
⚜️From Dr. Charlie and Simon Parkes ⚜️-We've seen the Green Light🔥🔥🔥-

⚜️From Dr. Charlie & Simon Parkes⚜️

Last night (13, Tues.) during our insiders club dinner Christmas dinner, I was told some information by the quantum team live.

【Insider Club's Christmas Party】

【Insider Club's Christmas Party】

And he told me information. He told Simon information.

Then halfway through the evening, the person that's the number two on the QFS phoned me with some more information.

And I gave my description of what I had heard, and I asked Simon to take the same phone call in a private room. And Simon went outside and took the same phone call and they said exactly the same to him as they said to me.

And I asked Simon to tell the audience exactly how he saw it. And he delivered the message in a very different way than I did.


In terms of the financial system, what is coming cannot be stopped and it's going to be a very good Christmas because people will see the change in the energies.

They'll see that a lot of the things that you and I and others have talked about are actually coming forward obviously.

It was an excellent phone call to take at the height of your (Dr. Charlie's) party and it gives proof to some of the most stupidest people out there who are still don't believe what we're saying.

So to take a phone call from a very high up person live should have put to bed any ridiculous comments from some of these idiots.

Dr. Charlie:
That was the whole reason that I got Simon to take the call as well because when they told me. As I've simply I didn't tell Simon at the time, I just said this call for you and he went outside and privacy.

When he went outside, I told the audience what I had been told. Simon didn't hear what I've been told.

He didn't hear what I said to the audience. He went outside and took the call.

When he came back in, I asked him to tell the audience what he had heard. Simon delivered it in a different message.

I basically in my language being told that exactly that nothing can stop what's happening. We've been told this before. Nothing can stop what's coming.

One thing I can assure our audience is that we're moving forward. We're not moving backwards. Things are going to get better.

They may well get worse in between in periods. And this is to do with whether we can heat our houses and drive our cars. This is all part of the waking up process, but things will get a lot better.

Nothing can stop what's happening right now.

The new there's been a lot of stuff put out there to scare people, to do with their central bank digital currency. This is to wake up people.

The reality is, is the new quantum financial system is ready, willing and able, ready to go.

We have, in very simple terms, we've seen the green light.🟢🟢🟢

And the green light is on, but we're now waiting to see the liquidity of it.

Which Simon and I will see behind the scenes before anybody else.

And that from a point of view of the moment we see it, we probably won't be able to tell you, but you'll be able to tell by the look on Simon's face.

I can assure you from the bottom of my heart that Simon and I both know having had it first hand from the compliance officer and the team that things are fully under control and moving forward as a very good pace.

David :
What Charlie was talking about last night actually really happened. We did have the compliance officer there. He stood up and he gave a speech and he said,

【Listen, I know that we're being asked for due diligence on very large storage units that have a lot of this foreign currency. And so that means he's in charge of these people are ringing him up saying, listen, can you send me the due diligence and all of the paperwork to verify where you. You got all of these UM currencies, bonds, Chinese bonds, these kind of documentation, these financial documents and he's having to then send out the compliancy. To comply with banking regulations and um, wealth management regulations.】

So he's saying that he's doing it now the other phone calls.

They cannot stop what is happening even if they wanted to.

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