⚜️ウォルヴァリン氏より⚜️-ロマーナ女王はこの旅にとても重要な人物です❣-⚜️Queen Romana is a very important person on this trip❣⚜️
※English follows Japanese

私も、当初、ロマーナ女王を信じていましたが、19代副大統領と名乗っている偽JFK Jr.がロマーナ女王がDSだと嘘を拡散した為、疑ってしまいました💦
でも、それは嘘で、その【19代副大統領】と名乗っている偽JFK Jr.が嘘を拡散していると、かなり信用できるデジタル・ソルジャーから彼が偽物で、ロマーナ女王はWHだと直接教えてもらいました。

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⚜️From Wolverine⚜️
I’m not a follower of Queen Romana as I thought she was really out there but I was told yesterday by people that are involved in releasing this blessing that she is a really important person in this journey. I could not believe it but I was given a lot of information why she is.
Now like I said when this waiting is all over we are going to end up with quite a few surprises. I’ll leave that up to you guys to believe what you want to believe. I’m only a messenger and I have being instructed to post her link here for further announcements.
God bless
👇Queen Romana's Telegram channel
I also initially believed Queen Romana, but I became suspicious when a fake JFK Jr. who claimed to be the 19th Vice President of the United States spread lies that Queen Romana was DS, so that I was skeptical because he spread a lie that Queen Romana was DS 💦
But I was told it was a lie, and that the fake JFK Jr. claiming himself the 【19th Vice President】 was spreading the lie.
An Australian Digital Soldier I trust told me directly that 19th Vice President is a fake, and Queen Romana is the WH.
※I may write another time about the evidence that this JFK Jr. who claims to be the 19th Vice President is a fake.

※👆Even in this post you can see evidence that this JFK Jr. is a fake. 😉
Please judge for yourself what to believe🙏
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