
The Truth about 911🔥🔥🔥 -It was a fake terrorist attack orchestrated by then President Bush and the DS-

21 years ago today (US time), on September 11, 【911】 was caused by DS.

911 is an event that should never be forgotten, not only by the American people, but also by the people of the world. 🙏

911, like Biden's inauguration video, was pre-produced by DS, and was made on 20 It was broadcast worldwide by DS media on September 11, 2001 (US time).

※Like the Biden inauguration video, it is also known that some TV stations flied the video and played it before the scheduled time.

Originally, on September 11, 2001 GESARA law was scheduled to take effect.

※👇Here is another article about 911 that Dr. Charlie Ward told about.

To stop it, Bush, the president at the time, and Clinton, who signed the GESARA Act during his own term, the previous US The top DS leaders, including Obama, who was the most evil of all presidents, then caused 911 under the guise of terrorism for the purpose of starting a war and making money.

【Three DS chums】

No planes actually crashed into the Twin Towers. ✈

The moment the second bombing occurred, since no planes rammed into them.

👇This photo was taken by a tourist father and son 2 minutes before the twin towers collapsed, but no one passing by noticed and did not look back because no plane ran into them 👀

【This photo was taken by a tourist father and son 2 minutes before the towers collapsed】

Video evidence of this (Parts 1 - 8) was also released last year.

👇Here you can see the real footage taken by the public (part 1) and the fake video played by the media (beginning of part 2 and part 8).

※As usual, I shared it on Youtube and it was deleted as I was writing the article. 🙄

BTW, Jeffrey Epstein had this painting of Bush in his Manhattan home.👇

It shows Bush playing with paper planes crashing into Jenga towers that represent the Twin Towers.

They all knew 9/11 was an inside job. 🙄

There is plenty more evidence if you look for it.

At the time of the 911 incident, a friend of mine was working for the Japanese branch of Lehman Brothers, a DS company headquartered in the Twin Towers.

Her co-worker, who works in the Twin Towers, told her that 【the day before, there was a power outage for a couple of hours due to electrical work】.

Subsequent investigation revealed that it was Bush's brother's electrical company that had done that power outage work the day before 911.

And I believe that a bomb and various other things were planted at that time. 💣

※👆The English article I read earlier that was the source of Bush's brother's electrical company doing the blackout work has been removed. 🙄

As proof, in a speech he gave in the Rose Garden of the White House in 2006, Bush said that [the 9/11 attacks that brought down the World Trade Center (Twin Towers) explosives were used in the 9/11 attacks], he incorrectly told reporters. 😱

👇Here is the video of that incident.

Also, on the day of 911, most DS Lehman Brothers employees were either on paid leave or working from home, so there was only one victim Lehman Brothers employee killed.

👆Do you think this is such a coincidence in a company with hundreds of people working there? 🙄

BTW, here is what the Twin Towers looked like at the time of 911 👇

・Number of companies housed in the WTC:430

・Number working in World Trade Centre on average working day prior to 11 September:50,000

・Average number of daily visitors:140,000

・Number killed in attack on New York, in the Twin Towers and in aircraft that crashed into them:2,823


And the employees of some DS companies in the Twin Towers had considerably fewer casualties than others.

There is no way this is a coincidence. 🙄

💥Number of 911 victims from Business Insider💥

・Lehman Brothers:1 victim

・Bank of America:3 victims

・IQ Financial Systems:4 victims

・Baseline Financial Services:4 victims

・First Union Securities:5 victims

・Morgan Stanley:13 victims

・Fuji Bank (Mizuho Bank):23 victims etc...

Cabal has now committed human trafficking, war, and vaccine genocide in addition to this. 😡

I strongly hope EBS because I am told that the video recording of all these Cabal evils and the military trials of the arrested Cabal will be broadcast all over the world. 🙏


いつも、読んでいただき、ありがとうござます🙏🥰 一緒に、素晴らしい日本、素晴らしい世界、【愛と光溢れる地球✨✨🌎💖】にしましょう ♪ いただいたチップは、ライトワークの活動費等に使わせていただきます🙏💕