⚜️チャーリー博士より⚜️NESARA GESARAの正式発表が近づいている!?🤩
※English follows Japanese.
チャーリー博士が、ブラジルの NESARA GESARAの大規模な集会(?)か何かに参加されたようです。
チャーリー博士が発表をされていないようなので、正式発表ではないと思いますが、忙しく、体調もまだ100%回復されていない中、わざわざ他国で行われた【NESARA GESARA】のイベントに参加されたので、かなり正式発表が近づいているのではないかと思います❣️🥰
最初のタワーには200人の銀行員からなるチームがあり、NESARA 配備のあらゆる準備を行っていました。
👆NESARA/GESARA の施行後、多くの世界変革への道が開かれるでしょう。
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️
It appears that Dr. Charlie has attended his NESARA GESARA mass gathering or kind of something in Brazil.
It seems that Dr. Charlie has not made an announcement, so I don't think it's an announcement, but he participated in an event held in another country while he was very busy, so I guess the official announcement is getting closer ❣️🥰
👆※By Google Automatic Translation
After the implementation of NESARA/GESARA, the paths will be open for many world transformations
A gigantic energetic flow, coming from the central globe of the planet, will bathe our entire solar system, significantly accelerating the universe's vibrations, with positive transformations throughout the planet earth.
God's forces will take physical control of the planet, where together with humanity, we will take paths that will lead us to universal unity and prosperity, another important step towards coming in divine unity.
👆After the implementation of NESARA/GESARA, the paths will be open for many world transformations.
A gigantic energetic flow, coming from the central globe of the planet, will bathe our entire solar system, significantly accelerating the universe's vibrations, with positive transformations throughout the planet earth.
The forces of God will take physical control of the planet, where together with humanity, we will take paths that will lead us to universal unity and prosperity, another important step for us to come in divine unity. After the implantation of NESARA/GESARA, the paths will be open to many world transformations.
A gigantic energetic flow, coming from the central globe of the planet, will bathe our entire solar system, significantly accelerating the universe's vibrations, with positive transformations throughout the planet earth.
God's forces will take physical control of the planet, where together with humanity, we will take paths that will lead us to universal unity and prosperity, another important step towards coming in divine unity.
👆NESARA/GESARA, will promote the liberation of humanity, with the end of enslavement by debts/interest/Unfair taxes, reformulating the entire relationship of governors/banks with people and companies, it will be the beginning of the most accentuated changes of the New Age, in which we will live a flow of prosperity with balance.
👆The implantation of the NESARA/GESARA LAW, part of the divine planning, which promotes the liberation of humanity, will be the beginning of a set of planetary transformations.
👆※The only part that can be read…
With the NESARA Act, it starts right away.
Abolish the constitutional state of emergency, declare peace, recall all troops abroad and end all world conflicts.
It compensates those involved as reparation for 90 years of unwarranted interest and tax charges, and facilitates the transformation of the financial system with a new currency, backed by gold…..
In the video, there are people who are deeply moved and crying...😭
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