When your heart and life crash down after you see the person you love the most sleeping with someone else.
Hi, I want to share an experience I had personally undergo.
I have a partner and he goes to a love hotel and sleep with someone else. I just discovered it a day before they do it.
It was so shocking to me but I don't show any emotions of sadness and frustration and what I did is still show a smiling face. He was a person that I sacrificed my career and my future so my life depends on him. It was hurting already when I found out but I was still hoping that he is just teasing me.
Then the day and time came, he really go with someone else in a love hotel and stayed there for 4 hours. I was so devastated and in pain. My heart is so heavy and my mouth is so bitter, my eyes can't stop crying and I wanted to shout so loud just to express how sad and how in pain I was. I wanted to disappear from the world, I even pray to God, I forgot to say I am catholic. I prayed not bad things or ask him why but I prayed that no matter happens I thank God for giving me a special person that let me experienced love and being take care off. I cried the whole night until morning until my eyes got dried. During the whole night I just cried and stare blankly in the clear night sky.
When the morning comes, he called me but I have no strength to pick up and answer the call. As of the time I am writing this article I am still not picking up his calls. I can't afford to loose him but I was so in pain.
Thank you for reading this article, I hope you learned something from this and hoping no one experienced these feeling I have experiences. Good luck in your life.