
【中学英語で読める物語】Dream Stage Episode 1【英語多読】









Episode 1

Leo is 18 years old. He loves to sing and dance. His dream is to be a star. Every day, he watches music shows on TV. He imagines himself on the stage, singing and dancing in front of a big crowd. But he does not know how to start.

One day, he sees a big poster in the city. "Dream Stage Audition! Do you want to be an idol? Join us!" Leo stops and reads the details. "This is my chance!" he says. His heart beats fast.

That night, he takes his phone and applies. He fills out his name, age, and a short introduction. He also uploads a video of himself singing. Before clicking send, he hesitates. "Am I good enough?" he wonders. But he takes a deep breath and presses the button. "I hope they choose me," he whispers.

A week later, an email arrives. "Congratulations! You passed the first round! Come to the audition next Sunday." Leo jumps up. "Yes!" He tells his parents and his best friend, Kai. "That’s amazing!" Kai says. "You need to practice hard. I believe in you."

Leo practices every day. He sings in front of the mirror. He dances in his room. He watches videos of famous idols and learns their moves. "I will do my best," he tells himself.

On Sunday, Leo goes to the audition hall. It is a large building with many people inside. Some are stretching, some are singing, some are fixing their hair. Everyone looks serious. "They are all so good," Leo thinks. He feels nervous, but he remembers his training. "I am ready."

A man with glasses walks in. "Welcome! I am Mr. Takano. Today, we will test your singing and dancing. Do your best and be confident!" He smiles.

The first test is singing. Each person goes to the stage one by one. Some sing with strong voices. Some forget their lyrics. Leo watches and waits for his turn. His hands shake a little. "You can do this," he tells himself.

When his name is called, he walks to the stage. The judges look at him. The music starts. Leo sings. His voice is strong and clear. He focuses on the song and forgets his fear. When he finishes, the judges nod. "Thank you," they say.

Next is the dance test. The contestants learn a short routine. The instructor shows the moves. "Five, six, seven, eight!" he counts. Leo follows carefully. Some people are fast, some struggle. Leo makes a few mistakes, but he does not stop. "Keep going," he thinks.

After all the tests, the contestants wait. Leo’s heart is loud. "Did I do enough?" he wonders. One hour later, Mr. Takano returns. "Here is the list of people who passed!"

Leo takes a deep breath and looks at the list. His name is there! He smiles big. "This is just the beginning!" He looks around and sees other happy faces. Some people cry. Some are hugging their friends. He feels excited but also nervous. "What will happen next?" he thinks.

Outside, Kai is waiting. "Did you pass?" he asks. Leo grins. "Yes! I passed!" Kai jumps. "I knew it! Let’s celebrate!" They go to their favorite café. Leo drinks his coffee and thinks about the next step. "This is my dream. I will not give up!"
