They're about to announce the death of the Pope. Have you got any background on that anything you'd like to share? 

Simon : First of all, unfortunately, sadly, Nostradamus was by the deep state pushed into the joke category. So you could go to a High Street bookstore and you could buy Nostradamus's predictions for a couple of quid. Now that might be really good, but reality is, it devalues him. This guy was an absolute genius because he predicted it was one year out the Second World War. And far more importantly than if anyone doubts the guy's ability, he named the person he didn't quite get it right, he named. Because who would be renewed for the Second World War instead of saying Hitler, what Nostradamus wrote was 【HISTER】. Now, there's no way that you could imagine that unless either you had a the technology to go into the future or you literally had a gift, you could do it. 

So we need to be very careful on not just wipe away anything Nostradamus. That's Nostradamus also said that Charles would be the Last King of England. Quite understandably, Nostradamus couldn't give you a date. But what you can do if you have the book is you can see the order, and if you do a bit of research you can actually work out. How it's what the the authors have tried to put it in an order. They have always got it right. But you're right, there's about three or four prophecies that all take place in about a five year period. And he could see what was happening. So I think you'll find that the Pope's death will b announced. And I'm very looking forward to seeing who they replace it with.

David : About April and May being massive months to reveal the truth about religions. If we start off with the Catholicism, it's Easter next week and this is one of the probably the most important times in the Catholic calendar. So if there were to announce something during the Easter celebrations and it would certainly be a world shocker and I think that might be something they're going for.

And we did see some strange images of the Pope three years ago with some holographic technology waving out of some. Was it Saint Paul Square, Saint Michael Squares and whatever in Italy? So Charlie's been saying he's been dead for quite a while now, at least in captivity. He wasn't. He was confined to a certain and building in Italy some small palace or something. So let's see what happens as we roll into Easter, if there's anything in effect about that.

Q :
 Will be seeing Med beds this summer?

Simon : The answer is yes. But you won't be seeing them on a street near you. What I mean by that is uh there will be a very small number of Med beds allocated to England as Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. I know the number. I'm not gonna tell you what prison know that. I do not know where they're gonna go. I do know that they will not be in a caravan and they won't be on the high street they are going to be very very secure brick buildings.

And that will be the start of a roll out with. They're doing it by population. So the larger a population than the more they get. Do I hope to be involved with that? Yes, I do. And it will be a very secret roll out to start with for obvious reasons. But the sooner we get started, the sooner we get more in and the sooner we can then go semi public with it.

But when that happens, please don't expect anyone to announce it. It's just gonna happen and people start to process patients, and patients will actually have to sign an NDA. So that they don't let on that they've had that treatment. They're gonna just say, I went to the General Hospital or I won the National Lottery and I was able to get private medicine. That's how it's gonna have to be in the early days.

David : Yeah, to keep the secret. Because there's going to be an absolute flood. I mean, not only have you got people with genuine medical conditions, you've then got the hypochondriacs who think they've got everything. I know people go looking or I must have cancer. I don't feel good.

Simon : I don't think any White Hats would want to run any country at the moment until the poison has been removed. Once the poison has been removed, then I think White Hats will come forward and go into these positions of responsibility. But at the moment, why in the Western world? Why would the white hat want it? We've got a White Hat in India. You've got a White Hat in Russia. But their countries are far more organized than what theirs are, so that's my answer.

David : For any member of the audience. Macron decided to pass a law where people weren't allowed to retire until two years later. The French population went bananas and they started demonstrating on the streets, which turned a little bit heavy. A few cars were burnt and then he decided to ban all demonstrations. And we're now two weeks into it where every single night there's demonstrations to see actual people sitting in restaurants in Paris where the streets is outside on fire. Now it's spread throughout the whole of France. In Bordeaux, the town hall was taken over. I believe semi destroyed and the airport be rich was occupied for awhile on part of the process. So what is really going on in France?

