[和訳] Bitcoin vs Ethereum Smart Contracts: Part 2 - Why Ethereum is never needed
ビットコイン vs イーサリアム
The entire reason for Ethereum’s existence is to overcome Bitcoin scripting language’s “limitations”. There are four limitations listed in the Ethereum whitepaper. We analyze each of them and show all claims of the supposed limitations are false, calling its existence into question.
Lack of Turing-completeness / チューリング完全性の欠如
while there is a large subset of computation that the Bitcoin scripting language supports, it does not nearly support everything. The main category that is missing is loops.
Bitcoin スクリプト言語がサポートしている計算のサブセットは数多くありますが、すべてをサポートしているわけではありません。欠けている主なカテゴリーはループです。
Contrary to popular belief, Bitcoin is Turing complete. Not only are there peer-reviewed theoretical¹ proofs², but it is also empirically verified on the Bitcoin blockchain³.
The main misconception lies in that Bitcoin script is a low-level instruction set (a.k.a., opcodes) of a virtual machine. It does not need looping instructions in itself. Loops can and should be constructed at higher level using programming languages such as sCrypt, like all modern programming languages. If the same logic is applied to the Ethereum Virtual Machine, it is also Turing-incomplete since there is no loop in its opcodes. So is Java, since its virtual machine JVM also lacks loop opcodes, which is obviously false because Java is known to be Turing complete.
Value-blindness / 価値観の相違
there is no way for a UTXO script to provide fine-grained control over the amount that can be withdrawn.
There IS a way for a UTXO script to fully control the amount to be withdrawn at any granularity, using a technique called OP_PUSH_TX. It allows a script to access the amount in its UTXO and to specify how it could be spent into various outputs. There are scripts/contracts already developed to only allow certain amount to be withdrawn such as this one.
Lack of state / 状態の欠如
there is no opportunity for multi-stage contracts or scripts which keep any other internal state beyond that.
There are ways to maintain internal state in a Bitcoin contract, using OP_PUSH_TX. There are many multi-stage contracts developed such as Tic-Tac-Toe⁴ and auction.
Blockchain-blindness / ブロックチェーンの盲点
UTXO are blind to blockchain data such as the nonce, the timestamp and previous block hash.
There is a strong reason for Bitcoin UTXO/Script to not allow access to blockchain data: security. If Script can access external information, an attacker can manipulate this information to gain unfair advantages. Ironically, it is exactly these kinds of vulnerabilities that enabled many attacks on Ethereum such as SWC-116 and SWC-120, which is impossible on Bitcoin.
Bitcoin UTXO/Scriptがブロックチェーンデータへのアクセスを許可しないのには、セキュリティという強い理由があります。Scriptが外部の情報にアクセスできると、攻撃者はこの情報を操作して不当な利益を得ることができます。皮肉なことに、SWC-116やSWC-120といったEthereumでの多くの攻撃を可能にしたのは、まさにこの種の脆弱性であり、ビットコインでは不可能なのです。
[1] Craig S. Wright: A Proof of Turing Completeness in Bitcoin Script. IntelliSys (1) 2019: 299–313
[2] Craig S. Wright: Bitcoin: A Total Turing Machine. IntelliSys (1) 2019: 237–252
[3] Bitcoin script is Turing Complete: sCrypt’s ‘Game of Life’ is Proof
[4] Play Tic-Tac-Toe on Bitcoin: https://scrypt.io/tic-tac-toe
※ 本記事はBTC,ETH,BSVなどの投機に関する記事ではなく、当然ETHが今後下落するといった類の示唆ではありません。
※ あくまでスマコンの将来性に対して現状の設計を評価したものを和訳しただけです。