

An Introduction to “The Cicada Buzz”(Fujisawa Shuhei)・English Translation(11)

11  ふくの手助け

 喘いでいる文四郎の眼に、組屋敷の方から小走りに駆けて来る少女の姿が映った。たしかめるまでもなく、ふくだとわかった。ふくはそばまで来ると、車の上の遺体に手を合わせ、それから歩き出した文四郎によりそって梶棒(かじぼう)をつかんだ。無言のままの眼から涙がこぼれるのをそのままに、ふくは一心な力をこめて梶棒をひいていた。(藤沢周平『蝉しぐれ』-蟻のごとく 3)

11  Fuku‘s Help

   But he also knew that he had no more strength left to detour and follow a flat road. If he detours, it will be a tremendously distant road. He had no choice but to climb the slope with all his might. When he came to the edge of the Ashigaru residence, the car suddenly became lighter. The wheels roared, and Bunshiro was about to lean forward, holding his shaft. 

   When turning around, a blackhead can be seen at the tip of Sukezaemon's feet. And the next face raised was Michizo Sugiuchi. Bunshiro stopped the car. "When I tried to cross the Chidori Bridge, I saw Maki-san's car," said Michizo. "If I found out that I was alone, I went to the Ryukoji Temple to help." "Sugiuchi" Bunshiro turned his face after wiping his sweat toward the body on the car and shook his chin. "I don't like the dead" "Disagreeable" Michizo turned a somewhat scary eye on his leg protruding from the rough straw mat, but immediately said in a flat voice. "I don't think anything because it is Maki's father." "Sorry," Bunshiro said. He felt that this actually helped him. "I would have asked if Ippei was there, but he was also working at the castle and he couldn't be free. I was saved." "Not at all" "Then, push me"
   Bunshiro pulled the car. It was easy to have Michizo push him. After walking for a while, Bunshiro said looking forward. "But Sugiuchi" "Yes, what?" "I was saved by the help I received today, but I will be shunned from now on because I am a child of a person who is wearing a sin. Don't get too close to me." Michizo did not answer. But when he saw the gentle slope that Bunshiro was concerned about earlier, he suddenly said. "Does Maki quit the training hall?" "Come on, what will happen," said Bunshiro. He didn't want to quit if possible. The voice of his father, who said baldness, remains in his ears. However, because his high-ranking younger brother Yada Sakunojo was involved in the upcoming secretary, the training hall may need to express his modesty to the clan, and if that happens, he will be told to stop as one of the people involved. Bunshiro thought it was possible.

   He came under the hill. And he could hear the cicadas singing in the woods of Yaba on the gentle slope. The sun still shines in the sky directly above, and the road and the leaves of the saplings look whitish when exposed to direct light. "Come on, push me" When he called out to Michizo, Bunshiro squeezed his last energy and climbed up the path of climbing. When the car was pulled up from the side of the wooded area to the street of Yabacho, both Bunshiro and Michizo had used up all of their energies, and for a while, they couldn't say anything. The car was so heavy.
   In the eyes of Bunshiro who was panting, the figure of a girl running from the Kumiyashiki appeared. Needless to say, he knew it was Fuku, When she came to his side, she put her hands together for the dead body on the car, and then she grabbed the shafts by Bunshiro who started walking. With tears spilling from her silent eyes, Fuku pulled the shafts with all her might.  (Fujisawa Shuhei “The Cicada Buzz” -Like an ant 3)
                                                                               (To be continued)