Simon : Macron's doing a fantastic job for the White Hats, so that's what's going on in France. When the French Revolution took place, there was a shaft for facade of the new Constitution. And that constitution enshrined the rights of people. And the French are absolutely manic about retirement. They really defend.The fact that they would retire at an early age so that they then would have life afterwards to enjoy social times and the British people are not quite the same. The Americans of course, don't have any sort of state system, so you could work till you're 80. In fact, in America you have to make ends meet.

So when Macron did what he did, he absolutely knew that that would cause a bigger demonstration. So what I'm saying to you is that Macron is doing exactly what he's been told to do. He's been told to make it impossible for the French people to accept this legislation and then by saying no demonstrations he does two things. One, he shows how dictatorial and how controlled it all is, and secondly it shows how weak it is because the audience, still keep on demonstrating. So he is literally following the white hat line. That's great. I love it.

Q : What's going on with the banking system after the last two weeks of all the craziness we've had, do you see anything that's gonna continue with that?

Simon : I have always said that I did not believe in a full bank flash. Neither did I believe in a full stock market crash. I have believed in partial destruction. No White Hat is going to go in and destroy the infrastructure. Because they want to run it. Why would you destroy the infrastructure and then come in and take it over and take you five years to build it up. There's some talk about, well, we need to knock it all down. So that we could do the RV and then build it up. That's already done.

So no, I believe that individual banks, as has happened individual banks that are connected to crypto, connected to child trafficking, money laundering, they will be removed and destroyed. I think that banks will be weakened so that their influence is much reduced.

When I was a lot younger, a Chinese elder met me and we had a discussion and he told me, asked me what bank I was in. And I told him, and he said, you need to get out of that one, he said. And he gave me the the list of banks that you said they'll be all right, we're going to look after them and how do they look after them but they look after them? By flying plane loads of gold around the world and asset backing certain banks.

So if you've got a bank that you could do a business what you do is you give it assets to match the currency, the notes it's already got. So when we went Basel 3, Stroke 4 compliant, the banks that were supported by the White Hats had the assets and they're the ones that are buying out the banks that were not supported by the White Hats. And that's what's occurring now. So that's really what the game is.

David : Would you be willing to disclose that list of banks?

Simon : We did our German rumble and BitChute but I've decided I'm gonna just do them on mighty networks, which is just for my membership and I want to explain why that I'm doing that.

Last May, eleven months ago, I did a podcast which went out on bit shoot and Rumble and I said 【We're going to go right through 2022. Blue Christmas and into 23 and Biden will still be in office.】 The abuse and hate I got, not from my membership, not from CC members, but from people who watch but are not members, was phenomenal. It was 【You're wrong, Simon. Trump's coming back in the summer of 2022, or at the least, the midterm elections in November.】 And here we are eleven months later and exactly as I said in that podcast didn't make here we are now. Why is that? It's because the people I speak to are people that really are in the know. And most of the nonsense and rubbish on the Intel boards, it's either deliberate disinformation or more likely just people making nonsense up.

So I got sick to death of people being so nasty, So what I've decided, that's why I went quiet for a long time. I just have so much to do my own organization. And I thought, right, because I was approached a few weeks ago by my memberships C, saying, please, would you do it? And I thought, yeah, just for you. So in future, anybody who wants to hear me speak, they're gonna have to join my organization which is free, you don't pay for it, and then, once you join, you'll get a link to mighty networks, which you don't pay for. And you can hear me and I'll do a probably twice a month update, which I don't charge for because I'm just sick to death of the people who call themselves patriots, call themselves whatever.

And finally, before we move on. I am on record as saying I will not push disinformation even for the White Hats. I run a spiritual organization. And my job is to give honest and accurate Intel. I will not push disinformation, no matter how good it is for the White Hats. I will not do it. And I've been put in a very difficult position recently because a lot of the things happen. I know the real reason, but if I was to come out and say that publicly, it would not help the White Hat courts.

Now, there are plenty of Intel people out there, 107 who will happily put out the white hat information, which isn't designed to upset patriots or spiritual people, but it's designed to hurt the bad guys. That's fair enough. But the problem is this isn't just the bad guys. This to all the information that goes out there. It's the whole wide range of audience. And of course they believe that. And they'll follow it. And then they wonder why that date missed, that never happened, etcetera, etcetera. And of course they then get demoralized because they have bought into something. They believed a person. That person has told them stuff, knowing full well that it's EBS. And of course that audience. And are damaged. And I'm not prepared to do that. I will only tell the truth.

