
文章の名手、藤沢周平作品の英訳(8)English Translation of Fujisawa Shuhei's Works (8)

2-6-1  『橋ものがたり』(赤い夕日)で、博奕打ちの斧次郎に育てられ大人になったおもん。夫婦のように暮らしたこともあった。

 斧次郎は時どき賭場にでかけたが、それだけで、身の回りに女がいるような気配はなかつた。そういうことは、女であるおもんによくわかる。「あたしを育てて、年取っちゃったね」 「お前のために、かかあをもらわなかったわけじゃねえ」「じゃ、どうして?」「女はこわいからよ」「あたしも女よ」「おめえが?」
 斧次郎は珍しく笑顔になっておもんを見た。斧次郎は、浅黒く引き締まった顔に、鋭い眼をもち、めったに笑顔を見せない男だった。「おめえは、まだ女なんかじゃねえ」「もう、一人前の女よ」おもんはゆっくり言って斧次郎を見返した。こみあげるような愛情に衝き動かされていた。「あたしが、おかみさんになってあげてもいいのよ」「ばか言え」   (藤沢周平『橋ものがたり』「赤い夕日」二)

2-6-1 In "Bridge Stories" (A Red Setting Sun), Omon was raised by Onojiro, a gambler, and became an adult. She once lived with him like a married couple.

   ------ That was when I was sixteen years old.
   While listening to Shintaro's healthy snoring, Omon opened her eyes in the darkness and thought. "Why didn't you get your wife?" She said to Onojiro when the meal was over one night. Onojiro looked back at her astonishingly. She looked at his white hair with a painful feeling. Onojiro was forty-eight years old.
   Onojiro sometimes went to the gambling house, but that alone did not seem to have a woman with him. Omon understood it well. "You grew me up and got old." "Just because I have you, it doesn't mean I didn't necessarily get my wife." "Then, why?" "I'm scared of a woman." "I'm also a woman." "Are you a woman? "
   Onojiro smiled unusually and saw Omon. Onojiro was a man with a dark, firm face, sharp eyes, and he rarely smiled. "You're not a woman yet." "I'm a fully grown woman," she said slowly and looked back at Onojiro. She was urged by a surge of affection. "I can be your wife." "Don’t say stupid things! " (Fujisawa Shuhei "Bridge Stories“-A Red Setting Sun 2-)

                        (To be continued)
