⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward's insider video⚜️-We're seeing right now, Australia is being rescued with the same as England and America as being rescued by the military-
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward's insider video⚜️
The guests this time were Simon Parkes and Derek Johnson, a veteran of the military who is knowledgeable about military law.
Derek explained the points about President Trump's 【Special Announcement】 the other day.
Simon :
I think what I'll quickly would say before we get going is that so many patriots, the bottom fell out of the market, instead of taking their time seeing and listening to what had been said, they knee jerk reaction.
Because all they wanted to hear was EBS and when are the military coming on when Trump didn't say that they went into meltdown. And the reality is that if you look at all the symbology. And some of the things he said, it's quite clear that the man's in charge is absolutely very clear that the man's in charge.
And the reason that he hasn't gone down the road of the EBS is. Because simply there are still so many people in America who are not yet ready to be pushed and it's a hard sad thing to say.
And remember that all of the people who are awake, we know exactly what needs to be done, but we are not the majority. We forget that because we only mix with people like ourselves. And if you step outside of this rarefied atmosphere, there are millions and millions and millions of people. We just haven't got it yet.
And so it is at this speed simply because the White Hats have decided this is the right speed and that's where we are with it. So I've been sort of looking to see where we are. They are pleased with my main focus this week, I'll be honest with.
I think March is far too late. I mean, I think what I'd love to see CNC actually inaugurated as a president on the 4th of March. So I am expecting sort of lockdowns, military Lord type lockdowns before March.
Derek :
You gotta understand one thing. The military is a need to know basis, first off.
There's so many people out there don't understand. This is straight up military. And if you can't think like that, then it's gonna be very hard to get you out of your mindset wherever you are. But that's what we're trying to do is get you in that, that way of thinking. That way you can understand what the people who are controlling this, how they're thinking.
Charlie :
As Simon and I had a discussion earlier. And we're all hoping that this Biden getting arrested, but we don't know. That's what we would love to happen in the play inside.
Derek :
I started looking at the comment boxes on my Facebook and started looking at the comment boxes. I still had to look to see what people's perception was. And people did they started jumping ship and that ain't what I wanted to hear and that was so such a let down.
We're in a military occupancy. You have to understand that we're in a military occupancy and understand when the military occupancy is. The law of war manual that we're currently operating under was written just in 2015 or past that you want to say it was published in 2015 and I think it was December of 2016 it was updated. So we're currently in a law of war manual and almost point that out.
It's we're getting ready for some EBS's. I've got a lot of messages from people all over the US saying I've been, I got some EBS testers. And my state, North Carolina, South Carolina etc. They've been getting tests, EBS tests.
You can also look on the flight app that I use and you can see little testers, ground testers, little things they put on the screen. They actually show you this little box on the screen, you click on it, it says ground test.
It's all in the military portion whenever you filter out the military aircraft. So it's a ground test for the military. So there's that.
And I'll piece it right now, this is in chronological order. So he the first thing he said is America's comeback starts right now. And he meant right now. He didn't mean two years from now. He wasn't talking about the 2024.
Action is a word meaning I took action. That's his executive order 13912 and that's his 10 United States Code Chapter 1209 where he called in to service one and million National Guard. That's one million on to our active duty. People need to understand that all the things you need to understand about that one million.
It's when you leave National Guard status and you go to active status, you get active duty pay. So who's paying for it? They get the same pay that acts through to get, which will make National Guard people happy campers, but they would also tell their spouses, hey, this is a wartime situation. You can't be telling the family and friends that we've been getting active paid for having long they're gonna get it. Which would be March, 2020. So we're that's a lot of activity paid for federal. So who's paying for it. You got to think of that.
October the same year, he was talking about. So for the same year, so October 2020, he was talking about the economy, what we were doing in the economy. It was coming back. It's very important to note that October last year. Because U.S. Treasury secretary says what that the United States, in October 18th will be bankrupt. You can look that up on CNN, Fox business, all these others out there. That was last year, 2021.
So we that parallels with the executive order 13885, that parallels with the quantum Act and that parallels with the quantum. com., that was launched in September 2021, which we know we're going to a QFS.
