
⚜️QFS latest update (including Intel)⚜️ -Zim will be traded like this without any de-zeroing!? -😲

⚜️ QFS latest information ⚜️

※This was sent out by RV officials who are disseminating secondary information on the QFS to Spanish-speaking countries (maybe Tier 4 & 4B).

Attention P.R. and all Spanish-speaking countries, well this blessing is about to begin. Be ready with documents in hand.

All changes will be made by HSBC or WF.

They need two forms of photo ID, two forms of residency identification, birth certificate.

You need an area code of the state where you want to change.

As I have told you before, we are already on the verge of receiving this blessing, according to the Pentagon we are up to date on this with a view to receiving the 800 at any moment.

Opening the coffers of change for him within Monday to Tuesday of this week.

Others are also informing you of the same thing that I had already told them and that is confirmation.

Now do not fill my phone with calls because you are already on alert, I only ask you to pray that there is no attempt to obstruct any.

Rates will be a comfortable high and I understand that the Zimbabwee will be traded like this without any de-zeroing.

I understand that it will be on a 1 to 1 USTN basis.

Now Reno has his money in his coffers, and the codes are activated, the only thing missing is a sequence that would start everything.


⚜️QFS Intel Update - from Bruce ⚜️

※Bruce, who shares intel from bankers attending QFS meetings, is good friends with Mr Cottrell, who will enter the reset code for the QFS, and is always happy to provide information.


This is it we’re looking good and yet there is information out that could look chaotic.

This something put out and with what seems disruptive – maybe the information wasn’t put out clearly – there is now an addendum put out - China as you know is big on the funding for T3 and also us in T4 the Bond holder information was talking about notifications after 9pm to the Bond Holders to T3 are from HSBC servers and these maybe one or two sources after 9pm - quite likely overnight - I don’t know if some or ALL will go out.

What about us and notification from the same source that ours would go out subsequently to the Bond Holders so slightly after them.

My theory - would we be notified tonight - we’ve heard tomorrow morning and seems we are on track to set appointments and go and that’s Wednesday June 8th – but are we completely ready to go – there have been blockages and we may or may not have out of the way and some may take a few days to so we really do have to pray and believe – that it will – but pray that we can go forward with the Zim – but some information is saying with the current information that cannot happen – but not everyone is saying that.

We have six major T1 banks all in a meeting and these banks Wells Chase City and Bank of American Santander and Truist – they all weighed in on when they wanted the notifications to go out and a couple were waiting on a Wednesday start – and four were saying today this afternoon.

I heard earlier today we weren’t going to be notified today so the Treasury was making the decision and I believe they settled on tomorrow morning and also we had word that Iraq would put out their rate tomorrow Wednesday between noon and 1pm - we are 7 hours behind Iraq so that would be 5 – 6 tomorrow and those new rates should be out – so interesting that’s when they are going to do it - the people of Iraq are then standing on their own sovereign feet – tomorrow is meant to be a kickstarter of days and the beginning of new prosperity for us.

We’ll see how that works out – That is the focus of where we are - when we redeem the Zim - we only get access to some and then can transfer some to your other account and even to another bank once it’s in a primary account.

The other account is the spillover account for your projects.

The QFS is just a holding account but once it’s moved that account earns interest and that’s what I want the spillover to go into.

Hopefully the exchange of other currencies other than Zim Bonds could be held in a separate account and the interest rate would of course be lower.

I’m thinking they will have time to do Zim and Currency exchanges at the same time - the value of the Zim is extremely high and payable upon demand to the bearer of the Bond but it is real and we do have a rate and especially for those with enduring projects with or without you being involved –

30 at night – the RC will stay as long as there is Zim to redeem – but if they think they have it all some might close in 10 days - depends on the amount of Zim holders in that area – largest groups in Florida and then Texas and then California - aprox 7000 across the country with a Wells operative present.

Now I think we’ve heard and read a lot of disinformation at the last minute and what we’ve read is an example of that – read the addendum and it will make more sense.

I think what is really interesting and sorry we didn’t get notified yesterday or today but these banks that didn’t want us to have it agreed to it happening tomorrow - if I call it - it’s not a good idea –

I’m just giving you the info I have been given so please use your own discernment and be aware and continue to ask God for discernment in all areas - we’re all as close as we’ve ever been and I really believe that we should be moving forward very soon.

Like us all in a group prayer setting that all negative information is put aside Lord God we’ve many many listeners on the call and by replay and we thank you you are bringing this home to fruition.


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