David : I asked you about the bank lists. Are you going to talk about it on your channel?

Simon : Yeah, I'll talk about it might. Because I'm gonna reward people who.

Q : Do you care to share your opinion about how long Biden's gonna still be in office?

Simon : Sure. Absolutely no, not a problem at all. The first thing I want to say on this is that there's a lot of disinformation. Of course there is anybody who tells you, this is all supposed to happen last year, there's been delays. It's all held up. That's all wrong. This is absolutely planned to the day. The planning is absolutely meticulous.

There was extra problems, or the Deep State was so bad the swamp was so deep. That's just a cover to try to stop people saying, why didn't you sort this last year? Why have we gone through all this pain? It's much easier for the White Hats to say, because we came across this problem and this held us up and that helped them blame ourselves. It's the Deep State, The reality is that the White Hats turning black, the plan, the program which they had to follow, and I accept that 100%.

Even people who research it don't really know grass what it takes to destroy an underground base. For instance, there is a underground base in Wales that had to be destroyed and because of the type of rock. Wales has rocks which we call paleozoic rocks these are granites and ices they're very very strong sometimes radioactive but they're very strong granites and a neutron bomb had to be used. This takes weeks. And that's just one base of the United Kingdom and there are bases everywhere at the moment.

By the way, Charlie pleased to know that both Spain and Portugal are being dealt with. This started two weeks ago and they're attacking the tunnels under there. They're not got children and they're just got stores and reserves, but the reality is that Biden will go this year. Don't have to wait till 2024.

Biden has got to go simply, because we can't have the RV while a there's a war in Ukraine and we've got by. So we can't have those because they are not compatible with what everybody signed up for. Everybody signed up for no wars and having legitimate elected governments. So while we still have that, they can't be an RV. But the audience will know there's been some very big steps and Charlie would have kept you, you guys up to date with everything. And so it's not too far off now before people like Biden have to go.

Now, please don't look necessarily for a great big arrest, Biden. The guy might have a heart attack. The guy might just say, do you know what? I've had enough of this. I just walk away. So there are lots of possibilities for him going. I can tell you that it's been arranged within 15 minutes of the phone call, he will go.

Q :
What's your opinion about the the coronation coming up for fat fingered Charlie boy, Charles?

Simon : Basically when the queen did what she did, she also protected the concept, not her family. The concept of the crown. So that if you went into a High Street books bookstore in 50 years time, you would still read glowingly about the Queen and the royal family. So they can't remove Charles with an arrest because the deal the queen made allowed that to happen. What you can do is retire somebody or they can just decide they don't like it anymore.

And then you have to think, how do we move Great Britain to being a Republic because a lot of people still don't get this man. We're not going to move to common law. We're not. We're going to move to constitutional law. The United Kingdom has already started having its new constitution written. But all countries constitutions must be based on the constitution of the United States. It's constitutional law. We will still have Charles, but I think going back to Nostradamus, he's right. The deal the queen made was for her immediate successor. When her immediate successor goes, we have no more royalty, we'll move to Republic.

They could pretend just like they've always done. But deal, I think is that they will just step away from it and by that time we'll have a constitutional system which doesn't require a monarchy. That's the whole point. If you have a Constitution, we don't need a monarchy. That's why, America.

David : The constitution of the United States is based on people being sick and tired of the tyrannical government of England taxing and taking them, stripping them, forcing them and saving them. So that's why they wrote it. So this Constitution was originally written for people, sovereignty and freedom. So this is going to come back across the Atlantic as well into multiple. Most of the world are gonna implement more or less the American constitution onto their yeah, governing and the citizens and who's got the finger on the rods of God who controls this and explain more about it, please?