The missile that he said specifically this was very important. He said that Russia fired. He knows good and well that Russia didn't fire those missiles. Then he talked about Poland. And then when you look up NATO's Article 5 are what I would consider their constitution. It says any attack on one country is an attack on all in NATO's article five.
He also alluded to World War Three. Joe Biden is getting into nuclear war. Nuclear weapons. Then, he said, soon we will be a great nation again.
But he also said that we can't take two more years of Joe Biden. We can't take more Joe Biden two more years, but you're gonna have it for four years. But then he turns around and says soon we will be a great nation again. He's saying that you're the people can't take more Joe Biden.
So you're going to want the military to act, not Donald Trump as president. He's alluded to the military which you'll see in a minute. By 2024 they will see what's happened they meaning they will see what's happened you the people.
He also said that what happens over the next two years will what it'll make you want. It'll make you want. President Trump back. It's what he's saying. He didn't say that, but he said that, oh, what happens over the next two years? They will see what's happened. He's saying by the time we get there, you're gonna want someone who knows what's going on.
Voting will be different. Boy am I ready. That's what he said. Just like that. Voting will be different in 2024. Then he went on to say 232 wins and 22 losses right after that. So the 22 losses, what's important about that, you gotta understand what states were activated for cyber security teams, as Fox News said on November the 5th, which aligned with the law of War Manual 11.5. Fox News put out on 11.5 November the fifth, they parallel with each other the cybersecurity teams. Those 14 states are part of those 22 losses. Then they said massive corruption.
As I promised in 2016, I am your voice. Now, most people who don't know what's going on will take that as ego and cocky and all these other things. No, he's saying I'm your voice. White House, military office, Trump, he's not there. He's the voice of the commander in chief of the military occupancy. He's a military plug, military plot, Donald Trump to be the face of the occupancy of this law of war manual. He acted as president because we have to have a continuation of government. But it's been a military occupancy since the start of that law war man. He's come out.
You'll see things you've never seen before. So a lot of you've never seen and believe child tracking, human trafficking, drug trafficking, sex trafficking, Longview out there. You don't want to believe it. It's real genocide there, trafficking is there, money laundering is there.
We don't have to endure what's happened in DC, so now he's starting to get into. We want you, the Patriots, he said. A lot of Americans still don't know what's going on right now, he said. A lot of people are not awake and not knowing what's going on. And we need every patriot on board. He didn't say the United States, he said DC.
The 2024 we will defeat the radical left. That's the military. Joe Biden is the face of Washington failure and corruption, which is DC, the Washington establishment, the Deep State, the swamp, the Cabal. I will ensure, I will ensure Joe Biden does not receive four more years.
Washington establishment wants to silence us. There's the Washington establishment again. He's talking about the federal corporation.
BTW, Biden never showed tonight for a very important G20 dinner. That was actual Tuesday night that Joe Biden didn't show up for this G20.
Then he goes, he says a term called the pause. We're in the pause right now. That's a really cool term. It's been a pause for two years. We've seen how bad they don't. It will be much easier to see what has to be done because we've experienced this pause.
He's talking to you, the American people, to wake up, look what you've been watching, and then understand certain people out there. He does give us shout outs in different ways and code language.
When he looked out to the crowd, he said. I didn't need this. I had a very nice life. You didn't need this. But we love our country, don't we? That was a very chilling moment right there. I didn't need this. I had a very nice life.
He's on all these critics out there and he made a quote just right there that that was bone chilling to me. Because I've been looking all kinds of people saying I'm a deep state, I'm pedophile, I'm tired of this myself, and I'm like, I didn't need all this. But you know what I'm a veteran. I love my country and I understand what Charlie says you gotta separate that stuff, because people just don't understand and they will very soon, he said. Credits tell people what's wrong, but they can't do it themselves. And that was very powerful. I thought, you know what that really empowered me in that moment.
Economic security is national security. When he says national security, he declared three national emergencies that Congress failed to address. That was Congress's job. They failed to address his three national emergencies, which are a threat to the people, threat. I'm gonna show you how the national security were ties in, in multiple ways.
When Congress failed to do so, that was in national security breach, that was a breach of national security. So he had to do things that war powers of the president in our Constitution says he can do.
