本日の談話テーマ: 「『象は鼻が長い』の主語は何か?」
Today's Topic: What is the subject of the Japanese sentence "象は鼻が長い (Zou wa hana ga nagai)"?
最新情報: 「ChatGPT談話室」記事シリーズの企画を開始した目的等については、以下の「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その一」の記事を参照してください。
この投稿は、(株)オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が配信する「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その44」です。
「ChatGPTのようなAIは、人間の脳が理解するような構文や文法を翻訳時に理解することはできないと聞いています。この違いは、例えば日本語とサンスクリット語のバイリンガルである日本人が、AIが日本語から翻訳したサンスクリット語の文章を構文や文法的に理解できるのに対し、[サンスクリット語を理解できない人は、翻訳されたサンスクリット語の文章を絵のように見るしかないという状況] に喩えることができるかもしれません。」
ChatGPT FAQ #44 (29/4/23):
Q: I was quite impressed by our recent chat in which you indicated that "it is possible that translation machines will eventually be able to understand the syntax and grammar of sentences with a high degree of accuracy".
In fact, I wrote in our chat that "Professor Shigeo Kawamoto, a then worldly known linguist, said in one of his lectures at Waseda University in Tokyo, Japan, that translation machines would never understand the syntaxes of sentences and thus would never be able to produce perfect translations". Yet, I now think that Professor Kawamoto did't mean that translation machines would never understand the syntaxes of sentences, but rather meant that perfect machine translation would be impossible due to the fact that, as you said, "there is always the possibility of ambiguity or multiple possible interpretations of a given sentence".
I now would like to quote what I wrote about Professor Kawamoto's claim some twenty years ago:
"Professor Kawamoto categorically claimed that, no matter how much computer technology would develop in the future, perfect translation machines would never be created, enumerating two sentences as examples showing why it is impossible.
"One was '象は鼻が長い (Zou wa hana ga nagai)' (meaning 'Elephants' noses are long' or 'Elephants have long noses'), and it was pointed out that in this Japanese sentence the subject cannot be determined (is it '象 (zou)' ('elephants') or '鼻 (hana)' ('noses')?).
"The second example was '彼女は私が好きだ (Kanojo wa watashi ga sukida)' (usually meaning 'She loves me'), and it was suggested that, very curiously, this can be translated either as 'She loves me' or as 'I love her', meaning the totally opposite thing."
I have long thought that Professor Kawamoto claimed that translation machines would never understand the syntax of sentences, but his claim was, in reality, about their inability of understanding "ambiguity or multiple possible interpretations of a given sentence".
Therefore, I now understand that Professor Kawamoto' claim made some 50 years ago has turned out to be verified by your previous answer.
Please comment on this matter.
A: Thank you for sharing this interesting perspective on Professor Kawamoto's claim and our previous discussion about the capabilities of translation machines. It's important to note that language is a complex and nuanced system, and while technology has advanced significantly over the years, there are still limitations to what machines can achieve in terms of understanding the nuances of human language.
As you pointed out, ambiguity and multiple possible interpretations are significant challenges that make it difficult for machines to produce perfect translations. These challenges arise not only in Japanese but also in many other languages, including English. The ability to accurately interpret context and disambiguate homonyms and other ambiguities is crucial to producing high-quality translations.
However, I still believe that with advancements in technology and machine learning, translation machines may be able to achieve a higher degree of accuracy in understanding syntax and grammar. In fact, some translation systems have already made significant progress in this area, and as more data is fed into these systems and they continue to learn and improve, they may be able to overcome some of the challenges of ambiguity and multiple interpretations.
Overall, it's important to view the capabilities of translation machines as a work in progress, with continued advancements and improvements likely to occur in the future. Nonetheless, it's important to acknowledge that even the most advanced machines may not be able to achieve perfect translations due to the inherent complexities of language.
