[1] わたしの義を助け守られる神よ、 わたしが呼ばわる時、お答えください。 あなたはわたしが悩んでいた時、 わたしをくつろがせてくださいました。 わたしをあわれみ、わたしの祈をお聞きください。
[2] 人の子らよ、いつまでわたしの誉をはずかしめるのか。 いつまでむなしい言葉を愛し、 偽りを慕い求めるのか。〔セラ
[3] しかしあなたがたは知るがよい、 主は神を敬う人をご自分のために聖別されたことを。 主はわたしが呼ばわる時におききくださる。
[4] あなたがたは怒っても、罪を犯してはならない。 床の上で静かに自分の心に語りなさい。〔セラ
[5] 義のいけにえをささげて主に寄り頼みなさい。
[6] 多くの人は言う、 「どうか、わたしたちに良い事が見られるように。 主よ、どうか、み顔の光を わたしたちの上に照されるように」と。
[7] あなたがわたしの心にお与えになった喜びは、 穀物と、ぶどう酒の豊かな時の喜びに まさるものでした。
[8] わたしは安らかに伏し、また眠ります。 主よ、わたしを安らかにおらせてくださるのは、 ただあなただけです。
"O ye sons of men, how long will ye turn my glory into shame?"Psalm 4:2
An instructive writer has made a mournful list of the honours which the blinded people of Israel awarded to their long expected King.
1. They gave him a procession of honour, in which Roman legionaries, Jewish priests, men and women, took a part, he himself bearing his cross. This is the triumph which the world awards to him who comes to overthrow man's direst foes. Derisive shouts are his only acclamations, and cruel taunts his only paeans of praise.
2. They presented him with the wine of honour.
Instead of a golden cup of generous wine they offered him the criminal's stupefying death-draught, which he refused because he would preserve an uninjured taste wherewith to taste of death;
and afterwards when he cried, "I thirst," they gave him vinegar mixed with gall, thrust to his mouth upon a sponge.
Oh! wretched, detestable inhospitality to the King's Son.
3. He was provided with a guard of honour, who showed their esteem of him by gambling over his garments, which they had seized as their booty. Such was the body-guard of the adored of heaven; a quaternion of brutal gamblers.
4. A throne of honour was found for him upon the bloody tree;
no easier place of rest would rebel men yield to their liege Lord.
The cross was, in fact, the full expression of the world's feeling towards him;
"There," they seemed to say, "thou Son of God, this is the manner in which God himself should be treated, could we reach him."
5. The title of honour was nominally "King of the Jews," but that the blinded nation distinctly repudiated, and really called him "King of thieves," by preferring Barabbas, and by placing Jesus in the place of highest shame between two thieves.
His glory was thus in all things turned into shame by the sons of men, but it shall yet gladden the eyes of saints and angels, world without end.
5.その栄誉の称号は名目上は "ユダヤ人の王 "であったが、盲目の国民はそれをはっきりと否定し、バラバを選び、イエスを二人の盗賊の間の最も恥ずべき場所に置くことによって、確かに彼らは "盗賊の王 "と呼んだ。