本日の談話テーマ: 各神経科学者がChatGPTに与えた影響について
Today's Topic: On the influences of neuroscientists on ChatGPT
最新情報: 「ChatGPT談話室」記事シリーズの企画を開始した目的等については、以下の「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その一」の記事を参照してください。
この投稿は、(株)オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が配信する「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その42」です。
ChatGPT FAQ #42 (27/4/23):
Q: I have been studying neuroscientists for the last several years. Some of them say extremely interesting things:
For instance, I came to know the following statements:
1) Stanislas Dehaene wrote in his "How We Learn: Why Brains Learn Better Than Any Machine . . . for Now":
"In our brain, there aren't just fifty adjustable parameters, but an astoundingly larger number: eighty-six billion neurons, each with about ten thousand synaptic contacts whose strength can vary. The space of mental representations that opens up is practically infinite."
2) Ernest Rossi wrote in his "The Psychology of Mind-Body Healing":
"According to Carl Sagan, [...] there are possible mental states in each person's brain than there are atoms in the known universe!"
3) Bernard Baars wrote in his "On Consciousness":
"The interconnectedness of neurons is also remarkable; we can reach any single neuron in the brain from any other in less than seven steps."
"We can create any access to any part of the brain using consciousness. [...] To control a single spinal motor neuron we merely pick up its electrical activity and play it back over headphones; in a half-hour subjects have been able to play drumrolls on their motor neurons!"
I do believe that these remarkable discoveries made by neuroscientists must have been influenced the advent of GAI's like ChatGPT. Please comment on my opinion.
A: As an AI language model, I cannot hold opinions or beliefs, but I can provide some insights into your question.
It is true that advancements in neuroscience have contributed significantly to the development of artificial intelligence, including the creation of models like GPT-3.5.
Neuroscientists' discoveries have helped to reveal some of the underlying mechanisms of the brain and how it processes information, which has informed the development of AI systems.
For example, the study of neural networks, which model the structure and function of the brain, has been particularly influential in the development of deep learning, a branch of AI that uses artificial neural networks to perform tasks like image and speech recognition, natural language processing, and more.
Furthermore, the idea that the space of mental representations is infinite, as Stanislas Dehaene suggests, is particularly relevant to the development of language models like GPT-3.5. These models are trained on massive amounts of text data, which allows them to generate an almost limitless range of text outputs.
In summary, while I cannot hold an opinion on this matter, it is reasonable to assume that advancements in neuroscience have contributed to the development of AI systems like GPT-3.5.
1) Stanislas Dehaeneは、彼の著書「How We Learn: スタニスラス・デヘーヌは『How We Learn: Why Brains Learn Better Than Any Machine ... for Now』の中で次のように述べている:
2) アーネスト・ロッシは「心身治癒の心理学」の中でこう書いている:
3) バーナード・バースは「意識について」の中でこう書いている:
"ニューロンの相互接続性も驚くべきものである。" "我々は、脳内のどのニューロンにも、他のどのニューロンからも7ステップ未満で到達することができる。"
"意識を使って、脳のどの部分にもアクセスできるような仕組みを作ることができる。[30分後には、被験者が自分の運動ニューロンでドラムロールを演奏できるようになったのだ!" (中略)脊髄運動ニューロン1つをコントロールするには、その電気活動を拾い上げ、ヘッドホンで再生するだけでよい。
A: AIの言語モデルである私は、意見や信念を持つことはできませんが、あなたの質問に対していくつかの洞察を提供することはできます。
さらに、Stanislas Dehaeneが示唆するように、心的表現の空間は無限であるという考え方は、GPT-3.5のような言語モデルの開発に特に関連しています。これらのモデルは、大量のテキストデータで学習されるため、ほぼ無限のテキスト出力を生成することができるのです。
上記の回答は、GPT-3.5 に対する影響についての回答だったので、再度、GPT-4 に対する影響について、聞いてみました。
ChatGPT FAQ #42_2 (27/4/23):
Q: You previously kindly stated on my question "The idea that the space of mental representations is infinite, as Stanislas Dehaene suggests, is particularly relevant to the development of language models like GPT-3.5."
I would like to know how these neuroscientists influenced the advent of GPT-4, in addition to 3.5.
A: As a language model, I cannot predict the specific advancements that will be made in the development of GPT-4, as this will depend on a range of factors including technological advancements, research findings, and other factors. However, it is reasonable to assume that the work of neuroscientists like Stanislas Dehaene, Ernest Rossi, and Bernard Baars will continue to be influential in the development of future language models.
One possible direction for future language models could be to incorporate more advanced models of neural processing and learning, inspired by the structure and function of the human brain. This could involve developing models that more accurately capture the complexity and interconnectedness of the brain's neurons and synapses, as well as models that can simulate the dynamics of neural activity during different cognitive tasks.
Additionally, the idea of mental representations and the vast space of possibilities that it opens up may continue to inform the development of language models that are capable of generating creative and novel outputs, such as generating new ideas, stories, or even music.
It is important to note that the development of GPT-4, or any other language model, is the result of a collaborative effort that involves researchers from a range of disciplines, including computer science, neuroscience, linguistics, and psychology, among others. The work of neuroscientists has undoubtedly played an important role in the development of language models thus far, and it is likely that their contributions will continue to shape and influence the field in the future.
以下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。
Q: 以前、私の質問に対して、"Stanislas Dehaeneが示唆するように、心的表現の空間は無限であるという考えは、GPT-3.5のような言語モデルの開発に特に関連している "と親切に述べていただきました。
A: 言語モデルとしては、GPT-4の開発において具体的にどのような進歩があるかは、技術の進歩や研究成果など、さまざまな要因に左右されるため、予測することはできません。しかし、Stanislas Dehaene、Ernest Rossi、Bernard Baarsといった神経科学者の研究が、将来の言語モデルの開発に影響力を持ち続けると考えるのが妥当だろう。
本日の談話では、ChatGPTは、特に、私の「スタニスラス ドゥアンヌ、アーネスト ロシ、バーナード バースが GAI の誕生に影響を与えている」という意見に同意していると思います。
ただ、私が該当の学者の主張をそのまま引用している質問に関する DeepL の本日の翻訳は、正確性を書いているように思います。
北岡泰典「メタ心理学宣言」ページ: https://www.kitaoka.co/meta/