AS I LAY DYING新曲 'Roots Below' 誕生のきっかけ
AS I LAY DYING新曲 'Roots Below'
AS I LAY DYING新曲 'Roots Below'
— メタル英語 METAL ENGLISH (@MetalEnglish) September 25, 2021
In blackened soil new powеr grows♪
汚れた土から新たな力が生まれる♪ https://t.co/UFwPbi1BcZ
ちょい最近ギタリストのNick Hipaが辞めたばかりのタイミングで、こんな攻撃的なやつ出してきた!
今回は新曲 'Roots Below'に関するインタビューをこちらから↓
"Its exciting to be working on music again after some downtime,” says Lambesis. "
'Roots Below' was originally a B-side leftover from when we recorded Shaped By Fire, but Phil [Sgrosso, guitar] and Josh really brought new life to it when they recently finished it and added new layers.”
He continues, “It's been refreshing to get back to the creative process with the same team of songwriters being intact that have been writing with me since they joined the band.
The lyrics were influenced by someone I recently met who shared a story of trauma with me that would have destroyed most people, yet from that struggle came strength, openness, and growth that inspired me."
"Its exciting to be working on music again after some downtime,” says Lambesis.
●work on... ~に取り組む
●downtime 休止期間
"'Roots Below' was originally a B-side leftover from when we recorded Shaped By Fire, but Phil [Sgrosso, guitar] and Josh really brought new life to it when they recently finished it and added new layers.”
●leftover 残り物
●bring new life to...新たな息吹を吹き込む、生き返らせる
“It's been refreshing to get back to the creative process with the same team of songwriters being intact that have been writing with me since they joined the band.
●creative process 創造のプロセス
●intact そのまま、元のまま、無傷で
The lyrics were influenced by someone I recently met who shared a story of trauma with me that would have destroyed most people, yet from that struggle came strength, openness, and growth that inspired me."
●be influenced 影響される
●struggle もがき、苦悩、あがき
●strength 力
"Its exciting to be working on music again after some downtime,” says Lambesis.
●work on... ~に取り組む
●downtime 休止期間
"'Roots Below' was originally a B-side leftover from when we recorded Shaped By Fire, but Phil [Sgrosso, guitar] and Josh really brought new life to it when they recently finished it and added new layers.”
「'Roots Below' は元々Shaped By Fireをレコーディングした時のB面用に残った曲だったんだ。けどフィル(ギター)とジョシュ(ベース、ヴォーカル)が最近新たに音を重ねて完成させて、新たな息吹を吹き込んで蘇させたんだよ」
●leftover 残り物
●bring new life to...新たな息吹を吹き込む、生き返らせる
“It's been refreshing to get back to the creative process with the same team of songwriters being intact that have been writing with me since they joined the band.
●intact そのまま、元のまま、無傷で
The lyrics were influenced by someone I recently met who shared a story of trauma with me that would have destroyed most people, yet from that struggle came strength, openness, and growth that inspired me."
●be influenced 影響される
●struggle もがき、苦悩、あがき
●strength 力
All we can do is heal
Or let it destroy us
Some of our wounds
Come from those around us
While some are self inflicted
By thorns growing from within
But the story remains the same
Once we carry the hurt and shame
All we can do is heal
Or let it destroy us
The wounds that we’re left with
We cannot control
The curse of the pain
Feels like all we know
Until we find the strength
Drawn from the roots below
In blackened soil new powеr grows
New power grows
Sentеnced to a lesser life
For what we’ve been through?
Or growing in ways that we
Never though possible before?
Cutting off what can’t survive
So we can let our weakness die
The wounds that we’re left with
We cannot control
The curse of the pain
Feels like all we know
Until we find the strength
Drawn from the roots below
In blackened soil new power grows
Regeneration comes after death
And virtue from rooting out damage
Cut off what can’t survive
The wounds that we’re left with
We cannot control
The curse of the pain
Feels like all we know
Until we find the strength
Drawn from the roots below
In blackened soil new power grows
New power grows
![メタル英語 Metal_English](https://assets.st-note.com/production/uploads/images/661026/profile_9ea5887d720351f38e05ef979504e54f.jpeg?width=600&crop=1:1,smart)