
⚜️Update from the Alliance⚜️- There's just over 5 million Med beds available worldwide!-

⚜️From Skye Prince⚜️

She confirmed about number of Med bed to Alliance. (Excerpt)

I thought I would ask him who better to get it from than than those that actually in the Med bed department within the military.

This is what I've been told from the Med bed or medical department within the military.

There are three, three specialized Med bed centers in the United States.

Now before you jump up and down, say that's not enough, hear me out. This is what they said. there were three specialized Med bed centers in the United States.

However, there are 50,000 Med beds around the United States Now. Just over 50,000 actual Med beds dotted around the United States.

Now the three main centers, I didn't get a location. They said no, we're not ready to give out that yet, is what the public will be aware of.

Those centers will be used mainly for education to teach people how to use the beds and and all of that as well as any news or publicity or anything like that.

I asked about Australia. Australia has one specialized Med Bed center and that is in apparently Canberra.

There's just over 5,000 Med beds around Australia.

Again, similar to America, every country is pretty much the same. So the smaller the country, you'll have one major center and then other little places will inconspicuous, places will have made it

We're looking at approximately 4 to 6 weeks, I'm being told, closer to 6 weeks after the RV appointments.

The public will be made aware of the beds. All the of the beds existence, which is pretty much the time in which humanitarians have already been treated.

So the first 6 weeks as humanitarians and managers and their dependents. Then the public will be made aware of the beds existence.

Then and then about four to six weeks after they make the public aware of the beds. Then they will release the phone numbers to actually start booking your appointment national phone numbers.

So we're looking at about three months after the release of the humanitarian funds or redemption appointments to when you can actually start booking your appointment.

Now of course there's many factors in there and timelines do change, but they're looking at around 3 months.

That's what their estimate is based on the amount of humanitarians based on the amount of people.

So I agree with their prediction for the three months based on my observations with everything.

There's just over 5 million Med beds available worldwide, 3 specialized centers in America, one specialized center in Australia.

It seems that the newest Medbeds are still being manufactured every day, and the number of Medbeds is much higher than I heard two years ago ❣️🥰

Let's also raise our own frequency and wait for the positives so that we can get the most out of our Medbeds❣️

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