Doula is divided into two types
Doula has two types. One is birth doula, which specializes in childbirth, and another is postpartum doula, which provides postnatal care for newborns and physical mental support for mothers.
They require different certification. Birth doula provides specialized care for women who deliver, and their main care is to be close to the patient's heart and to help her overcome pain and anxiety together.
There are quite a lot of Japanese who doesn’t know about doula. This is because support for pregnancy, childbirth, and childcare is generally provided by midwives in Japan! I think that the American midwifery qualification is a specialist in normal delivery. it is closer to an obstetrician of normal child birth. it accurately judges the process of pregnancy and childbirth, guides normal childbirth, and to sutures the perineal in some case.
The birth doula specializes in mental support for women as to challenge their childbirth with their confidence. Hiring doula for childbirth is pervasive in the United States and Europe, and insurance is often covered.
The fee to hire a doula for one birth is about $800-2000, depending on career and expertise. the doula will interview patients several times before the birth to find out their birth plan and will free up two weeks of own schedule near women’s due date. The doula will stay with women for most of the time until the delivery is over. And then the doula will have one review visit after the birth. the price included in one hire.
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