
文章の名手、藤沢周平作品の英訳(1)English Translation of Fujisawa Shuhei's Works (1)

1 藤沢周平の横顔

1 A Profile of Fujisawa Shuhei
   Fujisawa Shuhei (a novelist; a skillful writer:1927~1997) was born at Tsuruoka in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan on December 26, 1927. He graduated from Yamagata Higher Normal School (currently known as Yamagata University). His real name is Tomeji Kosuge. He worked as a junior high school teacher and as a journalist in the industry. He was awarded Naoki Prize for "The Growing Tree Rings of Assassination "(『暗殺の年輪』)in 1973. He became a popular writer by writing the joys of the lower samurai and the common people in a neat style in historical novels centered around the samurai and the townspeople. In 1991, he won the Eiji Yoshikawa Literature Award for "A White Bottle"(『白き瓶』)and the art selection for "City Dust" (『市塵』)in 1990. The final work was "A Country with Lacquer Fruit" 『漆の実のみのる国』, which was written on Uesugi Yozan. Fujisawa Shuhei died on January 26, 1997, at the age of 69. Other works include "Rumbling of the Sea"(『海鳴り』), "The Cicada Buzz “ (『蝉しぐれ』), etc.         

2  彼の作品の特徴

2 Features of his works 
    Fujisawa Shuhei's works have poetic sentiment in the text, and the subtleties of the human mind are cleverly expressed. The beauty of landscape description and the politeness of psychological description stand out.
Let me give you some examples.           (To be continued)

