
⚜️From Michelle Fielding②⚜️-Via Starlink quantum connectivity can uncover any covert operations or bad intention-

⚜️From Michelle Fielding⚜️

👇Continued from last time.

🟢United Nations Present and Future
Despite the fact the UN was originally set up to enable peaceful transitions for its Member States, they did many dark operations like money laundering. And political anomalies can be attributed to the organization called the United Nations back from the past. However, in more recent years, since the inception of Donald J Trump and the White Hats and the lions, a change has been occurring. With sleeper cells working from the inside hubs of this vast organization. They have digitally been identifying where resources have been allocated. And through the Starlink quantum connectivity have been able to track the roots of personnel in their communications and any covert operations or bad intention have been uncovered.

At the moment, the United Nations is still in the process of using the Starlink tracking system to locate the perpetrators. The upper management of the UN has been flipped to a white hat operation. The UN will continue as it is essentially an organization dedicated in principle to peace and freedom for humanity. Once all the bad players have done their part in helping the white hats. to find the trafficking lines, the money laundering hubs and the corrupt officials, then the organization. We'll be running for the good of humanity. Which was its original intended purpose until a few bad players infiltrated it in 1946 and 47.

In reality, it is now entirely under White Hats control operationally. The cleaning up process. It's totally managed and controlled by the White Hats. And the White Hats of the UN oversee only the Starlink infrastructure and programming and software. It's only available. Two very specialist personnel in the military. And it is an area of the military that is highly classified.

At this point in time, the UN work with the White Hat military. Each Member State will fund its membership within the UN. And a framework of creating peace in times of war, disaster and economic crisis will be set up. And the funding setup has been arranged so that each Member State will pay in proportion to the size of their population and land mass. So in the future, the world, from a military and geographical standpoint, will be divided up, like we said, into NE Southwest. And so each of those regions will then contribute on an equal basis in terms of you're either in the North or the East, and so whoever learns in that space, they will have to pay an equal amount of money. And all of them within that concept will have equal status and stature politically in the operations of the UN.

The world will geographically be split up by the military teams into areas that we've just explained. And that all countries within those geographical regions will have access to the UN, if that's what they choose to do.

The Starlink is overseen by military personnel who are largely involved, like behind the scenes in remote classified locations. Whereas the White Hats UN or military and administrative personnel, but they are with boots on the ground, so the Starlink personnel are classified and in the background. But the UN military are boots on the ground and visible.

The world will geographically be split up by the military teams into areas that we've just explained. And that all countries within those geographical regions will have access to the UN, if that's what they choose to do.

The Starlink is overseen by military personnel who are largely involved, like behind the scenes in remote classified locations. Whereas the White Hats UN or military and administrative personnel, but they are with boots on the ground, so the Starlink personnel are classified and in the background. But the UN military are boots on the ground and visible.

In the past NATO has been run in an authoritarian top down hierarchy. Which has been open to abuses of power, both internally and in its handling of external situations. It has had an overwhelming percentage of dark controllers. By then its organizational structure until quite recently. They said that an abrupt and highly organized exercise to clean out the corruption within NATO has been implemented with force. The military have recently infiltrated the NATO management hierarchy. And they rapidly dismantled it.

※Basically NATO consists of a 30 Member States from North America and Europe. And the article five of the Treaty states. That if an armed attack occurs against one of these Member States. It should be considered an attack against all the members. And other members for then assist the attacked member with armed force if necessary.

NATO has been restructured over the past six years from the inside out. It's connections with organizations like the CIA, FBI, MI6 and MI5 have been overhauled completely. The tentacles of corruption. They had gone far and wide. They were like everywhere. And so an abrupt and vigorous infiltration was necessary to take them by surprise. A lot of these operations were successfully carried out while the world was under lockdown. 

There was also a big clean up within GCHQ. GCHQ is in the UK in Cheltenham, Gloucestershire. And it's the headquarters of military intelligence and communications within the UK. 

In the future, it's unlikely that NATO is going to continue in its current format. The military will be running the world in the future, via the Starlink infrastructure. And it may become cumbersome to maintain NATO as an additional entity longer term. So maybe they're just using NATO like they were explaining with the UN at the moment, just to track people.

Perhaps they've gone in, they've got White hat control, and now they're just like watching the players in there to see where they're going, what they're doing, finding they're finding the bad players throughout the world. Once they've done that cleanup operation, they might just shut it all down and move it, I think, onto the Starlink.

🟢Role of Trump

I think the role of Trump right now and has always been to bring down the political structures of the two party system so that we can collapse it into one party. We the people and we can perhaps have this new voting system. And then Trump will either remain as a commander in chief or, he may hand over the reins to someone younger. But at the moment they're showing or trying to say that there's an argument or some sort of disagreement between, say, him and Ron DeSantis again. I think that's all a distraction and I think they're actually working together. Perhaps so that in the future, maybe Ron DeSantis will take the reins.

