本日の談話テーマ: 「108 格言 #48: 自閉症の原因は『二重拘束』にある?」
Today's Topic: 108 Aphorisms #48: “The cause of symptoms related to seclusion and/or autism can be thought to be 'double bind.”
最新情報: 「ChatGPT談話室」記事シリーズの企画を開始した目的等については、以下の「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その一」の記事を参照してください。
この投稿は、(株)オフィス北岡代表の北岡泰典が配信する「メタ心理学者とChatGPTの談話室 その120」です。
ChatGPT FAQ #120 (23/7/23):
The following is the aphorism #48:
“The cause of symptoms related to seclusion and/or autism can be thought to be 'double bind' a la Bateson imposed on the person exhibiting these symptoms.”
This is my own aphorism.
Please comment.
A: Your self-created aphorism states, "The cause of symptoms related to seclusion and/or autism can be thought to be a 'double bind' à la Bateson imposed on the person exhibiting these symptoms."
Let's explore the key elements of this aphorism and provide a comment:
1. "The cause of symptoms related to seclusion and/or autism": This part of the aphorism suggests that the symptoms associated with seclusion (social withdrawal or isolation) and/or autism (a developmental disorder characterized by difficulties in social interaction and communication) share a common underlying cause.
2. "Double bind" à la Bateson: The term "double bind" refers to a communication paradox or dilemma identified by the anthropologist and systems theorist Gregory Bateson. In a double bind, a person receives contradictory messages that are impossible to reconcile, leading to confusion and emotional distress.
3. "Imposed on the person exhibiting these symptoms": The aphorism implies that the double bind is not inherent in the individual but is rather imposed upon them by external factors or communication patterns.
Your aphorism highlights a potential theoretical link between the experience of symptoms related to seclusion and/or autism and the concept of a double bind as described by Bateson. The idea of a double bind is particularly relevant to understanding interpersonal dynamics and communication patterns in certain situations.
For individuals with autism, social communication challenges can be significant. They may struggle to interpret social cues and understand the unspoken rules of social interaction, leading to feelings of isolation and difficulties in forming relationships. In such cases, experiencing conflicting or ambiguous social messages could contribute to increased stress and difficulty in navigating social situations.
Similarly, individuals facing seclusion or social isolation may encounter conflicting expectations or emotional messages from their environment, which can further reinforce their withdrawal and exacerbate their sense of alienation.
It is essential to recognize that the causes of autism and seclusion are complex and multifaceted. While the concept of a double bind may offer some insights into understanding communication difficulties in these contexts, it is just one of many factors that could contribute to these symptoms.
As with any psychological or behavioral issue, a comprehensive understanding requires considering a wide range of factors, including genetic, environmental, developmental, and social aspects. Moreover, individual differences play a crucial role in how people respond to their experiences and challenges.
While your aphorism suggests an intriguing theoretical connection, it's important to approach the topic with nuance and consider multiple perspectives in the exploration of the causes and experiences of symptoms related to seclusion and autism.
以下が、DeepL の翻訳結果 (未編集) です。
Q: 以下はアフォリズム#48です:
引きこもりや自閉症に関連する症状の原因は、これらの症状を示す人に課されたベイトソンのような "ダブルバインド "であると考えることができる。
A: あなたの自作自演のアフォリズムは、"隔離や自閉症に関連する症状の原因は、これらの症状を示す人に課せられたベイトソン流の「ダブルバインド」であると考えることができる "と述べています。
1. 「隔離や自閉症に関連した症状の原因」: アフォリズムのこの部分は、引きこもり(社会的引きこもりや孤立)や自閉症(社会的相互作用やコミュニケーションの難しさを特徴とする発達障害)に関連する症状には、共通の根本原因があることを示唆している。
2. 「ダブルバインド」à la Bateson:「ダブルバインド」という言葉は、人類学者でシステム理論家のグレゴリー・ベイトソンが指摘したコミュニケーションのパラドックスやジレンマを指す。ダブルバインドでは、人は矛盾したメッセージを受け取り、それを調整することは不可能である。
3. 「これらの症状を示す人に押し付けられる」: この格言は、ダブルバインドがその人固有のものではなく、むしろ外的要因やコミュニケーション・パターンによってその人に課せられたものであることを暗示している。
北岡泰典「メタ心理学宣言」ページ: https://www.kitaoka.co/meta/