Babies’ miracle power

Today I would like to talk about what surprised me during the postpartum Doula class. If you place a newborn baby on the mother’s chest (skin to skin) immediately after the delivery, babies can crawl on their own to reach their mother’s nipples, although nobody teaches the baby where to go.

It didn’t surprise me since I had learned this fact at my midwifery school in Japan. During the postpartum Doula class, I realized that Doula’s role is to provide a safe environment for the mothers and babies depending on each mother’s desire. This way, we can let the baby safely do their activities without guiding them.

When I had just become a midwife, I worked in a large hospital in Japan. We thought mothers had to take their babies to their nipples without letting them find it by themselves. I realized it was unnecessary for the babies, so now I will let the baby’s power work. Of course, it also applies to parenting. Babies have great power. We just have to believe in their power.

Ikuyo A

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