⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️ -Very very close, but I just don't know when it will start-
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️
From the 1st of today, I will not be able to speak to the QFS team at all for 10 days. This was a request from the QFS team.
If possible, it would be great if it started on my birthday, the 8th! lol
The QFS team is currently very busy and the last information I can not tell you was very positive.
But the QFS team has also suffered some very dangerous attacks from Cabal.
Finally, I can tell you one thing, I know that it is currently very, very close, but I just don't know when it will start.
⚜️From Chas Carter⚜️
Chas Carter, who often talks with Dr. Charlie Ward on video, says
Get ready for the Queen to in a plane crash not an helicopter crash as previous reported.
※The real Queen Elizabeth is already dead. 😎
いつも、読んでいただき、ありがとうござます🙏🥰 一緒に、素晴らしい日本、素晴らしい世界、【愛と光溢れる地球✨✨🌎💖】にしましょう ♪ いただいたチップは、ライトワークの活動費等に使わせていただきます🙏💕