英語の勉強 in the mood 聞き流し用
ELAINE: Okay. We ready to go?
GEORGE: Yes. Please. Please, let's go.
ELAINE: Boy, I'm in the mood for a cheeseburger.
JERRY: No. We gotta go to the soup place.
ELAINE: What soup place?
GEORGE: Oh, there's a soup stand, Kramer's been going there.
JERRY: He's always raving. I finally got a chance to go there the other
day, and I tell you this, you will be stunned.
ELAINE: Stunned by soup?
JERRY: You can't eat this soup standing up, your knees buckle.
ELAINE: Huh. All right. Come on.
JERRY: There's only one caveat -- the guy who runs the place is a little
temperamental, especially about the ordering procedure. He's secretly
referred to as the Soup Nazi.
ELAINE: Why? What happens if you don't order right?
JERRY: He yells and you don't get your soup.
JERRY: Just follow the ordering procedure and you will be fine.
GEORGE: All right. All right. Let's - let's go over that again.
JERRY: All right. As you walk in the place move immediately to your right.
JERRY: The main thing is to keep the line moving.
GEORGE: All right. So, you hold out your money, speak your soup in a loud,
clear voice, step to the left and receive.
JERRY: Right. It's very important not to embellish on your order. No
extraneous comments. No questions. No compliments.
ELAINE: Oh, boy, I'm really scared!
JERRY: Elaine.
ELAINE: All right. Jerry, that's enough now about the Soup Nazi. Whoa! Wow!
Look at this. You know what this is? This is an antique armoire. Wow!
It's French. Armoire.
JERRY: Ar-moire.
ELAINE: How much is this?
FURNITURE GUY: I was asking 250, but you got a nice face. 2 even.
ELAINE: Huh? Ha. 200. You know, I've always wanted one of these things.
JERRY: He gave you the nice face discount.
ELAINE: Yeah. All right. You guys go ahead.
JERRY: What about the soup?
ELAINE: I'm getting an armoire, Jerry.
JERRY: Pardon.
GEORGE: This line is huge.
JERRY: It's like this all the time.
GEORGE: Isn't that that Bania guy?
JERRY: Oh, no. It is. Just be still.
GEORGE: Whoop! Too late. I think he picked up the scent.
BANIA: Hey, Jerry! I didn't know you liked soup.
JERRY: Hard to believe.
BANIA: This guy makes the best soup in the city, Jerry. The best. You know
what they call him? Soup Nazi.
JERRY: Shhhhh! All right, Bania, I - I'm not letting you cut in line.
BANIA: Why not?
JERRY: Because if he catches us, we'll never be able to get soup again.
BANIA: Okay. Okay.
GEORGE: Medium turkey chili.
JERRY: Medium crab bisque.
GEORGE: I didn't get any bread.
JERRY: Just forget it. Let it go.
GEORGE: Um, excuse me, I - I think you forgot my bread.
SOUP NAZI: Bread -- $2 extra.
GEORGE: $2? But everyone in front of me got free bread.
SOUP NAZI: You want bread?
GEORGE: Yes, please.
SOUP NAZI: No soup for you!
ELAINE: 行く準備出来た?
GEORGE: はやく行こう。
ELAINE: チーズバーガーの気分だわ。
JERRY: スープを食べいかなきゃ。
ELAINE: スープって?
GEORGE: スープの店があるんだ。クレーマーが行ったことあるよ。
JERRY: クレーマーは絶賛してるよ。 俺も行く機会があって行ったが、感動するぜ。
ELAINE: スープで感動?
JERRY: 立って食べれないぜ。膝が曲がるから。
ELAINE: 分かったわ。行きましょう。
JERRY: 注意点がある。この店の経営者は少し注文の仕方にうるさくて、密かにスープナチと呼ばれてるんだ。
ELAINE: なんで?もし注文を正しく出来なかったらどうなるの?
JERRY: 彼は叫んでスープを売ってくれないよ。
ELAINE: なんですって?
JERRY: ちゃんと注文すれば大丈夫だよ。
GEORGE: 早く行こうぜ。
JERRY: 店に入ったらすぐに右側に行くんだ。
ELAINE: なんですって?
JERRY: 重要なことは、列を進めることだ。
GEORGE: お金を出して、スープを大きな声で言って、左に進んで受け取る。
JERRY: 注文の時にいらないことをしゃべらない。質問無し、誉め言葉もなし。
ELAINE: 怖くなってきたわ。
JERRY: エレイン!
ELAINE: スープナチの件は十分だわ。これを見てよ。アンティークの戸棚よ。フランス製のアルモアレ。
JERRY: アルモアレ。
ELAINE: これいくら?
FURNITURE GUY: 250ドルだが、かわいいから200ドルでいいよ。
ELAINE: これいつもほしかったのよ。
JERRY: かわいいから値引きもあるしね。
ELAINE: 行ってていいわよ。
JERRY: スープは?
JERRY: パルドン
GEORGE: 行列だな。
JERRY: いつも行列だよ。
GEORGE: あれ、バニアじゃない?
GEORGE: 手遅れだ。見つかった。
JERRY: 信じられんだろ。
BANIA: このスープ屋の主人は一番だよ。一番。なんて呼ばれてるか知ってるか。スープナチ。
JERRY: 黙れ、バニア。横入りはさせないぞ。
BANIA: なんでだよ。
JERRY: 見つかったらスープを売ってくれないんだよ。
BANIA: わかったよ。
GEORGE: Medium turkey chili.
JERRY: Medium crab bisque.
GEORGE: パンが入ってない。
JERRY: 忘れろ。行け!
GEORGE: すみません。パンを忘れてるようですけど。
SOUP NAZI: パン?2ドルだ。
GEORGE: 2ドル?僕の前の客はただで貰ってたよ。
SOUP NAZI: パンがほしいか?
GEORGE: お願いします。
GEORGE: 何だって?
SOUP NAZI: お前にはスープやらん!
I'm in the mood for a cheeseburger.
I'm not in the mood right now.