
#6 街角の国際人 あんころもちさん (コロンビアにルーツ) ◎with English translation


浜松市在住で外国にルーツを持つ方々をゲストにお迎えし ます。浜松でどんな活動をされているのかなどを深堀りしていきます。 英語と日本語のバイリンガルで放送予定。

"International on the corner of the street" ?

In this corner of mikawaya podcast, we welcome guests with foreign roots living in Hamamatsu. We ask and talk about the story the guests have experienced and the life in Hamamastu. We are thinking about broadcasting this corner both in Japanese and English.

今回は「街角の国際人」第1回目の収録!浜松市内で学生をされている、あんころもちさん (20)にお越しいただきました。南米のコロンビアにルーツを持つあんころもちさんに、色んなお話を伺いました。

This time was the first time to record "International on the corner of the street" ! We welcomed [ Ankoromochi (20) ] (nick name) who is a college student in Hamamatsu as our guest. We talked many things with Ankoromochi who has roots in Colombia.

ポッドキャストの内容を時間ごとに / Index and its time in this episode

0:00~ イントロダクション / Introduction

0:43~ バックグラウンドについて / About her background

2:31~ 浜松と故郷 / Hamamatsu and the place she grew up

5:26~ 日本語とスペイン語を話すと言う事 / Speaking Japanese and  Spanish 

11:30~ 映画『HALF』/ A movie『HALF』

アイデンティティ / Identity

19:40~ 将来のこと / In the future

26:45~ クリスマスどう過ごす?/ How will you spend this Christmas?

28:14~ 家族、多様性 / Family, diversity

31:44~ 国際人とは? / What kind of people is "International" ?

39:00~ 英語の勉強法 / How to study English

リサコの感想 / Comment from Risako


I love "diversity". This recording makes me re-think that every people has its own stories, and no body can have the same life. The birth place, the hometown, the place currently belong to, where to go, and the dream place..... Every people has different ideas and that's normal. But if I think about it, I think the relationship which has been keeping for a long time is special, and also sharing the present time together is precious. I am looking forward to encountering many kinds of diversities from now on !

