Hey, MetalEnglishHeads!!
で、メタルはどうなの? 日本で会った唯一のイラン人メタラーはとっととイラン出て今はヨーロッパでプログレメタルバンドやってる~
Iranian metal heroes Confess have just announced their first album since fleeing from their home country. The aptly-titled Revenge at All Costs will arrive Jan. 21 via Rexius Records.
In 2019, the two original members of Confess — Nikan Khosravi and Arash Ilkhani — were sentenced to a total of 14.5 years in prison for the crime of blasphemy through music. In addition, Khosravi was sentenced to receive 74 lashes. The members of Confess originally faced the death penalty after being arrested by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard in 2015.
While Ilkhani chose to remain in Iran pre-sentencing, Khosravi hired a human trafficker to take him out of the country. “I met a guy who was the friend of one of my father's friends. He knows some people from military services who was working there, and with some calls, they introduced me to him,” Confess’ frontman told Loudwire.
“It's kind of 'mafia,' the way they're doing things. It took about five to six days. [I escaped with] two other guys who were total strangers, they were protestors, political people. They brought us to a small town at the Turkey border. Then by bus, we took a 12 hour ride to Istanbul.”
After being sentenced to prison time and lashings, Confess wrote and released the track “EVIN,” named after the prison where they were initially held after being arrested. Khosravi and Ilkhani were ultimately granted asylum in Norway, where they continue to play with local musicians and book shows across Europe.
Iranian metal heroes Confess have just announced their first album since fleeing from their home country. The aptly-titled Revenge at All Costs will arrive Jan. 21 via Rexius Records.
●flee 逃げる
●aptly ぴったり、適切な
●Revenge at all costs 何が何でも復讐する
In 2019, the two original members of Confess — Nikan Khosravi and Arash Ilkhani — were sentenced to a total of 14.5 years in prison for the crime of blasphemy through music. In addition, Khosravi was sentenced to receive 74 lashes. The members of Confess originally faced the death penalty after being arrested by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard in 2015.
●be sentenced to....years in prison 懲役_年の判決を受ける
●blasphemy (神、体制への)冒涜
●lashes むち打ち
●face death penalty 死刑に直面する
While Ilkhani chose to remain in Iran pre-sentencing, Khosravi hired a human trafficker to take him out of the country. “I met a guy who was the friend of one of my father's friends. He knows some people from military services who was working there, and with some calls, they introduced me to him,” Confess’ frontman told Loudwire.
●pre-sentencing 判決前
●human trafficer 人身売買を行う人
●military service 兵役
“It's kind of 'mafia,' the way they're doing things. It took about five to six days. [I escaped with] two other guys who were total strangers, they were protestors, political people. They brought us to a small town at the Turkey border. Then by bus, we took a 12 hour ride to Istanbul.”
●kind of .. ~のようなもの
●the way.. ~の仕方
●total strangers 全く知らない人
After being sentenced to prison time and lashings, Confess wrote and released the track “EVIN,” named after the prison where they were initially held after being arrested. Khosravi and Ilkhani were ultimately granted asylum in Norway, where they continue to play with local musicians and book shows across Europe.
●initially 最初は
●ultimately 最終的に
●grant asylum in... ~にて亡命を認める
●book shows ライヴを予約する
Iranian metal heroes Confess have just announced their first album since fleeing from their home country. The aptly-titled Revenge at All Costs will arrive Jan. 21 via Rexius Records.
イランのバンド、Confess(コンフェス)は自国から逃げ出してから初になるファーストアルバムの告知をした。彼らにぴったりのタイトルがつけられたRevenge at All CostsはRexius Recordsを通じて1月21日に発売される。
In 2019, the two original members of Confess — Nikan Khosravi and Arash Ilkhani — were sentenced to a total of 14.5 years in prison for the crime of blasphemy through music. In addition, Khosravi was sentenced to receive 74 lashes. The members of Confess originally faced the death penalty after being arrested by Iran’s Revolutionary Guard in 2015.
2019年に、コンフェスのオリジナルメンバー二人、Nikan KhosraviとArash IIkhaniは、音楽を通した冒涜罪で懲役14年半の判決を受けた。更に、Khosraviは74回のむち打ち刑を宣告された。コンフェスのメンバーは2015年イラン革命防衛隊に捕まった後、当初は死刑に直面していた。
While Ilkhani chose to remain in Iran pre-sentencing, Khosravi hired a human trafficker to take him out of the country. “I met a guy who was the friend of one of my father's friends. He knows some people from military services who was working there, and with some calls, they introduced me to him,” Confess’ frontman told Loudwire.
“It's kind of 'mafia,' the way they're doing things. It took about five to six days. [I escaped with] two other guys who were total strangers, they were protestors, political people. They brought us to a small town at the Turkey border. Then by bus, we took a 12 hour ride to Istanbul.”
After being sentenced to prison time and lashings, Confess wrote and released the track “EVIN,” named after the prison where they were initially held after being arrested. Khosravi and Ilkhani were ultimately granted asylum in Norway, where they continue to play with local musicians and book shows across Europe.
懲役、むち打ちの刑を宣告された後、コンフェスは彼らの逮捕後最初に収容された刑務所の名前EVINという曲を書きリリースした。Khosraviと Ilkhaniは最終的に亡命が認められ、今は現地のミュージシャンと演奏を続け、ヨーロッパでライヴ活動を行っている。
Stay Metal!! Stay Well!!
問い合わせはjyuutetsu@gmail.com 又はtwitterからYOLOSICKDEATH!!
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