⚜️Michelle Fielding's channeling⚜️- In coming years, it will take less than an hour to travel to the other of earth!?-
⚜️Michelle Fielding's channeling⚜️
Michelle is the one who has been told that the Quantum Generation 【Quantum Phone (Q Phone)】 will appear before Starlink and Elon Musk as a White Hat. And many other things she has heard in her channelings from awakened masters or spiritual guids happened in the future. She is a psychic and channeler trusted by Nicholas Veniamine who is a jurnalist and the host in the video, Dr. Charlie, and others.
※In an earlier video, she told that she askes awakened masters spiritual questions, and her other spirit guides questions about the financial system, etc.
This time also, the content is very interesting, and I think that would be wonderful if such a future were to come, however, this came from fer channeling, so I hope you can accept 【there is such a story...】 or 【hope such a future will come!】🙏
Below is what Michelle received from her channeling questions to awakened masters and spiritual guides.
🟢Starlink and Web5&Web7
Web3 is a decentralized Internet that can give users control over their information. The difference between Web3 on Web5, this is just a very basic understanding is that Web5 we will have a unique password if you like and that password will open everything. Instead of us having to have a password for every app, every bank account and every application that we've got on our laptop or phone, we'll just have this one ID. Web5 Strokes7 is a superior military software. That will run Starlink and is overseen by the Space Force.
Web3 was actually designed by the Deep State. It was designed at that point and at that level with the focus of controlling and manipulating the people. But now it has been to the greater extent, taken over by the White Hats, even if it is not entirely clear or apparent at this time.
The superior programming of Web5 Stroke7 has locked out the Deep State entirely. And people will have their new key for life. And it cannot be hacked.
They're saying that Starlink connectivity is overseen by Space Force and it will revolutionise every aspect of Earth's existence, including military and police operations. All countries, we all need to be signed in before this technology can go fully live. The Starlink will oversee all movements safely and effectively.
Except the future New World is a technological world overseen by a White Hat powerhouse of military commander in chiefs.
The resources for the public to work with web 5 or web 7 or not yet in circulation because they're being tested. Musk, Dorsey, McAfee, Snowden and Assange are some of the powerhouse names working behind the scenes to create this open source technology.
What this personal key, this ID will be able to operate finances, banking, health, education, power, travel, your car, your laptop, everything. It's unhackable, it's unique, it's safe, and it's promoting freedom of speech, travel and lifestyle. That will be rolled out to the masses at this time are 2026. That doesn't mean that necessarily everything will be in place by 2026.
🟢Elon Musk's role and future transportation
Musk has said that he's moving his second headquarters to Texas. There are underground tunnels in that region. Which allow for experiments with new travel technologies. Travel between continents in those tunnels. It's so progressive that it will take less than an hour to travel from one side of the earth to the other in coming years. And air travel in its current form will all but cease.
Musk and other tech giants are designing many new forms of transport, including flying cars, drown type tablets which will move up to two people locally from like A to B, plus trains with magnetic propulsion. Driverless cars will become the norm in the next 20 years and that your unique key and ID will run your new high tech car and vehicle or your object to flight. You will have many new flying technologies. That you can stand on, sit on, or even lie on and it will get you from A to B in your neighborhood. You will also be able to maneuver your flying transport or your car through thought, your unique key or ID device. It's more likely going to be wearable tech. A bit like a smart watch or a 3D virtual reality headset. Prototypes are already available and being tested in China and Texas. There's a high speed tunnel which connects the USA with China.
The Starlink will create a unified framework. Which all countries can sign into. And by signing into it, it provides them with superior communications for the safe protection of their geographical region.
Land masses will be divided up differently for the sake of the military protection procedures. Antarctica and the Arctic, our major military stations or hubs where much of Web5 and 7 is being developed and maintained.
🟢New social networking platform
Musk is going to create a new social network. The new social network, it's very advanced compared to what is currently available. And he will link it to the new quantum phones and Starlink, Web5, Web7 in the future.
The X app will run a multi function social network platform. These are still being designed and trialled behind the scenes. Virtual reality and non fungible tokens (NFT) will play a big part in this networks design.
NFT is a unique digital identifier that again cannot be copied, substituted or subdivided, and is recorded in the blockchain. And it gives you it certifies then something is authentic and that that person or that thing has ownership.
This new platform will be like in virtual reality. And that these non fungible tokens are going to play a big part in that new social network. And you will virtually be able to go in and socialize and invent and invest inside this new social network. It will be the metaverse in full spectrum. A single, shared, immersive, persistent 3D virtual space where humans experience life in ways that they could not in the physical world.
🟢A time without banks
Banks won't be necessary in the traditional sense, by the time Web5, Web7 is rolled out. Measures to secure data on people's locations and assets and productivity are being captured manually and digitally to build up the database functions and programs so that we can eventually move everything from the Web3 to the Web5.
The Web5, Web7 use blockchain, also it uses decentralized programming. Personal ID or keys which are called lifetime ID or keys, Web3 does not have this unique ID in place. Which will allow for a life time passcode or key that you will use for everything.
Banks are currently being trained on switching to the digital currency worldwide. As this technology is developed, people will speak directly to Starlink with their quantum technology and later on with their quantum key or ID. So you won't need the bank in the future.
For the banks to survive in any form, they need to move towards these non fungible tokens and Oregon digital stroke cryptocurrency. Which must be regulated and backed by assets like gold, silver or platinum.
So you might have some specialist banks that remain, but they will have to have those things in place.
Now you're driving license, passport and everything has to have these special holograms on them. Your medical records and even your vet records. So what this is saying is that they're using all this data at the moment and all these frustrations we're having with getting visas and moving around to different places is, is them doing that deliberately. So while people is kind of captured in locations, they're picking up their data, helping them to get the data on board.
So at the moment it's an annoying process, but eventually once you get all that data on, they can then switch it up to the Web5, Web 7 and free everybody up. It's probably unlikely in the future we're going to have passports, driving licences or anything because we're just gonna have that unique code.
How was it? It seems that an era like the world of movies in the near future will come❣️🤩
I don't know if all of this will happen in reality, but I'm excited to think that that might actually happen~❣️
In the meantime, there may come a day when you live in Japan and work abroad! ? 😮
It's long, so I'll translate the rest next time 🙏
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