
文章の名手、藤沢周平作品の英訳(10)English Translation of Fujisawa Shuhei's Works (10)

2-6-3  『橋ものがたり』(赤い夕日)で、博奕打ちの斧次郎に育てられ大人になったおもんはその事実を隠して、太物商「若狭屋」の主人・新太郎の嫁になった。彼女は斧次郎の死に目に会うため、五年ぶりに永代橋を渡ろうと思った。

 -----明日、すぐに言ってみよう。とおもんは思った。そばで高いびきの音を立てている、どこかに妾を囲っているかも知れない夫を、ひどく遠くにいる人間のように感じていた。 (藤沢周平『橋ものがたり』「赤い夕日」二)

2-6-3 In "Bridge Stories“ (A Red Setting Sun 2), Omon, who was raised by Onojiro, a gambler, and became an adult, hid that fact and became the bride of Shintaro, the owner of a kimono fabrics dealer "Wakasaya". She thought she would cross the Eitai-bashi Bridge for the first time in five years, in order to be with Onojiro when he died.

   When she went to say goodbye to him, Onojiro said that this was fine and that he would be cut off, so forget about him. "You must forget that I'm here around the Eitai-bashi Bridge. No matter what happens, you should not cross the bridge."
   Onojiro kept his words at that time and did not let her know that he got sick. But when he died, did he still want to see me? She thought so.
   Omon wet her eyes in the darkness. She lied on her back. Her tears spilled one after another, and they ran down the corners of her eyes and wet her pillow. 
     ----- I'll go soon tomorrow. Omon thought it. She felt her husband, who might have his concubine somewhere, snoring loudly by her side, like a human being who was terribly far away.
                       (Fujisawa Shuhei -"Bridge Stories“-A Red Setting Sun 2-)

                                     (To be continued)
