英語の勉強 get in the mood! 聞き流し用
George: What's the deal with Aquaman? Could he go on land, or was he just restricted to water?
Jerry: No, I think I saw him on land a couple times. So how's the job situation going?
George: Still looking. It's pretty bad out there. What about you?
Jerry: Nothing much. I slept with Elaine last night.
George: Oxygen! I need some oxygen! This is major.
Jerry: I thought you'd like that.
George: Oh, this is huge!
Jerry: I know.
George: All right, okay. Let's go, details.
Jerry: No, I can't do details.
George: You what?
Jerry: I can't give details.
George: No details?
Jerry: I'm not in the mood.
George: You ask me to have lunch, tell me you slept with Elaine, and then say you're not in the mood for details. Now you listen to me. I want details and I want them right now. I don't have a job, I have no place to go. You're not in the mood? Well you get in the mood!
Jerry: All right, okay. We're in the apartment watching TV.
George: Where are you sitting?
Jerry: On the couch.
George: Next to each other?
Jerry: No, separated.
George: Time?
Jerry: About eleven.
George: Okay, go ahead.
Jerry: So she's flipping around the TV, and she gets to the naked station.
George: Oh, see? that's why I don't have cable in my house. Because of that naked station. If I had that in my house, I would never turn it off. I wouldn't sleep, I wouldn't eat. Eventually, firemen would have to break through the door, they'd find me sitting there in my pajamas with drool coming down my face. All right, all right. So you're watching the naked station.
Jerry: And then, somehow, we started talking about, what if we had sex.
George: Boy, these are really bad details.
Jerry: It pains me to say this, but I may be getting to mature for details.
George: Oh I hate to hear this. That kind of growth really irritates me.
Jerry: Well. I'll tell you though. It was really passionate.
George: Better than before?
Jerry: She must've taken some kind of seminar or something.
George: This is all too much. So what are you feeling? What's going on? Are you like a couple again now?
Jerry: Not exactly.
George: Not exactly. What does that mean?
Jerry: Well, we've tried to arrange a situation where we'll be able to do this once in a while and still be friends.
George: Where are you living? Are you here? Are you on this planet? It's impossible. It can't be done.
Thousands of years people have been trying to have their cake and eat it too. So all of a sudden the two of you are going to come along and do it. Where do you get the ego? No one can do it. It can't be done.
Jerry: I think we've worked out a system.
George: Oh, you know what you're like? You're like a pathetic gambler. You're one of those losers in Las Vegas who keeps thinking he's gonna come up with a way to win at blackjack.
Jerry: No, this is very advanced. We've designed at set of rules that we can maintain the friendship by advancing all of the relationship pitfalls.
George: Sure, all right. Tell me the rules.
Jerry: Okay. No calls the next day.
George: So you're having the sex, next day you don't have to call. That's pretty good. Go ahead.
Jerry: You ready for the second one?
George: I have to tell you, I'm pretty impressed with the first one.
Jerry: Spending the night. Optional.
George: No, you see? You got greedy.
Jerry: No, that's the rule. It's optional.
George: I know less about women than anyone in the world. But one thing I do know is they're not happy if you don't spend the night. I could be a hot, sweaty room with no air conditioning and all they have is a little army cot this wide You're not going anywhere.
Jerry: I think you're wrong.
George: I hope I am.
George: アクアマンはどうなってるんだ? あいつは陸でも行けるのか? それとも海に制限されてるのか?
Jerry: 陸で何回か見たよ。仕事探しの状況はどうよ?
George: まだ探し中。状況は悪いよ。お前は?
Jerry: 特にない。昨日エレインと寝たよ。
George: 酸素をくれ。酸素が必要だ。デカい話だ。
Jerry: お前が喜ぶと思ったよ。
George: めちゃめちゃデカい話だ。
Jerry: 知ってる。
George: そうか。詳細は?
Jerry: 詳細は話せない。
George: 何だって?
Jerry: 詳細は話せない。
George: 詳細なし?
Jerry: その気分じゃない。
George: お前は俺を昼飯に誘い、エレインと寝たと言って、その詳細を話す気分じゃないだと? いいかよく聞け。 詳細を教えろ。今すぐにだ。俺は仕事も行く場所もない。その気分じゃないだと?その気分になりやがれ。
Jerry: わかった。俺たちはアパートでテレビを見てた。
George: どこに座ってた?
Jerry: ソファー。
George: 隣同士?
Jerry: いや、離れてた。
George: 時間は?
Jerry: だいたい11時。
George: Ok。進めろ。
Jerry: で、エレインがチャンネルをいじりまわして、アダルトの番組にたどり着いたんだ。
George: だから俺はアダルト番組を契約してないんだ。契約したらずっと消さないで、飯も食べず、寝ず、最終的には消防士がパジャマ姿でよだれを流した状態の俺を発見するだろうな。で、お前らはアダルトテレビを見てた。それから?
Jerry: それから、なぜかもし俺たちがセックスしたらどうなるか話しはじめた。
George: それは面白くない詳細だな。
Jerry: 言いたくないが、 俺は大人になってるかもしれん。
George: 聞きたくない。成長ってイライラさせるよな。
Jerry: しかし、めちゃめちゃ燃えたぜ。
George: 付き合って時よりもか?
Jerry: エレインは専門のセミナーか何かを受けたと思うぜ。
George: しかし凄いな。それでどうなる?また付き合うのか?
Jerry: いいや。
George: いいやってどういう意味だ?
George: お前どこに生きてんだ? お前、地球にいるのか? 不可能だ。出来るわけない。
Jerry: 俺たちはシステムを考え出したんだ。
George: お前らは負け続けるギャンブラーみたいなもんだ。ラスベガスで、ブラックジャックで勝つ方法を考え続ける負け犬と同じだよ。
Jerry: いやいや、これは革新的だ。その関係の落とし穴を回避することで友達関係を維持するルールを設計したんだ。
George: あっそ。ルールを言ってみろ。
Jerry: 次の日電話しなくていい。
George: した後に電話しなくていい。いい考えだな。次は?
Jerry: 二個目の準備はいいか?
George: 一個目でかなり驚いたよ。
Jerry: その日の夜に泊まるのは選択制。
George: ダメだな。欲張ったな。
Jerry: それがルールだ。選択制だよ。
George: 俺は世界で誰よりも女性のことを知らん。そんな俺が一つ知ってることは一緒に泊まらないと女性は喜ばないという事だ。お前らはクーラーがない上に小さなベッドで暑くて汗だくで寝るんだ。お前はどこにも行けない。
Jerry: お前は間違ってる。
George: 俺もそう思いたい。
前回 in the mood の説明をしましたが、
今回は、get in the mood!でございます。
I don't have a job, I have no place to go. You're not in the mood? Well you get in the mood!