
⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️-The chemtrails being sprayed now are repairing damage!? -

⚜️From Dr. Charlie Ward⚜️

The Supreme Court in America on October the 24th. There was an action that was filed there. It wasn't claiming election fraud. It was the Supreme Court has accepted that. 340 elected officials in government, Democrat and Republicans including Biden and Harris blocked a legal requirement of a 10 day review of the 2020 election. But this has now been put in front of the Supreme Court. Because they were legally submitted complaints. This was submitted on the 24th of October. And they had a month to respond which took us to the 23rd of November which was three days ago. So, the officials have blocked the attempt and this was in front of the court. And as part of this filing. It has required. It's all 340 politicians be fired and removed from office. And replaced by Donald Trump and his team until another election can take place.

Now this has been filed in the Supreme Court. Elizabeth B Prelogar, the Solicitor General for the United States of America. The official Attorney General of the US. Waived their rights to respond. She did this officially. If you waive your rights to respond, it now allows the Supreme Court. To move forward. To do what action they feel is right. Of course, all eyes will be watching.
Let's wait and see exactly what does happen. The Supreme Court, they had the US government, Biden administration, the corporation have responded to the Supreme Court and waived their right to respond.

Many countries around the world have opened their arms. To the Ukrainian people who are fleeing war-torn Ukraine. That doesn't just affect those bordering like Poland and Bulgaria and Romania and that affects Spain, that affects the United Kingdom. We've now found out in the United Kingdom. They are of the as of Battalion. So these are military men that have been brought into the UK to cause problems. This is all part of the pantomime and this is important that people wake up to understand what's really going on.

They're being backed up by NATO. NATO have also got their military people. In all the hotels in the UK. Isn't it funny. How it's not just that they can provide free accommodation for the Azov battalion. They can also provide free accommodation for the asylum seekers and the refugees that crossed the channel. Thousands of them. The UK can provide. Immediate hotel rooms, accommodation, food and drink and money. And yet they can't look after the homeless people in the UK.

I know that because we look after around 3 & 1/2 thousand of them and we get absolutely no help from the government. But the government can find accommodation. For Nazis and for illegals coming into the country.
Why is it we can provide immediate shelter and food for somebody who comes into the country illegally. And yet we can't provide food and shelter for somebody who maybe has defended our country in the military, who's now homeless. Why can we not look after people that are homeless who are less fortunate than us.

I watched about 5 minutes yesterday of England against USA and it was just like it was unbelievably pathetic. All the psychological bullshit, all of the subliminal stuff that goes on is ridiculous. I can't even watch it. It's just like unbelievably bad and people, the commercial breaks are all about wearing LBGT bands on your arms or whatever they call themselves and how it's absolutely crazy.

【German athletes protesting the rejection of their LGBTQ armbands】
【FIFA rejected or LGBTQ promotion armband】

I said that about NESARA GESARA being signed in by different all countries were actually done in 2018. I announced it in 2020. That 208 countries they all signed up. Every single country and territory signed up to NESARA in 2018. They've all signed and committed to it. And that's that still stands.

At the moment, the UK is waking up. A lot of people are waking up to the fact that Rishi Sunak. There is a petition right now to remove the government in its entirety in the UK to remove 340 of the government politicians there. Because they have failed the people on many levels and they keep coming out and saying no.

There's so many good people like Jim Caviezel, Mel Gibson, Kanye West, Andrew Tate, Right said Fred, Annabel Croft. And then we take those that are supposed to be no longer here like Michael Jackson, John Lennon, Prince, who also tried to warn us and exposed this years ago. The value of it and Diana, of course, and there are many, many others that were trying to warn us about what was happening.

I'll talk about the 10 days of darkness. This is gonna be interesting because it could be. It could well be the deep state causes the 10 days of darkness because they don't want the truth to come out. They could shut down the Internet because they're about to be exposed. They could shut down the television. Because they know that they're going to be exposed to and it might take that to bring this to a head.

If the moment when the Internet, if it goes down, we'll be using starlink to because we know it's fully operational. It's just that in Spain at the moment they've we've applied for it and they've not given us access to it just yet. It's in certain countries they've got access already.

Still spraying the skies with chemtrails is all a visual thing to wake people up to. What's going on, I have been assured, by good people. That what's in the chemtrails is repairing the damage that was done previously. It apparently is not doing harm apparently. This is what I've been told, and I'd like to think that was honest. Because there's a lot of people that won't believe about the chemtrails now, they have to see it. So this is why they're putting in. There's a lot of people in there, complete deniers that no, they wouldn't do that, but now you can actually see it in plain sight.

For me, it's this is gonna be the happiest Christmas I've had for a long time. Seeing the Deep State in the Cabal being dismantled, we're seeing it in plain sight what I've said for two years. Three years. That they were going to shut down the world's economy for a global financial reset is actually happening in real time now.

At this moment in time, there are lots and lots and lots of Chinese people standing up against tyranny in China, but you can't see it anywhere through media. It's hard to find. But there are millions of people in China standing up against what's going on.

Q : Elon Musk, I've heard he's bringing out a new phone. Is there anything to do with the Q phones by any chance?

You don't Musk is bringing out a new phone, a Tesla phone. It is different to the Q phone is different. The Q phone will become available shortly, but there will be different versions of and I'm sure that Elon's is probably another version of.

What the world is not yet discussing is that Elon Musk has moved away from the electric car this year. Created a hydrogen car that runs on water. Because the realisation that it's physically impossible to maintain. The electric car business because there's not enough lithium in the world for the batteries.
Talking to a guy yesterday, that's got a Tesla that he's had for 3 years. He now gets 100 miles per charge out of it, where he was getting 500 when he bought it. So the value just drops through the floor. And then what are you gonna do with the lithium batteries to dispose of them safely. There are so many things unanswered questions.

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