10/20/24 - "Rules of Civility" by Amor Towels
I finished reading Michael Robotham's British crime novel "Storm Child" two days ago. After reading this thrilling and exciting novel, I wanted to read something calming, so I chose "Rules of Civility" from my Kindle library as my next book to read.
I bought this ebook in January because it was discounted (less than 200 yen) and the author is one of my favorites. I had previously read his books, "A Gentleman in Moscow" and "The Lincoln Highway," both of which I enjoyed so much.
Curious about this author, I googled him and learned, belatedly, that "Rules of Civility" was actually his debut novel. The story is set in New York in the 1930s and seems very intriguing. I'm confident I'll enjoy this one as well.
P.S. 犯罪小説を読んだ後は落ち着くような (calming) 本を読もうと思い、自分のKindleライブラリ(安い時に買った本がたくさん入っています)から次に読む本を選びました。
以前 (previously) 読んでとてもよかった2冊の本の著者 (author) が書いた本を1月に安くなっていたので購入しておいたので、それに決定。著者についてググったところ、なんとこの読もうとしているのがデビュー作 (debut novel) でした。
1930年代のNYを舞台に(be set in)した物語のようで、とても面白そう (intriguing) です。秋の夜長(すぐ眠くなりますが)に静かに読みたいと思います。
*Curious about A: Aについて興味があったので(分詞構文)
→ Being curious about A = As I was curious about A とも書き直せます。
*belatedly: 遅ればせながら
*I'm confident (that) SV ~: 絶対に~だと思う