Cape Kidnappers
私はここにスイス人の友人2人と自転車で行きました(2017年10月22日)。朝8時15分に集合し、2時間半の旅へ出発!そこまで暑くはなく、サイクリングにはちょうど良い天気でCape Kidnappersまでの道のりはとても素晴らしかったです。
Cape Kidnappersには10時半ごろ到着し、私たちはトラクターでCape Kidnappersを走ることのできるツアーに申し込みました。このツアー、たまにタイヤが砂に埋もれることもありましたが道中ずっと興奮しっぱなしで楽しかったです。
ここはHawke's Bay エリアに行くなら絶対訪れてほしい場所の1つです。
Cape Kidnappers is an extraordinary sandstone headland to the east of Hastings. It was named by Captain Cook after an attempt by local Māori to abduct one of his crew. The cape is home to the largest and most accessible gannet colony in the world.
I went biking with my Swiss friends. The weather was not too hot or cold, so it was a perfect weather for biking. On our way there, we could see awesome views. From Napier where I lived at that time to Cape Kidnappers, it took 2 and a half hours. When we arrived there, we signed in the tractor tour. Gannet Beach adventure was so exciting!! Sometimes, the tractor got stuck in mud.. It was a daring adventure, full of thrills. We even did hiking. At the top of cliff, we could see the gannet colony. There was pretty damn reeky...Anyway, I had a wonderful time with them, after biking I'm completely out of energy, though. I've never ridden a bike such a long time( in total nearly 5 hours) before..