Donald John Trump and one of his executive orders where he called in the National Guard. And one of these orders there, it says, this along with the National Security Act of 1947. The National Security Act of 1947 in the United States established the national military establishment. The national military establishment became our Department of Defense.
But also under the National Security Act in 1947 and the national military establishment before it was called the Department of Defense. It also created the position of Secretary of Defense, which is very important.
Also Donald John Trump, in executive order 13919, he gave the Secretary of Defense, Christopher Miller, a lot more joint power. Along with him, because this, when you talk about military options, we're talking about World Alliance generals and we're talking about our US generals and we're talking about all of our Department of Defense of. Every this ain't just a Donald Trump thing. People have to understand that.
So that national security, economic security is national security, the world national security has multiple maintenance right there alone.
Then, he said, soon will be a great nation again. You put all those comes together. We can't take two more years of Joe Biden. So he's telling you militaries and control militaries got this and the wake up. He's wanting people to wake up. We need all patriots on board.
Dr. Charlie :
The US Gerald R Ford, the world's largest warship, is of Portsmouth, so, and it's not there for training exercises, it's there for a purpose. And then you can do some more research. The USS Tripoli is off the coast of Australia. These are huge U.S. military ships. They're in the in the Mediterranean. You've got the USS, the USS Truman, these are massive U.S. military ships that are all over the world. Just go into Google and put U.S. Navy ships currently in your area and you'll find the ones are there. We are under military control. These ships are right there. There's more than 300 planes, US Air Force planes, in the sky at any one time, 24 hours a day, and have been for well over a year.
Derek :
He brought that up Tuesday night. There's a human trafficking thing some people haven't heard, he said. He was talking about the National Guard and the governors of these cities. If they don't want our help or tough cookies, what he's saying you're gonna get it anyways.
Because he went on to say he talked about the National Guard of All Things. He brought up the National Guard and being in Seattle. And being in a lot of places, he didn't talk about the National Guard being down in Texas. He didn't talk about the National Guard being down in Tennessee or Alabama or somewhere that you think more conservative in the United States. Now, he said in Seattle, he was talking about cities that have what. He was just about to drop the next few minutes. He said no holds barred. Go look up that term if you don't know what no holds barred is. Cleaning out gains and St crime, that's what we're gonna do. He specifically said so.
And he also said that he would what defund the governors that don't want it also. And we will send in the National Guard. He specifically said we're gonna clean up the street gangs, MS13. If the governors are caught up not doing so, we will deal with them. Accordingly, we military would deal with them. The UCMJ will deal with them. UCMJ quick.
That's very close to the we got to see a lot of rapid fire between now and March 23, 2023. You gotta see court martials, arrest, an EBS, someone addressed in the nation. Because the only person who can address the nation on a national emergency, the only person who can terminate in our law. Anyone who can terminate a national emergency is the president.
That is why the National Guard were activated was because those national security breaches that I just talked about. So when they were activated, they're gonna be active until they're terminated. The only person who can do so, 50US code chapter 34 is the president. That will be Donald John Trump. He's the one who declared him he'll terminate him. What this termination look like? EBS. You'll see visual stuff of military and visual action. It's gonna have to happen that way. So there was a drop there. The quick trial is a military tribunal talk.
We will bring down crime by 75 to 85%. He specifically said that. He said we defend other countries borders, but not our own. Imagine that. That was a big chill for me. No more blue ribbon committees. I hope you're listening politicians. That's how he said it. No more blue ribbon committees when I'm in the White House. We gotta understand it. The military, I could see the the all the time when we went into having to use such laws was FDR. He wasn't in DC, gotta keep that in mind.
He said I'll be the president. Defense education. If you go look at executive order 13958 and then type in in Google, whatever you use, type in the 1776 Commission report. Don't just look at the EO 13958. Look at the report. It's 45 pages. It talks about how we were divided off of certain things. He's gonna put that back in schools. He also said that any school. Any school that does not comply with this, they will be defunded, they will lose their funding from us. So they're going to teach our history again. That is going to happen.
He talked about buying and getting this in World War three. So there's the World War three, the nuclear and also the missiles of Poland and Ukraine and Russia. There's all those tied in. That's for your scare event coming up, whenever that is.
He talked about the fake dossier again. The Russian collusion, the fake dossier. He brought that up. He said we're gonna dismantle the deep state. We're gonna bring term limits on Congress. It's time. He said it like that.