Simon : A lot of the exotic equipment originally was fought over in terms of control, so the CIA of course, wanted to control. The only good guy at the time was a National Security Agency, the NSA. And although they are basically encrypting and breaking codes, they were a lot more than that. But it was the under the secret military, the bad guys who controlled a lot of it. And then when the space force became properly funded. And funded on a on a way that came through Trump.

Then the elite of the good guys took control of the rods of God and also the energy being weapons, but also a lot of other technology which even some of the researchers have flew of. So who controls it? The good guys do. The bad guys have still got a finger on some of the weather manipulation, but nothing like they had. So I would say that now 95% of all what I call exotic technology or advanced technology is now held by the good guys.

Look, last year the bad guys were running around with six dirty. We call them dirty bombs, 6 suitcases. Or they were briefcases between about 25 years old a nuclear briefcases and they were threatening to blow them up and in a number of cases the arming mechanism was being 25 years old was defective. Two of them were in Australia, one was in Britain and was in Germany and the reason that deep State had to resort to that is because they don't have the control of the advanced equipment.

Look at the election of 2020. It was the CIA who controlled the Galileo satellite, working for the Vatican to do the false election, but of course the National Security Agency. The space force, we're monitoring that and watched it in real time.

Now what happened very quickly was the President and the Prime Minister of Italy basically turned his back on the Vatican, did a deal with Trump and passed all that information. So the bad guys don't have any either conventional secret or what we call exotic. Exotic is alien back. Thank you, technology. We just use the word exotic.

Where's the EBS that was rammed down everyone's quote for over 2 years?  And again my view is that EBS will be used in America in counties. Not even maybe a state. You've gotta an issue in a town or city. You just literally do an EBS in a five mile radius. So a lot of the stuff that's out there, I don't think it's actually gonna have.

David : Yeah, I tend to agree with that as well. I think it can, it could will it. I think we've all learned by those mistakes in the past again they like to keep that fear that feeling of fear.  America's being great at doing this, guys. I remember going into the states after 911 and looking at a TV screen, you have a banner going across the bottom all the time saying terrorist strike imminent, high terror alert, orange, Amber Alert. It was going on for years just to keep that fear generated in you.

Simon : Because then the CIA controlled it. They there was a delta force that went in. There was one, one secure location that controlled all of the EBS signals from Earth and a Delta Force team, I think they've lost two. And there was a gun battle and they had to. Literally. It was this like big huge steel blast doors. It was in. But they got there and they rested the control of the EBS off the bad guys and that was last year.

Q : What would you like to share that you think has happened in the last 30 days?

Simon : The good news is that the RV will happen and people will be very happy to look in their bank accounts because money is gonna be put in people's bank accounts. People on Social Security will get more, pensioners will get more. The way that we are treated will be with respect. That's the first thing. The second thing, people will notice is that everyone who has a profession will have to basically sign a new contract to act in a way that's much more appropriate to the truth.

So we are absolutely blessed to be living in a time that sees this transfer once after thousands of years of oppression into a real time. I've gotta say utopia, but a real time life that's worth living and I'm so sorry for people in some ways who didn't get the chance to do this.

But I'm also more angry with people who are here and don't do anything positive, because if you're here for a reason and it's about helping and being involved and I get very annoyed at people who are very petty, very small minded and aren't prepared to put, the wider community first.

So I am very positive. I'm very pleased with the way things are going. I'm absolutely confident, 100%, the bad guys are beaten. In the sense that they cannot now call the shots, they're still there, they can still cause a problem, but the reality is now we are running a race at the slowest person and this is what's frustrating for all of us here today, that we are being held back by our walkers.

Let you have a secret. The White Hat refer to the Unawakened unaware as the fluoride group, the fluoride crew, we are held back by these. Because, if we rush ahead, we hit the tape and we've won. They're all struggling at the back. I don't even know what the hell the race is about. And that is why it's taking from and they knew it would take this long.

It's a what's the point in 10% or 15% of the world's population saying we get it, we've got it, fantastic. But you've got all these other people who are looking at you and saying I don't know what's going on, I don't know what's happening. So unfortunately it isn't a slow speed, but it is really good.

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