Oh yes!!
TRIVIUM's MATT HEAFY: SLIPKNOT's First Album 'Changed My Life
In a new interview with Meltdown of Detroit's WRIF radio station, TRIVIUM frontman Matt Heafy was asked which musician deaths in the past year he's been most affected by. He responded (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET):
トリヴィアムのマット・へーフィーは最新ラジオインタビュー(Meltdown of Detroit's WRIF radio station)で、この一年で亡くなったミュージシャンの中で誰の死が一番ショックだったのかと聞かれ、こう答えた。
10:55~ 音声をチェック!
"It's been so many. There's three I wanna go over. Joey Jordison, obviously. SLIPKNOT's '(sic)' was the first song TRIVIUM ever played. I remember being in middle school and high school hiding my headphones underneath my hair during class to listen to that first SLIPKNOT record. That record changed my life. I got to do 'Family Values', and Joey Jordison was on that tour, playing drums for KORN. And I'm so happy I was able to tell Joey that. I told Joey those stories, about what an impact SLIPKNOT had on my life.
●go over 説明する
●obviously 言うまでもなく、当然
●have an impact on... ~にインパクトを残す、影響を与える
Alexi Laiho from CHILDREN OF BODOM. Just as much as SLIPKNOT is so important to the formative years of TRIVIUM, so is CHILDREN OF BODOM. CHILDREN OF BODOM might not be a band that [all of your] listeners are as familiar with, but it's probably one of [Finland's] most legendary extreme metal bands of all time. Their first few records — 'Something Wild', 'Hatebreeder' and 'Follow The Reaper' — I would not be here without. Just as I was saying I would not be here without the first SLIPKNOT record. Alexi Laiho passed too young; I think he was around the same age as Joey as well.
●formative years 形成期、発育期、
●be familiar with.. ~に詳しい、~をよく知っている
●pass 亡くなる
And Riley Gale from POWER TRIP. I thought they were a band that could have become another one of the next big and best metal bands in the world. And he passed [at], I think, 34, 35 years old. We were able to, thankfully, bring 'em on a tour and I was able to get to know them.
●next big... 次に流行る~、注目される
●bring... on tour ツアーに連れて行く
●get to know... ~(人柄、性格)を知る
"What I'm so happy about is all three of those people I was able to tell them how much I love their music,"
"That's something that, throughout my years, I always tell people what a fan I am of their stuff. And anytime I tell [that to] a professional musician, they usually get kind of weird about it. But I don't mind. And I'm very happy I was able to tell each of the three of them. I'm terribly broken up that all three of them are gone, but I'm happy I was able to tell them what an impact that they each had on my life."
●get weird 変な感じになる
●be broken up とても残念に思う
はい~、どうだった!? 何となく訳せた?
OK!! んでは、意訳を用意したのでチェック!!
"It's been so many. There's three I wanna go over. Joey Jordison, obviously. SLIPKNOT's '(sic)' was the first song TRIVIUM ever played. I remember being in middle school and high school hiding my headphones underneath my hair during class to listen to that first SLIPKNOT record. That record changed my life. I got to do 'Family Values', and Joey Jordison was on that tour, playing drums for KORN. And I'm so happy I was able to tell Joey that. I told Joey those stories, about what an impact SLIPKNOT had on my life.
Alexi Laiho from CHILDREN OF BODOM. Just as much as SLIPKNOT is so important to the formative years of TRIVIUM, so is CHILDREN OF BODOM. CHILDREN OF BODOM might not be a band that [all of your] listeners are as familiar with, but it's probably one of [Finland's] most legendary extreme metal bands of all time. Their first few records — 'Something Wild', 'Hatebreeder' and 'Follow The Reaper' — I would not be here without. Just as I was saying I would not be here without the first SLIPKNOT record. Alexi Laiho passed too young; I think he was around the same age as Joey as well.
And Riley Gale from POWER TRIP. I thought they were a band that could have become another one of the next big and best metal bands in the world. And he passed [at], I think, 34, 35 years old. We were able to, thankfully, bring 'em on a tour and I was able to get to know them.
"What I'm so happy about is all three of those people I was able to tell them how much I love their music,"
"That's something that, throughout my years, I always tell people what a fan I am of their stuff. And anytime I tell [that to] a professional musician, they usually get kind of weird about it. But I don't mind. And I'm very happy I was able to tell each of the three of them. I'm terribly broken up that all three of them are gone, but I'm happy I was able to tell them what an impact that they each had on my life."
想いを伝えるって本当に大事だと思うぞ!!While you can!! 出来るうちにだ!!人生一度切り!!機会がある時は迷わずGO!!
Stay well!! Stay METAL!!