Same day, voting only paper ballots. And he talks about how other countries have done so. We already have that in our what Statute of 1845. It tells us when and how we vote in America. It's specifically says you vote on the first day of the month of November, which is the first Tuesday of the month of November. We have something already shows when and how we vote Israel specific. So, he said he hammered that down.
The journey of him, of us, will not be easy. Anyone who truly seeks to take on this red and corrupt system will be faced with a storm of fire. That's very specific. He's trying to tell you that, hey, look, there's a few of us out here who knows what's going on behind the scenes back here. You got on the scene.
He goes Nancy Pelosi has been fired. She's on her way to another country. Exposed. She's on her way to another country, just the day after on Wednesday. Guess what happened? Two get more planes. We're leaving Jacksonville, FL and Miami, FL headed to GITMO.
I will get by this radical left ideology out of the military as I did and then he goes, I will rehire every patriot fired from our military with a full apology and full backpack.
Let me tell you, you're sitting here talking to someone today who's a full recipient of something Donald Trump said in August 2020. (He meant himself) Donald Trump had a speech somewhere saying if you're 100% disabled veteran and you have any student loans and certain loans, we're gonna pay those out. In October 2020 I received a full letter not only from him, but also from every creditor that my student loans or wiped out. That was in too much time. I received that. I was paying on those student loans. I didn't cancel out my GI Bill. I could have taken the GI Bill and put that, applied that on that one semester or two semesters I did that needed to be wiped out. They didn't do that. Because I wanted the full GI Bill.
I put it on a pole while I was in the military. And I don't lie about that, I did. When I got out, I started paying on it. Wiped it out. There's a prominent sample, but it also shows you we don't have a currency. We don't have the currency we thought we had.
Obviously, we are doing quantum.gov when you go to quantum.gov. which is slots in September 2021, the same month that the US Treasury Secretary says that the US is gonna be bankrupt by October 18th, 2021. And you go look at quantum.gov you'll see all the military, all the Department of Defense. We have all the agencies, 21 agencies on board with that.
Joe Biden signed what they call a debt ceiling December that year. He put more money in our system. In a bankrupt system you add $2.3 trillion. That'll make sense. That's negative. Why, those 2.3 trillion? Remember September the 10th, 2001, Donald Rumsfeld stood on TV and told the world that $2.3 trillion was missing from the Pentagon?
The gravest threats are not abroad, but within. Weaponization of the justice system. The FBI and Department of Justice talked the bottom will be cleaned out. Must clean out the festering rot of Washington DC, the festering rot.
He talks about being the best and the biggest country in the world. It leads into him saying, I thought the President Xi of China, and I told him he's the king, he's the lifetime president. You're the lifetime president. He didn't wanna take print. No, I told you, the lifetime president. You're the king. That come guess what? President Trump was crowned king in Saudi Arabia in 2017.
Do you remember Angela? Nobody remembers her right now. Who's Angela? He goes Angela Merkel. I sent her a white flag of surrender, she said, but what? But why do you send this to me, Donald? And then he goes, that's what she called me, Donald. I said, Angela, I sent this to you because this is a flag of surrender. You are getting 78% of your energy from Russia and when that happens, history has proven that's not good for Germany. Just take a look over the last 150 years. Oh, there's the one big come right there. How did he just pull 150 years out of his talk? What 150 years minus 2022 would be 1872, a year into the Federal Corporation from the Organic Act of 1871. Also, Stafford versus Hannah, which outlines, BC has its own foreign territory, and then when you look up 28 US code 3002, you will see the United States defined as a federal corporation.
So how did he just pull out 150 years? And why did he pull out Angela Merkel, of all people he could have talked about during his presidency?
When you go to the Chapter 12 of the Low War manual and you look up chapter 12, it'll say non hostile relations between belligerents. And then when you Scroll down and look at the chapter contents, guess what 12.4 says? The long award manual. The white flag of Trish to initiate negotiations.
That happened in 2018. We were in a chapter 12.4 right there. Whenever he gave Angela Merkel the white flag of surrender, When you go read the 12.4, it talks about the word surrender in there.
