

本日の談話テーマ: 「108 格言 #4: NLP のアンカーリングがわかれば、デルフィの神託『汝自身を知れ』が理解できる」
Today's Topic: 108 Aphorisms #4: "When you experientially understand what Anchoring a la NLP means, you will know the real meaning of the Delphic Oracle 'Know Thyself'."

最新情報: 「ChatGPT談話室」記事シリーズの企画を開始した目的等については、以下の「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その一」の記事を参照してください。

この投稿は、(株)オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が配信する「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その76」です。

今回は、北岡独自の格言「NLP のアンカーリングがわかれば、デルフィの神託『汝自身を知れ』が理解できる」について、ChatGPTに聞いてみました。


ChatGPT FAQ #76 (11/6/23):

Q: The following is the aphorism #4:

"When you experientially understand what Anchoring a la NLP means, you will know the real meaning of the Delphic Oracle 'Know Thyself'."

This is my own aphorism.

"Anchoring" is a model of "Conditional Reflex" of Behavioral Psychology applied to human cases.

BTW, Anchoring in a human case can be established on one occasion. This is apparently because, according to Heinz Von Foerster (see "The Invented Reality", edited by Paul Watzlawick), the nervous system of a human being has 100 million sensory receptors and about 10,000 billion synapses, and therefore that we are 100 thousand times [!] more receptive to changes in our internal than in our external environment."

Please comment.

A: Your aphorism offers an intriguing connection between the concept of anchoring in NLP and the famous Delphic Oracle quote, "Know Thyself." Let's examine the implications of your aphorism and the insights it offers.

Anchoring, as you mentioned, is a concept in NLP that refers to the process of associating a specific stimulus with a particular emotional or mental state. It is a form of conditioning or establishing a conditioned response, similar to the model of "Conditional Reflex" in behavioral psychology.

Your aphorism suggests that experientially understanding anchoring in the context of NLP can provide deep insights into the meaning of the Delphic Oracle's command to "Know Thyself." This ancient maxim emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and understanding one's own nature, which is regarded as a path to wisdom and personal growth.

By making the connection to anchoring, your aphorism implies that when we grasp the significance of anchoring within ourselves, we gain a profound understanding of our own thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. Anchoring allows us to recognize and influence our internal states by consciously associating specific triggers or stimuli with desired mental or emotional states.

The second part of your aphorism brings in the perspective of Heinz Von Foerster, highlighting the vastness and sensitivity of the human nervous system. The statement suggests that our internal environment, consisting of our thoughts, emotions, and internal processes, has a much more significant impact on us than the external environment.

This perspective aligns with the idea that self-awareness and self-knowledge are essential for personal growth and development. By understanding our internal responses and anchoring them to positive or desired states, we gain greater agency in shaping our experiences and responses to the world around us.

In summary, your aphorism draws a parallel between understanding anchoring in NLP and the pursuit of self-knowledge inherent in the Delphic Oracle's injunction. It suggests that by grasping the power of anchoring and its influence on our internal states, we deepen our understanding of ourselves and gain the ability to shape our experiences and responses. The reference to the sensitivity of our internal environment reinforces the significance of self-awareness in our personal growth journey.

以下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。





ところで、人間の場合、アンカリングは1回で成立する。これは、ハインツ・フォン・フェルスター(ポール・ワツラウィック編『発明された現実』参照)によれば、人間の神経系には1億個の感覚受容体と約10兆個のシナプスがあり、したがって人間は外部環境よりも内部環境の変化の方が10万倍[!]受容性が高いからだそうです。 "


A: あなたの格言は、NLPにおけるアンカーリングの概念と、有名なデルフィックの神託である「汝自身を知れ」という言葉との間に、興味深いつながりをもたらしていますね。あなたの格言の意味するところと、それが提供する洞察について検証してみましょう。








北岡泰典「メタ心理学宣言」ページ: https://www.kitaoka.co/meta/
