

An Introduction to “The Cicada Buzz”(Fujisawa Shuhei)・English Translation(17)

17 ふく欅御殿に移り男児出産


 与之助は腕組みを解いて、ぱたりと膝を打った。 そしてちらと部屋の入り口の方を見てから言った。 ‎
‎ 「奥方のまえでは話しにくいことなのだ」‎
‎ 「・・・・・」‎
‎ 「お福さまが、国元に帰っておられるぞ。知っているか」‎
‎ 文四郎は言葉につまった。 思いがけない話に衝撃をうけていた。 ようやく、いやと首を‎降った。 ‎
‎ 「初耳だ。というよりも、こちらではそんなことを話してる者は誰もおらんようだ」‎
‎ 「そうだろな」‎
‎ 与之助はうなずいた。 ‎
‎ 「非常に、極秘にはこばれた事らしい」‎
‎ 「で、そのお福さまは・・・・・」‎
‎ 「実家に帰っておられるのか」‎
‎ 「いや、それがちがう」‎
‎ 首を振って、与之助はさらに声をひそめた。 ‎
‎ 「欅(けやき)御殿は知っているな」‎
‎ 「うむ、金井村のお上の屋敷だろう」‎
‎ 金井村の西のはずれ、なだらかな長い丘が平野に突き出た形で終わっているその場所に、‎‎ 藩主家の別邸がある。 丘の麓一帯に欅の大木が密集し、別邸はその木々にかこまれているので‎ 欅御殿と言っているけれども、建物自体はごく簡素で、御殿と呼ぶほどの規模があるわけでは‎‎ ない。 ‎
‎ ただ、この別邸をかこむ四季の景色は、城中とは異なっていささか野趣に富んではいるだ‎ろう。 背後の丘を、春から夏にかけていろどる若葉、木々の花。 夏は木立の奥が涼しく、秋は‎‎ 建物の外を流れる小川べりに芒(すすき)の穂が咲く。 または真東にのぞむ国境の山にのぼる月‎‎ が、ことさらうつくしいなどということを気に入って、藩主は帰国すると時々この別邸を使っていた。
‎ お福さまは、人にかしずかれてその屋敷にいるはずだと、与之助は言った。 奇怪な話である。 ‎
‎ 「実家ではないのだな」‎
‎ 文四郎は疑わしそうに、与之助を見た。 ‎
‎ 「実家ではなくて、欅御殿にいるということだ。いや、おれもそのことを聞いたときにはお‎どろいた」と与之助は言った。 ‎‎(中略)
‎ 藩主がお福に暇を出し、親族の郡代家に預けたことは江戸屋敷に仕える人間をおどろかしたが、そのときもおよねたちごく少数の者は、前のような見方を変えなかった。女たちはその証拠をにぎっていたのである。

 実家に帰った方が安全だったのではないかと、文四郎は思った。(藤沢周平『蝉しぐれ』ー行く水 二)


17  Fuku moves to the Keyaki Palace and gives birth to a boy. 

   *At the age of 17, Fukuwas entrusted to a retainer, the Yashiro family, a relative of the feudal lord. However, after that, she was secretly sent to the native place and moved to the palace of Kanai village, which is the property of the feudal lord. At that time, she had a son of a feudal lord and gave birth to a boy in the summer of that year.

    Yonosuke untied his arms and struck his knees. Then he glanced at the entrance of the room and said. "It's hard to talk to you in front of your wife." "..." "Fuku-sama is back in the country. Do you know?" Bunshiro got stuck in words. He was shocked by the unexpected story. Finally, he shook his head. "It's my first time hearing. Rather, it seems that no one is talking about that here." "That's right" Yonosuke nodded. "Very secretly spilled" "And that fortune is ..." "Are you back home?" "No, it's different" Shaking his head, Yonosuke screamed further. "I don't know the Keyaki Palace" "Um, it's the residence of the government of Kanai village" The villa of the feudal lord is located on the western edge of Kanai Village, where a long gentle hill ends in a shape protruding into the plain. Large zelkova trees are densely packed around the foot of the hill, and the villa is surrounded by the trees, so it is called the zelkova palace, but the building itself is very simple and it is not as large as the palace. do not have. However, the scenery of the four seasons surrounding this villa will be a little wilder than in the castle. Young leaves and flowers of trees colorize the hills behind from spring to summer. In the summer, the back of the grove is cool, and in the fall, the ears of Japanese pampas grass bloom on the stream that flows outside the building. Or the moon, which climbs the mountain on the border to the east, is particularly beautiful, and the feudal lord used this villa from time to time when he returned to Japan. Fuku-sama should be in the residence by someone, Yonosuke said. It's a bizarre story. "It's not my parents' house" Bunshiro looked suspiciously at Yonosuke. "I'm not at my parents' house, but at the palace. No, I was surprised when I heard that," Yonosuke said. (Omitted) 

           The fact that the feudal lord had spared time for good fortune and entrusted it to his relatives, the Gundai family, surprised the people who served the Edo residence, but even then, Oyone and a very small number of people never changed their views as before. The women were squeezing the evidence. "What is the evidence?" Bunshiro saw Yonosuke's face. Then Yonosuke nodded, and he said, don't tell anyone, in fact, it's the clan's secret. "Fuku-sama is said to be in her possession." "What is the son of the Lord?" "Of course, the son of the palace." Yonosuke looked at Bunshiro with the eye of not listening to stupid things. Bunshiro's skin was fluffy. The native place is the world of Inagaki and Satomura factions, who are associated with his concubine ship. If that is leaked, the life of O-Fuku may not be lost. "Is that true?" The maid, who was intimate with Oyone, sent O-Fuku with her when Fuku was entrusted to the Yashiro family. After that, she doubted her ears when she heard a Yashiro family member telling her about her pregnancy and telling her to take care of her because she is an important body. "Well, Oyone believes that it was the government's instructions that Fuku-sama was returned to the hometown from the Yashiro family."
           "The girl just says," said Bunshiro. "It's an unbelievable story" "But the truth of the matter is that there are many women like Oyone.  Even so, I can't help but feel suspicious." If what Yonosuke said was true, the fate of O-Fuku could never be optimistic. The Inagaki and Satomura factions will eventually find O-Fuku hidden in the palace, and in the hometown, there is a powerful person called Oman-sama in the back of the castle. The hometown is not a safe haven for Fuku.

         --- O-Fuku ....better yet.  Bunshiro thought that it would have been safer to return to his parents' house. ( Fujisawa Shuhei "The Cicada Buzz" -Going Water 2)                   (To be continued)

