ILA Presidet &CEO Cynthia Cherrey来日
Cynthia Cherreyさんとの1日.昼食会に始まり,講演,アクションラーニング,夕食会(クッキングパーティ)と4連続でお付き合いいただきました.皆さんCynthiaさんのファンになった様子.教員は共立女子大・桃山学院大からも.職員はレジデンスセンターで留学生とのやりとりのある人たち.アクションラーニングは英語で行ったので,学生はふだんのLDPの学生以外に学内募集で熱心な留学生が集まりました.夕方から新宿のレンタルキッチンに移動して,一同が日頃から慣れ親しんできたクッキングパーティをゲストとともに楽しみました.
A Day with Cynthia Cherrey: It was a day filled with excitement, starting with a lunch meeting, followed by a lecture, action learning, and an evening dinner event (cooking party) – a continuous series of engagements with Cynthia Cherrey. It was evident that everyone became a fan of Cynthia, including faculty members from both Kyoritsu Women's University and Momoyama Gakuin University. Staff members from the Residence Center, who regularly interact with international students, were also present. The action learning session was conducted in English, attracting enthusiastic international students beyond the usual Leadership Development Program (LDP) participants through campus recruitment. In the evening, we moved to a rental kitchen in Shinjuku, where we enjoyed the cooking party with Cynthia Cherrey as our special guest – an event we have become accustomed to and fond of over time.