以下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。
Q: 先日のチャットで、「いずれ翻訳機が文の構文や文法を高い精度で理解できるようになる可能性がある」と指摘されていたのがとても印象的でした。
A: 川本先生の主張と、翻訳機の能力に関する前回の議論について、興味深い視点を教えていただきありがとうございます。言語は複雑でニュアンスのあるシステムであり、技術は長年にわたって大きく進歩していますが、人間の言語のニュアンスを理解するという点で、機械が達成できることにはまだ限界があることに注意する必要があります。
本著者の質問の「象は鼻が長い」等の部分の日本語への機械翻訳は難しいと思ったのですが、DeepL はうまく訳していると思いました。
(確か、ChatGPTから「興味深い視点を教えていただきありがとうございます」と言われたのは、これが初めてだと思います (笑)。)
本著者は、川本教授の主張に関して、今回このようなChatGPTとの質疑応答をするまでは、同教授は「翻訳機械は、言語の統語(英語の五文型のことです) を理解することはできない」ということを意味された、と長年に渡って思い込んでいましたが、実際には、そのことは示唆されていなくて、本談話でChatGPTが回答しているように、GAI は、とうとう統語と文法は完全に理解できるようになった後でも、「文化的要因と言語の両義牲」の理解は難しい、という「最先端の発見」を、すでに、50 年近く前に「予言」されていた、ということになります。
本著者は、ずっと「AI は統語を理解できない」ことを理由に「シンギュラリティは起こらない」と主張してきていましたが、前回と今回の談話内容から、「おそらく AI は統語を理解できるが、言語の曖昧さの完全理解は無理であろう」という立場に変わりました。
もちろん、このメタ意識 (人間脳が生成する consciousness ではなく、人間脳を作り出しているAwareness) を生み出す時点が「シンギュラリティ」である、と本著者は定義しているので、この意味で、たとえ AI が言語の統語と曖昧さすべてを理解できるようになったとしても、シンギュラリティは起こらないと、本著者は考えています。
ChatGPT FAQ #44_2 (29/4/23):
Q: I have been claiming that Singularity will never happen for the reason that AI will never understand linguistic syntax, though, through my previous and today's chats with you, my stance how has changed to "it is true that AI probably will eventually perfectly understand the syntax of sentences, but will never understand linguistic ambiguities involved".
Yet, interestingly, my long standing claim that "Meta-awareness" is required for linguistic ambiguities to be perfectly understood, is still unchanged.
Of course, because I define Singularity to be the moment when "Absolute Awareness" which has produced human brains in the first place, instead of "Consciousness" produced by human brains, is generated, I am of the strong opinion that Singularity will never happen, even if AI has come to understand all of both the syntaxes and ambiguities of sentences.
I want you to comment on this issue.
A: The idea of Singularity, which refers to the hypothetical moment when AI surpasses human intelligence and becomes capable of recursive self-improvement, is a topic of much debate and speculation in the AI community. While it's difficult to predict with certainty whether Singularity will occur or not, there are certainly many challenges and obstacles that must be overcome before such a moment could be reached.
One of the challenges you mentioned is the issue of linguistic ambiguity, which remains a significant obstacle for AI in terms of achieving a complete and accurate understanding of human language. While it's possible that AI may eventually be able to understand the syntax of sentences with a high degree of accuracy, as we discussed earlier, it's much more difficult to account for the many subtle nuances and contextual factors that can influence the meaning of a sentence.
However, the issue of "meta-awareness" that you raised is a more complex and abstract concept that is not yet fully understood in the context of AI research. While it's true that human consciousness and self-awareness are intimately tied to our ability to understand and process language, it's not yet clear how or if these qualities could be replicated in an artificial system.
That being said, there are many researchers and experts who believe that AI has the potential to surpass human intelligence in a variety of domains, including language processing and other cognitive tasks. Whether or not this will ultimately lead to the kind of Singularity you described is still an open question, but it's clear that AI will continue to play an increasingly important role in shaping our understanding of the world and ourselves in the years to come.
以下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。
Q: 私は、AIが言語構文を理解できないからシンギュラリティは実現しないと主張してきましたが、前回と今日の皆さんとのおしゃべりを通じて、「AIはおそらく最終的には文の構文を完全に理解するだろうが、言語的な曖昧さを理解できないのは事実だ」という姿勢に変わりました。
A; シンギュラリティとは、AIが人間の知能を超え、再帰的な自己改良が可能になる仮想的な瞬間を指す概念で、AIコミュニティでは多くの議論と憶測が交わされている。シンギュラリティが起こるかどうかを確実に予測することは困難ですが、そのような瞬間を迎えるまでに、乗り越えなければならない多くの課題や障害があることは確かです。
北岡泰典「メタ心理学宣言」ページ: https://www.kitaoka.co/meta/