
[英詩]Seamus Heaney, 'Home Fires'

※ 旧「英詩が読めるようになるマガジン」(2016年3月1日—2022年11月30日)の記事の避難先マガジンです。リンク先は順次修正してゆきます。

今回はシェーマス・ヒーニ(ノーベル文学賞を受賞したアイルランドの詩人)の 'Home Fires' という2006年の詩を読みます。詩集 'District and Circle'(2006年度T. S. エリオット賞受賞作品) に収められた詩です。

英国ロマン派の詩人 William Wordsworth の妹 Dorothy Wordsworth (1771-1855) が登場します(↓)。

前回は 'A Hagging Match'「斬り結び」を読みました。「きる」ということばが、〈結合〉と〈分裂〉の相反する意を持つことが意外でしたね。







Home Fires
Seamus Heaney

1 A Scuttle for Dorothy Wordsworth

Dorothy young, jig-jigging her iron shovel,
Barracking a pile of lumpy coals
Carted up by one Thomas Ashburner,
Her toothache so ablaze the carter’s name
Goes unremarked as every jolt and jag             5
Backstabs her through her wrist-bone, neck-bone, jaw-bone.

Dorothy old, doting at the flicker
In a brass companion set, all the companions
Gone or let go, their footfalls on the road
Unlistened for, that sounded once as plump         10
As the dropping shut of the flap-board scuttle-lid
The minute she'd stacked the grate for their arrival.

2. A Stove Lid for W. H. Auden

 The mass and majesty of this world, all
   That carries weight and always weighs the same ...
      'The Shield of Achilles'

The mass and majesty of this world I bring you
In the small compass of a cast-iron stove lid.
I was the youngster in a Fair Isle jersey
Who loved a lifter made of stainless steel,
The way its stub claw found its clink-fast hold,         5
The fit and weight and danger as it bore
The red hot solidus to one side of the stove
For the fire-fanged maw of the fire-box to be stoked,
Then the gnashing bucket stowed.
      So one more time,               10
I tote it, hell-mouth stopper, flat-earth disc,
And replace it safely. Wherefore rake and rattle,
Watch sparks die in the ashpan, poke again,
Think of dark matter in the starlit coalhouse.




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