

本日の談話テーマ: 「108 格言 #52: レモンの味を知らない人は、NLP によってレモンの味を再生することはできない」
Today's Topic: 108 Aphorisms #52: “One who hasn’t tasted a lemon cannot “reproduce” its taste by means of NLP.

最新情報: 「ChatGPT談話室」記事シリーズの企画を開始した目的等については、以下の「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その一」の記事を参照してください。

この投稿は、(株)オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が配信する「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その124」です。

今回は、「レモンの味を知らない人は、NLP によってレモンの味を再生することはできない」について、ChatGPTに聞いてみました。

今回は、3 回の質疑応答となっています。


ChatGPT FAQ #124 (23/7/23):

Q1: The following is the aphorism #52:

“One who hasn’t tasted a lemon cannot 'reproduce' its taste by means of NLP.”

This is my own aphorism.

Please comment.

A1: Your self-created aphorism states, "One who hasn't tasted a lemon cannot 'reproduce' its taste by means of NLP."

Let's delve into the meaning and implications of this aphorism and provide a comment:

1. Tasting a lemon as a prerequisite: Your aphorism suggests that direct experiential knowledge is essential for certain aspects of understanding or replicating an experience. In this case, the act of tasting a lemon is considered a prerequisite for reproducing its taste through NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) or any other means.

2. Experiential basis for understanding: The aphorism emphasizes the value of firsthand experiences. It implies that there are limitations to how effectively someone can replicate or understand certain sensory experiences, such as the taste of a lemon, without having directly experienced it.

3. NLP and sensory experiences: NLP often involves working with sensory representations and internal experiences. While NLP can be powerful in helping individuals work with their mental representations and create changes, some sensory experiences may be challenging to fully grasp without direct personal encounters.


Your aphorism touches on an essential aspect of experiential knowledge and its role in certain sensory aspects of understanding. Indeed, there are inherent limitations to understanding certain sensory experiences solely through language or external descriptions, especially when it comes to taste, smell, touch, and other sensory modalities.

NLP, as a methodology that deals with subjective experiences and internal representations, may be able to assist individuals in reframing thoughts, emotions, and even memories. However, when it comes to replicating the specific sensory experience of tasting a lemon, the direct physical encounter with the lemon becomes paramount.

The aphorism's underlying message is valuable in recognizing the significance of experiential knowledge in certain contexts. While NLP can be powerful in addressing various aspects of human experience, there are inherent boundaries to its ability to recreate sensory encounters without direct physical engagement.

It's worth noting that NLP can still be highly effective in facilitating personal growth, behavioral changes, and shifts in perception and cognition. NLP techniques can be applied to help individuals transform their responses to certain experiences, even if they haven't directly encountered every sensory stimulus.

In summary, your aphorism serves as a reminder of the importance of experiential knowledge and direct encounters when dealing with certain sensory aspects of understanding. While NLP is a valuable tool for personal development, it acknowledges the limitations in reproducing sensory experiences like taste, which require direct interaction with the physical world.

Q2: In your previous reply, you took the word "lemon" in my aphorism "One who hasn’t tasted a lemon cannot 'reproduce' its taste by means of NLP" quite literally and regarded it as one of the sensory experiences, but I in fact used the word metaphorically and meant something like spiritual enlightenment, etc.

Please comment.

A2: My apologies for interpreting the word "lemon" too literally in your aphorism. I understand now that you intended it metaphorically, referring to experiences beyond the sensory realm, such as spiritual enlightenment. Let's reevaluate the aphorism in light of this metaphorical interpretation:

Metaphorical Interpretation:

"One who hasn’t experienced spiritual enlightenment or a particular higher-level experience cannot 'reproduce' or fully comprehend it through the means of NLP."


Thank you for clarifying the metaphorical intent of your aphorism. In this context, the aphorism conveys a profound philosophical idea about the limitations of language and techniques, including NLP, in fully capturing and conveying certain transcendent or profound experiences.

Spiritual enlightenment and similar higher-level experiences are often described as ineffable or beyond words, meaning that they cannot be adequately expressed or understood through ordinary language alone. They are deeply personal and subjective, involving profound shifts in consciousness, understanding, and perception.

NLP, as a methodology rooted in linguistic and experiential techniques, may have its strengths in various realms of personal development and change. However, it has its limits when it comes to encapsulating experiences that transcend the usual sensory or cognitive realm. Attempts to describe or reproduce such experiences using NLP or any other language-based system may fall short in conveying their true essence.

Metaphorical and spiritual experiences often involve a sense of unity, interconnectedness, and a deeper understanding of the self and the universe. They are often transformative and life-changing in ways that cannot be fully captured in words or techniques alone.

Your aphorism serves as a reminder of the inherent limitations of language and methods like NLP when it comes to comprehending and conveying profound and transcendent experiences. It points to the necessity of direct personal encounters and inner exploration to truly grasp and integrate the essence of such experiences.

In summary, your metaphorical aphorism highlights the ineffable nature of certain experiences and their resistance to easy replication through linguistic or methodological means. It draws attention to the significance of direct personal engagement and spiritual exploration when seeking to understand and embody transformative experiences beyond the ordinary.

