#4 産後ケア 北京でのオプション Options for Postnatal care in Beijing
(English follows Japanese)
(1) 産後ケア施設「月子中心(ユエズ ジョンシン)」に約1か月入る
(2) 自宅に泊まり込みする国家資格を持った新生児育児と産後ケア専門の人を約1か月雇う「月嫂(ユエサオ)」
(1) 産後ケア施設「月子中心(ユエズ ジョンシン)」
施設名: Care Bay Maternity Care Service
URL: http://www.care-bay.com
• 最安の部屋:28日間で109,800 RMB(約242万円、1RMB=22円換算)
• 最広の部屋:28日間で189,800 RMB(約418万円)
• 部屋: 全室個室で、ホテルのような環境。手ぶらで入所可能で、妊婦用品・赤ちゃん用品が全て用意されている。
• 食事: 1日3食+おやつ付き。夫も宿泊可能な広さで、夫がここから通勤するケースもあり。
• 赤ちゃんのケア: 専属の乳母が24時間サポート。部屋に待機または同室で休む。
• 医療サポート: 医師が常駐し、看護師が毎日お母さんと赤ちゃんの健康チェックを行う。必要時は医師が診察。
• お母さんのケア:乳腺ケアや悪露確認。帝王切開の場合は傷口の消毒も実施。産後の骨盤ケアや漢方足湯がセットに含まれる場合も。
(2) 家庭派遣型の「月嫂(ユエサオ)」
会社名: 北京舒禧健康管理有限公司
• クラス1-5: 12,800 RMB~19,800 RMB(約29万円~44万円)
• 特級(特1-3): 23,800 RMB~32,800 RMB(約53万円~72万円)
1. お母さんのケア
• 食事管理: 「月子食」(産後回復のための栄養バランスを考慮した食事)の調理。
• 体調管理: 母乳分泌の促進、傷のケア、体調チェック。
• 心理的サポート: 産後うつ予防やストレスケア。
2. 新生児のケア
• 授乳補助(母乳・ミルク)。
• オムツ交換や沐浴(お風呂)サポート。
• 新生児の睡眠管理。
• 健康状態に異常があれば早期発見し、病院受診を提案
Postpartum Care in China
In China, there is a cultural emphasis on postpartum recovery, with a traditional practice called “Zuo Yuezi” (坐月子), which spans one month. During this period, mothers are encouraged to rest and consume nutritious meals to aid recovery.
According to my friends in Beijing, postpartum care is considered extremely important, as this one-month period is believed to significantly impact a woman’s health for the rest of her life. Families with sufficient financial means often choose one of two main options:
1. Staying at a Postpartum Care Facility (“Yuezi Center”) for about a month.
2. Hiring a “Yuesao,” a certified professional specializing in newborn care and postpartum recovery, to stay at home for about a month.
We were curious about both options, so we looked into them.
In Japan, it is common for new mothers to return to their parents’ home and rely on family for support. While some families in China also rely on relatives for care, it seems there is an increasing trend toward hiring professionals. This is partly because even with family, it can cause some disagreement between how to handel a baby and can lead to tension within the family, as well as family members may lack up-to-date experience in childcare.
Examples of Pricing and Services
It vary by Region and Provider so, below are some examples from Beijing (as of November 2024).
(1) Postpartum Care Facility: “Yuezi Center”
Facility Name: Care Bay Maternity Care Service
URL: http://www.care-bay.com
• Smallest room: 28 days for 109,800 RMB
• Largest room: 28 days for 189,800 RMB
• Rooms: All private rooms with a hotel-like environment. No need to bring anything, as all items for both the mother and the baby are provided.
• Meals: Three meals a day plus snacks. Rooms are spacious enough for the father to stay, and some fathers even commute to work from the facility.
• Baby Care: A dedicated nanny provides 24-hour care, either waiting or resting on a sofa in the same room.
• Medical Support: A resident doctor is available, and nurses check the health of the mother and baby daily, with the doctor stepping in when necessary.
• Mother’s Care:
• Includes lactation care, monitoring of postpartum recovery (lochia), and wound care for C-section patients.
• Postpartum pelvic recovery and traditional Chinese medicine foot baths may be included in specific packages.
Note: This facility provides comprehensive services in line with the pricing. Some mothers opt for a 42-day stay.
(2) Home-based Postpartum Nanny: “Yuesao”
Company Name: Beijing Shuxi Health Management Co., Ltd.
Note: There are many similar agencies in Beijing. There were few recommended by my acquaintances, but chose this company as example as its quick response time, clear pricing estimates, and detailed candidate introductions. However, it primarily serves Chinese and overseas Chinese clients, and our inquiry was the first from Japanese clients. Also, all communication is in Chinese. The Yuesao themselves doesnt speak English and its only Chinese.
26 days of live-in care, with fees depending on the experience and qualifications of the Yuesao:
• Class 1-5: 12,800 RMB–19,800 RMB
• Special Class (1-3): 23,800 RMB–32,800 RMB
Note: Interviews are conducted in Chinese to assess compatibility. If unsatisfied, a replacement can be arranged within the first three days after being at home.
1. Mother’s Care:
• Meal Management: Preparation of “Yuezi meals,” designed to promote postpartum recovery and provide balanced nutrition.
• Physical Care: Lactation support, wound care, and general health monitoring.
• Emotional Support: Prevention of postpartum depression and stress management.
2. Baby Care:
• Assistance with breastfeeding or formula feeding.
• Help with diaper changes and bathing.
• Sleep management for the newborn.
• Early detection of health issues, advising hospital visits as needed.
Both options are expensive but offer highly comprehensive support.
Important Considerations
When hiring a Yuesao (postpartum nanny) through an agency, it is common for families to start searching and booking early. Popular Yuesao professionals often have their schedules filled up as early as six months before the expected delivery date.
One of my friends planned to hire a Yuesao through a personal referral instead of going through an agency. However, two months before her due date, the Yuesao suddenly canceled the agreement. This left her scrambling to find a replacement and ultimately led her to interview and hire a Yuesao through an agency just one month before her delivery. So, it seems that agencies can accommodate last-minute bookings, offering more flexibility than private arrangements.