
[英詩]James Hogg, 'Could this ill world have been contriv'd'

※ 旧「英詩が読めるようになるマガジン」(2016年3月1日—2022年11月30日)の記事の避難先マガジンです。リンク先は順次修正してゆきます。


今回はスコットランドの詩人 James Hogg (1770-1835, 下) の 'Could this ill world have been contriv'd' を取上げます。彼は Sir Walter Scott の友人で、スコットの非公式の伝記を書いたことでも知られます。


彼は、出身地での職業をとって、'Ettrick Shepherd' のあだ名で知られます (スコットランド南東部の Ettrick Forest の地に生れ、羊飼いを生業としたことから)。

今回取上げる作品は、作曲家 Ludwig van Beethoven (1712-73) の '25 Scottish Songs' (Op. 108) の no. 16 に用いられている詩です。

動画リンク [Beethoven, 'Could this ill world have been contriv'd', sung by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau]

Could this ill world have been contriv'd
James Hogg

Could this ill world have been contriv'd
to stand without that mischief, woman,
how peaceful bodies wou'd have liv'd,
releas'd frae a' the ills sae common!
But since it is the waefu' case,           5
that man must have this teasing crony,
why such a sweet bewitching face?
Oh! had they no been made sae bonny!

wou'd = would (1-2行を条件とする帰結を表す叙想法 [仮定法])
4 frae = from
 a' = all
 sae = so
waefu' = woeful

I might have roam'd wi' cheerful mind,
nae sin nor sorrow to betide me,         10
as careless as the wand'ring wind,
as happy as the lamb beside me.
I might have screw'd my tuneful pegs,
and carol'd mountain airs fu' gayly,
had we but wanted a' the Megs,          15
wi' glossy e'en sae dark and wily.

wi' = with
10 nae = no
11 wind mind (9) と押韻するため [waind] のように発音される
14 fu' = full (fou とも綴る)
16 e'en = eyes (単数形は ee)

I saw the danger, fear'd the dart,
the smile, the air, and a' sae taking,
yet open laid my wareless heart,
and got the wound that keeps me waking.     20
My harp waves on the willow green,
of wild witch notes it has nae ony,
sinc' e'er I saw that pawky quean,
sae sweet, sae wicked, and sae bonny.

22 nae ony = not any (行頭の of . . . に続く=it [my harp] has not any of wild witch notes)
23 quean (未婚の若い) 女性


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