So I don't know what Trump personally wants to do. I feel into his energy. He might not be wanting to have a lead role once this is all sorted out. Maybe his job description was to come in at this time to turn it all around. And then when he's done that, he can go back to being retired and enjoying the life that you had before. So I'm not certain that he would even want to be running it in the future in. Once it's all done and dusted, I feel from his energy that he's just come in to do a task right now and then you'd be quite happy to hand over the reins to somebody else. That's how I actually feel.

And and as we they've been explained to me for some time, there will be like a commander-in-chief, so maybe he will take. That role, he's already has that role. But perhaps you'll have a role sort of like that in the future, but perhaps not so involved as he's needed to be in the last few years and that's what I'm thinking is gonna happen.

🟢Role of Elon Musk
I think that the new network that will take over everything will be this Elon Musk. Social network that he's building in the background. And I wouldn't be surprised if that overtakes everything. Facebook, YouTube, everything, I think it's just going to be an all singing, all dancing Network that we probably haven't seen before. I do feel, though, that the White Hats are in all of those organisations already. And even though people are being censored and what have you and fact checked, that's again all part of the waking people up, it's all part of this distraction, this narrative, while we're getting things ready in the background.

So if you go back and look at my videos during the summer, I did quite a lot on Elon Musk is as you probably know, and what they told me. I did actually ask if he was the head of the White Hats. And they told me that he wasn't the head of the White Hats, but he was equal in stature to the head of the White Hats. Whoever that may be and that he does get referred to by the military teams and by the White Hats on an equal basis. So he's not actually running it all. It's more like he is the person that is taking it forward, but the salesman, if you like. Marketing, man. Because people essentially I think, trust him and his brand. And so he's got the ideal. Leadership qualities in that sense, in order to be able to bring all these new products to market without them being seen as military. Necessarily anything to do with politics or the military.

It's only actually quite recently that we're starting to see now that the two things are joining together. But for the past year, that's not been the case. They've kept his role of working with the military quite separate. But yesterday I did find this article where they're saying that SpaceX is rolling out a new business line focused on military satellite services, and it's called 【Starshield】. So this is really the first time that I've seen it where they've linked him in with the military, but he's not like the leader of it. He's working in conjunction with them. Because his skills. Merge very well with what they're trying to do with the White Hat plan.

※👇Reference article

I think that you'll still be able to have fast cars, because if they're all driverless, I would imagine they're all on some sort of tech highway.
And so you will be able to go faster because the computers will know where every other car is, and so you won't be having collisions anymore. So you will. You will literally be able to go faster. So I know when to stop and start and what's around them. I'm sure you'll still be able to physically drive it, but the computer will know what's around you and maybe you'll be able to go faster because the computer will be able to alert you, if there's something ahead, or it might be able to break on your behalf if there was an emergency. That's how I kind of see it going.

🟢Transportation & Surveillance system for freedom

They (Master & Guide) said that they will, they won't really need for them in the future, so I'm assuming there's going to be a different type of travel that people would prefer perhaps it this new tunnel system that they're talking about with the trains will be faster than the airline. So it might be a natural progression that people move towards that and then lines just don't aren't necessary anymore maybe.

I think the main thing is we have to clean up what's going on first visually for everybody, so everyone knows exactly where we are. We'll get people on the remain the same page maybe. No one knows when it will be possible to travel to the other side of the earth in an hour. Once these things start getting rolled out, can change the narrative. Very, very quickly. So who knows?

That's why I think that the Web5, Web7 tech. With the passcode, that's what's gonna free everything up. People are being shown it at the momet as a system of control, but that's just to wake people up. It actually is a system of freedom. Because it's going to be overseen by the military, it's not going to be overseen by any government leaders, and we also understand from previous interviews that it will monitor itself, so if any country or region tried to use it for controlling purpose, the rest of the system would know it would be alerted. And it would be shut down. So I think that these, these ID's were just free up a lot of time. We'd just be able to go straight through an airport or a train station or whatever it is that we have at that moment. You won't have all this like you were saying this in slave system that we have right now, we actually already have an installed system.

I believe that system of control has been overtaken and that the farming is locks. It has completely locked out the Deep State. They can no longer and especially when we get those codes and those keys that are unique to us, it will create so much freedoms in my opinion. Because the way that I've been taught now for 2 & 1/2 years about this Starlink, that's all they've ever expressed to me, is that it's a system for freedom and not for control.

🟢Level of consciousness collectively
I think what they were saying again to me when you were talking and I, and they sent this to me before is waiting for a level of consciousness collectively, so that they know when it would be a good time and how much to release and when. So that could start quite slowly at first, so I think we're already in that. But as things as the consciousness raises up, then it could go faster. So I think it's geared mainly by what people could manage in terms of collective consciousness. And that's another reason why they're waiting for the consciousness to rise, because then when you give the new technology to a higher consciousness, it will only be used for good and not bad.

※👆I think this is because of the experience of the Atlantis era, when many people were asleep, and high technology was given while their collective consciousness was still low, and they were used for evil and failed. So this time, they are waiting for as many people as possible to wake up.

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