The whole military White House office, which was not in his speech. There's not one right now. We're in military occupancy make. Because military office is not needed the White House. Our military occupancy, when you read the law of war manual shows you that the world, the world is operating together. The world militaries, the alliance generals, all the world militaries are working together right now.
Simon :
I've been making notes because Derek said there the 1947 he mentioned that's really important the National Security Act, because that was just literally weeks after Roswell and within a few months of that the CIA. It was actually created and then of course the NSA came after that talked about the aircraft carrier, the main aircraft of the F16 on there, which is the air superiority dogfighters, but also the F eighteens which carry these smart weapons. And it's the probably the closest to London and the Houses of Parliament that that big aircraft carrier could have got. Thing is that they were about two weeks before the midterm. We're a lot of meetings and Derek's mentioned this between the military and the governance.
And the governors were offered an option number of options and the sort of support they would get if they played ball. So that I think is going to be playing out there.
Derek talked about the storm of fire well. That's what Trump said. This refers both to the rods of God and to energy weapons of what Trump was doing there was threatening that long range weapons could be used which would not create a war but would take out particular targets without people actually being able to defend against it.
👇Rods of God
👇Energy Wepon
The other thing you talked about was Seattle. Seattle is the first place in America where FEMA were actually placed in with regular cots and war. Exactly the same police uniforms, except one of the badges was missing I think on the left arm and they were then under Obama attempting to try to. Replaced the cops and use females.
Dr. Charlie :
The newest U.S. Navy ship arrives in Hobart. The USS Tripoli. And there are many other ships in that region which are there. Because the governments of Australia in the past have sold their soul to the deep state.
What we're going through right now is Australia is being rescued. The same as England, America as being rescued by the military.
The military doesn't take sides, it's not Democratic. It's not Republican, it's not conservative, it's not labor. They swear an oath to protect the people, not a party, the people. It will take the military to sort this shit show out. Because you can't go through the normal procedures of going to court, because the courts are contaminated. They're corrupted right up to the Supreme Court.
When the military when you come up to a military tribunal, you called in front of in the morning. And you're dealt with by the end by sundown. I do know first hand that those people that had the indictments were shown the evidence. Because most of them were dealt with two years ago, they were showing the evidence and given the choice to either plead guilty. Most were executed.
We already know of the one trial of the Ukrainian, diplomat, the American diplomat for Ukraine. She decided that she was bigger and stronger than all of them. But she was executed at the end of the day. The end of the same day, she was allowed a trial, a military tribunal. The evidence was put forward, her defense was put forward. And her defense fell apart inside 15 minutes. When the captain of the plane that she was on pointed her out. The first officer pointed her out and other people on board provided photographic evidence that she was on the plane that she said she wasn't on.
I can assure you that most people that have been in front of a military tribunal and presented with the evidence have literally they pleaded guilty for one simple reason. They've been allowed to leave a legacy. Now we will see a number of people whereby it's shown to the public.
We won't be showing all of them, especially when it comes to people out of Hollywood. Suddenly they will just die or maybe a road accident. Maybe COVID, maybe the vaccine could be anything. But they all disappear from our site.
When I speak to people that I have boots on the ground in California and there are many, many, many, and I'm talking hundreds of mega mansions in Hollywood that are empty.
Nobody is in them and nobody's been inside them for two years. And whether that will be demolished or what, I don't know is yet. There's talk about them being demolished because I don't think anybody actually wants them, if they've been involved in child trafficking or pedophilia or anything like that.
Derek :
I, Derek Johnson, do solemnly swear to support and defend. That's very key. And don't say defending support says support and defend. The Constitution of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic. And I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same being. I'll do whatever it takes to support and defend that constitution for the people. Because the constitution protects the people. Then it goes on to say, I will obey the orders of the President and the officers appointed over me, that I according to regulations and uniform code of military justice. Regulations and uniform Peter, military justice.
And what that oath of enlistment is under 10 title. So 10US code, title 10. The same title 10, that Donald John Trump used to federalize the National Guard. 10 United States Code 12406. The same United States Code. The same title 10 that he did what called 1,000,000 National Guard in the active duty. That's ten US code, 1209. So people can't, over here, these Americans get on November 11th on veteran's day and thank us for our service. They want to look cool on their social media.
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