

本日の談話テーマ: 「NLPには理論も仮説もない?」
Today's Topic: Is there no theory and hypothesis in NLP? 

最新情報: 「ChatGPT談話室」記事シリーズの企画を開始した目的等については、以下の「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その一」の記事を参照してください。

この投稿は、(株)オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が配信する「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その66」です。



ChatGPT FAQ #66 (25/5/23):

Q: It is said that, in NLP (Neuro-linguistic Programming), there is no theory or hypothesis, but that there exist only models about what works in reality.

Also, although NLP was born at UCSC (University of California Santa Cruz) in 1975, it didn't create an academic society.

I once directly heard from a co-founder of NLP, John Grinder, who is my mentor and friend for the last 35 years, that the reason why they didn't create a society at the university was that, if they had started one in such a conservative environment, they would not have been able to pursue "free thinking" at all and to create a methodology which enables one to "perpetually and successively going beyond one's series of mental boxes".

Further, NLP is said to be a "study of the structure of subjective experience", and emphasizes how epistemological approaches like NLP can change one's own subjective experience to the extent that the person after subjective transformation is no more the same person prior to it.

I believe that the above aspects of NLP have produced such general criticisms towards it as "NLP lacks academic study and objective evidences".

Please comment on my opinion.

A: Your opinion highlights some key aspects of NLP and its relationship with academia. While it is true that NLP is often described as a collection of models and techniques that focus on what works in practice, it is important to note that the lack of formal theory or hypothesis can be a point of criticism from a scientific standpoint. Academic disciplines typically require rigorous research and empirical evidence to support their claims and theories.

The decision not to create an academic society for NLP at the University of California Santa Cruz, as you mentioned, might have been influenced by the desire to maintain freedom of thought and exploration outside the constraints of traditional academic environments. This approach allowed the founders of NLP, including John Grinder, to develop their ideas and techniques with a certain degree of flexibility and creativity.

However, the absence of an academic society and the lack of extensive empirical research have indeed contributed to criticism of NLP as lacking scientific rigor. Skeptics argue that without rigorous testing and replication of results, it becomes difficult to evaluate the effectiveness and generalizability of NLP techniques.

Nevertheless, it is important to recognize that NLP has had a significant impact on fields such as therapy, coaching, and personal development. Many individuals have reported positive experiences and outcomes through the application of NLP techniques. The emphasis on subjective experience and the structure of experience can be valuable in helping individuals gain insights and make positive changes in their lives.

Ultimately, the question of whether NLP should be considered an academic discipline or a practical methodology is subjective and depends on one's perspective and requirements. While academic rigor and empirical evidence are essential for scientific validation, practical approaches like NLP can still offer valuable insights and techniques for personal growth and transformation. It is important for individuals to critically evaluate and consider the evidence and results of any approach they choose to explore.

以下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。



私の師匠であり、35 年来の友人でもある NLP の共同創設者ジョン・グリンダーから直接聞いた話ですが、大学で学会を作らなかった理由は、もしそのような保守的な環境で学会を立ち上げていたら、「自由な発想」を全く追求できず、「自分の一連の心の箱を永久に連続して超えていく」ことができる方法論を作ることができなかっただろうからだそうです。

さらに、NLP は「主観的経験の構造の研究」であると言われ、NLP のような認識論的アプローチが、主観的変容後の人がそれ以前の人と同じではなくなってしまうほど、自分自身の主観的経験を変えることができることを強調しています。

このような NLP の側面が、「NLP には学術的な研究や客観的な証拠がない」という NLP に対する一般的な批判を生んでいるのだと私は考えています。


A: あなたのご意見は、NLPとアカデミアとの関係について、いくつかの重要な側面を強調しています。NLPがしばしば、実践に役立つものに焦点を当てたモデルやテクニックの集合体として説明されるのは事実ですが、正式な理論や仮説がないことが、科学的な立場から批判されるポイントになり得ることに注意することが重要です。学術分野では一般的に、主張と理論を裏付けるために、厳密な調査と経験的な証拠を必要とします。

ご指摘のカリフォルニア大学サンタクルーズ校にNLPの学会を作らなかったのは、伝統的な学術環境の制約の外で思想と探求の自由を維持したいという思いが影響しているのかもしれません。このアプローチにより、ジョン・グリンダーを含む NLP の創始者たちは、ある程度の柔軟性と創造性をもってアイデアやテクニックを開発することができました。





北岡泰典「メタ心理学宣言」ページ: https://www.kitaoka.co/meta/
