
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️ -NESARA GESARA's basic philosophy was created by former President JFK's team -

⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️

NESARA GESARA, RV, GCR, and QFS are all connected and work together.

The basic philosophy of NESARA GESARA was first written in 1962 by President Kennedy's team.

However, times have changed, so it has been changed based on the current philosophy.

The most basic of these principles are as follows.

・Changing from the current fiat currency, which can be printed in any amount, to a gold-backed currency backed by gold.

・Eliminate mortgages and other loans, all of which are illegal. This is currently done under the original constitution.

・Therefore, mortgages and all other loans of any financial institution are fraudulent and illegal, therefore they are to be abolished.

That is why it says in the NESARA GESARA that all loans of any kind of financial institution will be forgiven, but in fact they are not forgiven, they are illegal, so they will be rescinded and you will not have to pay back any of the principal.

・Back to basics, there is only one type of tax which is sales tax. (Tax rate:14% - 17%)

∙ Instead of a digital currency issued by a central bank, it will be a gold-backed, gold-backed currency.

Central bank digital currencies are worth nothing.

About Mar-A-Lago Raid

Rumors said that the safe deposit box contained Hunter Biden's laptop and Hillary Clinton's email material, but President Trump's second son, Eric Trump, told us that it contained nothing.

The FBI raid was a sting operation on President Trump.

Everything was planned from the beginning and every FBI move was recorded.

The FBI told President Trump to turn off all surveillance cameras before they came so President Trump knew the FBI was going to raid Mar-A-Lago.

However, President Trump refused the FBI's request.

So, the surveillance cameras found footage of FBI agents planting some documents at Mar-a-Lago.

They planted them with the aim of somehow indicting President Trump.

18 months ago, when it was said that reached the present time, we were told that many sudden deaths of politicians, businessmen, and entertainers would come out in the media.

These deaths were either due to vaccination or death penalty in military tribunals.

The confessions of these people were all recorded on analog videotape and stored in a safe place so that they cannot be manipulated or altered.

They were allowed to keep their honor only if they cooperated with the military.

Today, the currencies of 209 countries and territories are all gold-backed and gold-backed currencies.✨✨🤩🥳

It is reported that the fake Biden administration sent $80 billion in funds to Ukraine, which is an outright lie.

The fake Biden administration has no money at all, so what is being reported is just a farce.

There are rumors that President Trump will be arrested, but that probably won't happen.

However, the probability is not 0% because Cabal is cornered and there is no telling what he will do.

Today, it got a jumping the gun (?) report of President Trump's arrest.

And with the arrest of President Trump in the news, it looks like the climax of the 【Q movie】 is finally coming to a head❣

I look forward to seeing what will happen 😊


いつも、読んでいただき、ありがとうござます🙏🥰 一緒に、素晴らしい日本、素晴らしい世界、【愛と光溢れる地球✨✨🌎💖】にしましょう ♪ いただいたチップは、ライトワークの活動費等に使わせていただきます🙏💕