【MeWSS論文コラム】 学会発表した内容を論文にしたら二重投稿になるか?
many reputable medical journals adhere to the principle that presenting data at a scientific meeting constitutes prior publication. As a result, submitting a manuscript with the same data presented at a meeting can be considered duplicate publication by these journals.
Some well-known medical journals with policies regarding duplicate publication and prior presentation of data at meetings include:
New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM)
Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)
と言われてもにわかには信じられないので、自分でいくつかのジャーナルのAuthor Guidelineを確認しました。
The following activities do not violate NEJM embargo or no-prior-publication policies:
Presenting research at scientific meetings
Authors who present information contained in a manuscript that is under consideration by this journal during scientific or clinical meetings should not distribute complete reports (ie, copies of manuscripts) or full data presented as tables and figures to conference attendees or journalists. Publication of abstracts in print and online conference proceedings, as well as posting of slides or videos from the scientific presentation on the meeting website, is acceptable. However, for manuscripts under consideration by this journal, publication of full reports in meeting proceedings or online, issuing detailed news releases reporting the results of the study that go beyond the meeting abstract, or participation in formal news conferences will ordinarily jeopardize chances for publication of the submitted manuscript in this journal.
3. Nature group
Nature Portfolio journals allow publication of meeting abstracts before the full contribution is submitted. Such abstracts should be included with the Nature Portfolio journal submission and referred to in the cover letter accompanying the manuscript.
これらの雑誌は学会発表を二重投稿の対象とは考えていないようです。私の持っている常識が覆ったわけではないことが判明して安心しました。JAMAは、結果が書かれたものを学会の聴衆やメディアに配布してはいけないが、スライドやアブストラクトがウェブサイトに公開されているのは問題ないとしています。BMJのガイドラインには、conference について特段言及されていないものの、同じデータをどこかで発表しているなら(preprint serverを含む)、それをカバーレターに書くようにとしていました。
多くのメディカルジャーナルが参加しているICMJE(International Comittee of Medical Journal Editors)も、学会で発表したアブストラクトやポスターは二重投稿とは見做さないという立場を明らかにしています。
This recommendation does not prevent a journal from considering a complete report that follows publication of a preliminary report, such as a letter to the editor, a preprint or an abstract or poster displayed at a scientific meeting. The ICMJE does not consider results or data contained in assessment reports published by health technology assessment agencies, medical regulators, medical device regulators, or other regulatory agencies to be duplicate publication. It also does not prevent journals from considering a paper that has been presented at a scientific meeting but was not published in full, or that is being considered for publication in proceedings or similar format.
publication ethicsに関してはCOPEが判断基準や事例集を公開しており、ここでduplicate publicationを検索しました。論文公開後読者等から重複(redundant, duplicate)なのではとの指摘を受けた場合、どのように対処するかのフローチャートはありましたが、学会発表についてのケースは調べた限り見つけられませんでした。