
藤沢周平『日暮れ竹河岸(たけがし)』ダイジェスト(英語対訳)20            Fujisawa Shuhei “Takegashi at Sunset” (English Translation)20



 藤沢周平が人から示された浮世絵から、女主人公や登場人物の女のイメージを取り出して文章化し、表現していることが驚きです。この話は江戸の女たちの十二ヶ月であって、作者が述懐しているとおり「一月から十二月まで季節に対応した話」なので、「雪」「うぐいす」「朧月」「つばめ」「梅雨」「朝顔」「晩夏光」「十三夜」「秋の夜」「枯野」 「年の市」「三日」と季節を示す語の 季語を切り口として読んでも面白いと思います。


 「 浮世絵には無限の想像力をかきたてる世界が 隠されている。その中から十二枚の場面をえらんで小説をつけてみることにした。といっても、 触発されて出てくる想像の世界を掌篇にするだけのことで、中味は必ずしも絵の説明とはなら ないだろうが、その上で両者がどこかでつながっているあたりを眺めていただければよいので はないかと思う。」
 「既に人生の峠を越えて晩年にいながら、私にとって人間は、自身をふくめてなお混沌として 不可解である。わずかに理解がおよぶのは自然 だけのように思うことがある。」

 このエッセーを綴ったとき藤沢は 55 歳でしたが、自己を晩年と規定し、人間は「混沌として不可解」であると語っています。藤沢の 「江戸おんな絵姿十二景」に盛り込まれた女たち の人生の種々相は、その「混沌」をも「不可解」 をも見据えて取り上げられたものと考えられます。「江戸」の「十二景」であり、「おんな」の「絵姿」 =人生の場面を生きている女の種々相であった。人間を「混沌にして不可解」とする藤沢は、この 作品で 12 人の女たちを創出することで、その「混 沌」「不可解」から、女たちの真実を拾い出しているように思います。

Fujisawa Shuhei “Takegashi at Sunset” (English Translation)20


   It is amazing to see how Fujisawa Shuhei was able to extract the images of female protagonists and characters from the Ukiyo-e prints shown to him by others, write them down, and express them. This story is about the 12 months of women in Edo, and as the author recalls, it is a story that corresponds to the seasons from January to December, so there are many characters such as I think it would be interesting to read the seasonal words as a starting point, such as "snow," "warbler”, "hazy moon," "swallow," “rainy season'', ”morning glory'', “late summer light'', “thirteenth night'', “autumn night'', “desolate field'', “year-end market'', and ``the third day''.
   Fujisawa Shuhei wrote the following in the foreword at the beginning of the series:
   “Ukiyo-e hides a world that stimulates limitless imagination. I decided to select 12 scenes from them and write a novel about them. The content is not necessarily an explanation of the picture, but I think it would be good if you could see how the two are connected in some way.”
   Fujisawa Shuhei wrote the essay ” ’Unasaka’, and Takashi, etc.” immediately after the publication of “Twelve Views of Edo Women's Pictures''.
   “Even though I have already passed the peak of life and am now in my later years, humans, including myself, are still chaotic and incomprehensible to me. I sometimes think that nature is the only thing that I have a slight understanding of.''
   Fujisawa was 55 years old when he wrote this essay, but he defines himself as late in life and says that humans are ``chaotic and incomprehensible.'' I think that the various aspects of women's lives included in Fujisawa's ``Twelve Scenes of Edo Women'' were taken with an eye toward both their ``chaos'' and ``incomprehensibility.'' They were the ``Twelve Views'' of ``Edo,'' and the ``pictures'' of ``women'' = the various aspects of women living their lives. Fujisawa considers humans to be "chaotic and incomprehensible," and by creating 12 women in this work, he seems to be able to extract the truth about women from their "chaos" and "incomprehensibility."

                          (The End)

