[映画評]CE5 (2020)
Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun (2020)
"I theorize that there is a spectrum of consciousness available to human beings. At one end is material consciousness. At the other end is what we call 'field' consciousness, where a person is at one with the universe, perceiving the universe. Just by looking at our planet on the way back, I saw or felt a field consciousness state." – Dr. Edgar Mitchell
"The universe looks less like a big machine than a big thought." – Dr. Dean Radin, chief scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences (IONS)
"In this flow, mind and matter are not separate substances. Rather, they are different aspects of one whole and unbroken movement." – Dr. David Bohm, physicist
"Everyone who is seriously interested in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest n the laws of the universe – a spirit vastly superior to man, and one in the face of which our modest powers must seem humble." – Albert Einstein
"Dost thou reckon thyself only a puny form when within thee the universe is folded?" – Baha'i teachings
"In our time this search [for extraterrestrial life] will eventually change our laws, our religions, our philosophies, our arts, our recreations, as well as our sciences. Space, the mirror, waits for life to come look for itself there." – Ray Bradbury
"Mind is a wave of the ocean of being." – Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
"As water by cooling and condensation becomes ice, so thought by condensation assumes physical form. Everything in the universe is thought in material form." – Paramahansa Yogananda
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic." – Arthur C. Clarke
"All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particles of the atom to vibration. I must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter" – Max Planck, founder of quantum theory
"The total number of minds in the universe is one. In fact, consciousness is a singularity phasing within all beings" – Dr. Erwin Schrödinger, Nobel Prize winning physicist
(*) CE5: 人間側の働きかけにより実現したコンタクト。数百の事例がある
アマゾンのプライムで観た。日本語字幕なし。英語のみ。オリジナルの DVD は出ているが、日本語字幕付きの DVD はまだ出ていない。また、本作を扱った書籍もまだ出ていない。
◾️ Steven M. Greer 博士の3作の映画
- Sirius (2013) [『SIRIUS スティーブン・グリア博士が放つ新文明のためのビジョン』(ビオ・マガジン、2014)]
- Unacknowledged: An Exposé of the World's Greatest Secret (2017) [『非認可の世界UNACKNOWLEDGED 人類は宇宙で孤独ではない。WE'RE NOT ALONE. WE NEVER WERE.』(ビオ・マガジン、2019)]
- Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind: Contact Has Begun (2020)