Freedom Dictionary and Rock’n Roll Zen Garden
DARUMA 60 second series 2023
Artist: Daichiro Shinjo
@Komyo-in Tofukuji , KYOTO
until Feb. 26th, 2023
Daichiro Sinjo,a young ink-blush painter is holding three exhibitions in Kyoto, including the zen temple Komyo-in, Tofukuji. Komyo-in is famous for its rock garden designed by the modern gardener Mirei Shigemori(1896〜1975). You might think that “ink-blush painting in the zen temple would be an orthodox thing to do.” However, Shinjo's ink-blush stroke depicting daruma; a zen monk is not common but bold and sometimes comical. Similar to Shigemori’s avant-garde garden rocks that a musician described as "free and rhythmical like rock’n roll" , Sinjo's paintings seemingly attempt to evoke the groove of the moment and celebrate life and prayer.
If you are interested in Japanese avant-garde calligraphy, visit the national museum of modern art,Kyoto. They are currently showing contemporary masterpieces from their collection.
墨絵画家の新城大地郎が、東福寺の塔頭、光明院ほか京都3箇所(haku、 kokyu)で個展中。ファンキーな筆致が突き抜けてて軽い。光明院のお庭は重森三玲の作で知られるが、ロックンロールな作風と、この墨絵はとってもk響いててイマドキだと思った。京都国立近代美術館のコレクション展で、前衛書の特集展示をやっているので、こちらも一緒に見ること、おすすめ。