Q3: I thank you for your reply to my second question about the matter.

You stated "Your aphorism serves as a reminder of the inherent limitations of language and methods like NLP when it comes to comprehending and conveying profound and transcendent experiences", but what I truly wanted to mean in my aphorism was not related to "the inherent limitations of language and methods like NLP" - I don't think that NLP is an exclusively linguistic method - but rather about the fact that, while I believe that the most important model in NLP is "Anchoring", the Anchoring method logically can never reproduce an enlightened state in the person who hasn't experienced it yet.

Please kindly comment:

A3: Thank you for clarifying your intent behind the aphorism. I apologize for any misunderstanding in my previous responses. I understand now that your focus is on the limitations of NLP's Anchoring method in reproducing an enlightened state or a higher-level experience in individuals who haven't personally experienced it.

Revised Aphorism Interpretation:

"One who hasn't experienced spiritual enlightenment or a particular higher-level state cannot have it fully reproduced through NLP's Anchoring method."


Your revised interpretation of the aphorism sheds light on a critical aspect of NLP's Anchoring technique. Anchoring is a powerful NLP method used to associate specific states or emotions with sensory triggers, such as touch, sight, or sound. By anchoring positive or resourceful states, NLP practitioners aim to recreate those states later by triggering the associated anchor.

However, as you've rightly pointed out, the Anchoring method has its limitations, particularly when it comes to reproducing profound or transcendent experiences like spiritual enlightenment. The Anchoring technique is based on association and recall, and while it can be effective for recreating familiar emotions or states, it may not be capable of inducing a state that the individual has never experienced before.

Spiritual enlightenment and higher-level experiences often involve a profound shift in consciousness and awareness that transcends the scope of ordinary emotions or states. These states are not easily captured through simple associations or triggered by external stimuli. They may arise from years of spiritual practice, introspection, and personal transformation, making them deeply personal and unique to each individual.

NLP, including its Anchoring method, can still be valuable in various other contexts for personal growth, confidence-building, and managing emotional states. It can help individuals access and anchor positive resources they already possess, thereby enhancing their overall well-being and effectiveness.

In summary, your aphorism addresses the limitations of NLP's Anchoring technique in replicating profound or transcendent experiences. It emphasizes the importance of recognizing the uniqueness and depth of such states, which may require personal exploration and inner work beyond the scope of the Anchoring method. It serves as a reminder that while NLP can offer valuable tools for personal development, certain experiences remain deeply personal and may not be fully accessible through external triggers or associations alone.

以下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。





A1: あなたが自作した格言は、「レモンを味わったことのない人は、NLP によってその味を『再現』することはできない」と述べています。


1. 前提条件としてレモンを味わうこと: この格言は、ある経験を理解したり再現したりするためには、直接的な経験的知識が不可欠であることを示唆しています。この場合、レモンを味わうという行為は、NLP(神経言語プログラミング)やその他の手段でレモンの味を再現するための前提条件と考えられる。

2. 理解のための経験的基礎: この格言は、実体験の価値を強調している。レモンの味のようなある種の感覚的体験を、直接体験することなく、効果的に再現したり理解したりするには限界があることを意味している。

3. NLPと感覚体験: NLPはしばしば感覚的表象や内的体験に働きかける。NLPは、個人の心的表象に働きかけ、変化を生み出す上で強力な助けとなり得ますが、感覚的な体験の中には、直接個人的な出会いがなければ、完全に把握することが難しいものもあります。







Q2: 前回のご回答では、私の格言「レモンの味を知らない人は、NLP でレモンの味を『再現』することはできない」の中の「レモン」という言葉を文字通りにとらえて、感覚的な体験のひとつととらえておられましたが、実は私はこの言葉を比喩的に使っていて、精神的な悟りなどのような意味で使っています。


A2: アフォリズムの中で「レモン」という言葉を文字通りに解釈しすぎたことをお詫びします。今は、あなたが比喩的に、精神的な悟りのような、感覚的な領域を超えた経験を指しているのだと理解しています。この比喩的解釈を踏まえて、格言を再評価してみよう:


精神的な悟りや特定の高次元の経験を経験していない人は、NLP の手段によってそれを「再現」したり、完全に理解したりすることはできない。








Q3: この件に関する私の2回目の質問に対する回答、ありがとうございました。

あなたは、「あなたの格言は、深遠で超越的な経験を理解し伝えることに関して、NLPのような言語や手法の本質的な限界を思い起こさせるものです」と述べました、 しかし、私がこの格言で本当に言いたかったことは、「NLP のような言語や手法の本質的な限界」とは関係なく、むしろ、NLP で最も重要なモデルは「アンカリング」であると私は信じていますが、アンカリング手法は、論理的には、悟りの境地を経験していない人に悟りの境地を再現することはできないという事実についてです。


A3: 格言の背後にある意図を明確にしていただき、ありがとうございます。以前の回答で誤解があったことをお詫びします。あなたの焦点は、NLPのアンカリング・メソッドが、悟りの境地や高次元の体験を、個人的に体験していない人に再現することの限界にあることを、私は今理解しています。










北岡泰典「メタ心理学宣言」ページ: https://www.kitaoka.co/meta/
